Yo bitch

Postby Erica » Fri Jan 18, 2013 8:48:37 pm

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    I picked you because literally everyone else on your tribe gave the most boring answers imaginable. Im sorry that you are enduring that.

    Re: Yo bitch

    Postby Erica » Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:25:08 pm

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    Ok I'm going to assume theres no chance we win the idols but lol@ the thought of that happening
    Idk if you'll even show up but I hope you do

    Re: Yo bitch

    Postby Jimmy J » Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:33:36 pm

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    Yeah I'm here, bitch. And yeah, dont' expect the totems at the end, I doubt I'll survive to the fuckin' merge. Maybe I will despite it (I seriosuly fucking doubt it though).

    In other news, why the fuck does this round take four fuckin' days? Dear god. You're a vet, right? PLEASE tell me they're not all this big of a fucking waste of time.

    Re: Yo bitch

    Postby Erica » Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:36:48 pm

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    No. Once things get going, we'll have a challenge, then a TC the next day. Right after the TC, another challenge. Then a TC->Challenge the next day, etc. The schedule is the same as any other game, except you do TC first, then the challenge

    Re: Yo bitch

    Postby Jimmy J » Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:43:22 pm

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    So this shit's gonna actually get fuckin' moving after we finally get the first god damned challenge done. Okay.

    You know why the fuck we've got a four day wait? I don't know about you vets, but NONE of us can do this fuckin' god damned small talk shit for that fuckin' long, and there's DAMN sure nothin' else we can fuckin' talk about.

    Re: Yo bitch

    Postby Erica » Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:51:37 pm

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    1000000% agreed. The people on my tribe suck SO HARD. The PMing is painful. I'm flipping ASAP if I can- Im legit praying for a swap. But then again, your tribe sucks too based on the surveys... So this cast just sucks as a whole I guess

    Re: Yo bitch

    Postby Jimmy J » Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:54:25 pm

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    Yeah, basically. It'll suk even more once people start making fuckin' alliances and I'm PURPOSEFULLY staying way the fuck clear on that. You know that straight guy whose never in the fucking things because he doesn't fuckin' care and would rather people who trust him actually fuckin' trust him because they know where the fuck he's at with everyone? You know how that kinda guy never fuckin appears on Survivor?

    Yeah. Me. Let's see how the fuck long this lasts me. Good luck, Erica.

    Re: Yo bitch

    Postby Erica » Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:56:24 pm

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    Dig deep, Jimmy. I fucking hate these shifty fucks too. The WORST ones are the inactives who randomly appear to just vote you out. Fuck everyone who plays these games.

    Re: Yo bitch

    Postby Jimmy J » Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:24:32 pm

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    I know, right?! Especially the stupid fucks who come here to be cunts and HBICs and think they're gonna be respected for it. Fuck off barbie! Shit, NOBODY likes the stupid whores who are always scheming and hollaring and being a total fucking bitch, the only reason it works on television is because people want to see them get what the fuck's coming to them. And it's good for fucking ratings. There's NO fucking reason to have it online.

    Re: Yo bitch

    Postby Erica » Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:27:33 pm

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    The wannabe HBICs are the cancers of games. I have never seen one actually contribute ANYTHING.
    There are 6 people on my tribe who limit themselves to 5 different sentences to use for small talk. Like im about to flip a shit.

    Re: Yo bitch

    Postby Jimmy J » Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:30:17 pm

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    Ugh. god damn it. Forget getting the fuck out of this game. You and me. Let's fuck these DUMBASSES up something awful. And hey, if it doesn't work out, once the games over we've GOT to keep in touch. Finally, someone who plays these and has fucking sense.

    Re: Yo bitch

    Postby Erica » Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:34:21 pm

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    Agreed. Heres a quick run down on my tribe:

    People worth talking to:
    Russel (Schtick, but has a personality)

    People not worth talking to:
    I can't even remember the rest tbh. Its an endless list of bore :/

    Re: Yo bitch

    Postby Jimmy J » Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:38:12 pm

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    People on my tribe worth talking to.


    Let me get back to you on that. I've had actual conversations with like, two people, and its still meaningless fucking bullshit that just... ugh. GAME FUCKING START SO PEOPLE HAVE SHIT TO TALK ABOUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD(S).

    I HATE small talk.

    Re: Yo bitch

    Postby Jimmy J » Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:39:12 pm

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    Yve and Dan. those are the two. Everyone else can go drown swimming off the island. Not gonna fuckin' happen, but eh. Let's find the fuck out.

    Re: Yo bitch

    Postby Erica » Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:42:48 pm

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    Lol the 3 interesting people on my tribe have started an alliance to vote out all the borewhores. Where did they find these people? I've never seen anything like this

    Re: Yo bitch

    Postby Jimmy J » Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:46:17 pm

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    You are the best fucking person I've gotten to talk to in this entire game. And that's counting the fucking hosts. Like, good god. Why is everyone so... dead. It's like they're all made of fucking wood or something. Cardboard maybe. A cookie, but a really really really bland one. You know what I'm saying?

    I really fuckin' hope we get to merge together. Because if we do, seriously, fuck EVERYONE ELSE. Pit the other people against each other and watch as they crash and burn and we're the only motherfuckers left standing on the motherfucking ash pile.

    Not that that's gonna fuckin' happen, cause I tend ta be a bit of a trainwreck, but fuck it. We'll make it to merge, THEN figure out how to fucking be THE interesting couple.

    Re: Yo bitch

    Postby Erica » Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:51:00 pm

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    I usually crash and burn right before the merge but if I can delay that and start the shitshow post merge... We can dominate. Imagine both of us having the idols and raping everyone come F5 lol...

    Re: Yo bitch

    Postby Jimmy J » Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:52:58 pm

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    Seriously. We're like, the only actually DIFFERENT people in this fucking game. It's gonna be a bitch if we end up leaving before merge, the both of us.

    God damn it, though. Why do you have to be fucking amazing. I was coming into this game and my 'gameplan' was DO FUCKING NOTHING AND SEE HOW FAR I GET. Now I actually have to do shit. :P It's okay though, you're DEFINITELY worth it.

    Re: Yo bitch

    Postby Erica » Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:01:10 pm

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    Don't let me get in your way. You are by far the only likable person here, but if you commit suicide before merge I understand LOL

    If we make merge together though... Oh lawd. The domination

    Re: Yo bitch

    Postby Jimmy J » Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:05:58 pm

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    I WAS going to not do much of anything, voting basically how everyone's going to vote (and doing it loudly), but you're too awesome for that. So fuck that shit. I'm gonna make a game plan. But first I'm going to bed. You are THE awesome person in this entire fucking game. Good night, Erica. Let's kick some fucking ass. And hope that this game picks the fuck up soon.

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