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OfflineBrenda Lowe
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k, bloggers, you're gonna want to snoop on PMs. It's possibly my favourite part about hosting. So here's how;

1) Log into the ACP like so, down the bottom of the main page. you will have to re-authenticate yourself in the next screen.


2) This is the ACP. Obvs don't fuck with anything back here if you don't know what it does. For the purposes of this task, all you need is to click on is 'Private Messages', over there on the left;


3) You won't see dick all at this board yet, but once the game gets up and running, you'll see a list of all PMs sent like below grabbed from the Costa Rica board. They are ordered by time of sending. #1 is always gonna be the latest PM sent. Click on any title to expand the PM and show the actual content.


4) And this is the most important step. Repost anything particularly juicy or interesting into the blogs :lol:
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OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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Also, if there's anything else I can help with, let me know. Can't wait for Thursday!
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OfflineBrenda Lowe
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Now might be a good time to say the 'Privates Messages' tab you need to click on in Step 2 doesn't actually exist here yet, and won't until Jeffrey sets up the messaging system. But that is where you'll find it once he does.
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OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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Brenda Lowe wrote:Now might be a good time to say the 'Privates Messages' tab you need to click on in Step 2 doesn't actually exist here yet, and won't until Jeffrey sets up the messaging system. But that is where you'll find it once he does.

I was going to mention this, but I figured Jeff would get on it somehow.
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OfflineChad Crittenden
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Are Mia and I the only bloggers?
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OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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Chad Crittenden wrote:Are Mia and I the only bloggers?

My guess is that the hosts are blogging too?
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OfflineBrenda Lowe
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I know Kim is here specifically to blog too. And you can bet your ass I'll throw my two cent in whenever I can catch up. I am traveling back to the Middle East on opening weekend, so I'll be on EST -12 hours again.
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OfflineJeff Probst
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Okay so currently the returning players are:

9 - Mikey B
11 - Parvati
13 - Russell
14 - Fabio
14 - Chase
15 - Jake
15 - Ken
16 - Jolanda
16 - Brook
16 - John

Now... Ted told me last night that he wants in instead of being a lurker, so my inclination is to bump someone... but whom? Parvati is the obvious one, last one asked, kind of stunt casting, but she's also one of the most dramatic in the line up. I dont know if I have the heart to tell one of the others that they cant play because Ted is. My gut says Jake is the obvious weak link, but I've already sent him his avatar as well as the rest of the cast...
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OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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This is exciting. I assume these are all players that all went out relatively early? Can't wait to see Jolanda and John. Brook too, I guess.

Maybe you could let all 11 in and make them vote someone out before it even starts?
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OfflineJeff Probst
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Mia Galeotalanza wrote:This is exciting. I assume these are all players that all went out relatively early? Can't wait to see Jolanda and John. Brook too, I guess.

Maybe you could let all 11 in and make them vote someone out before it even starts?

Then we run the risk of losing one of hte more interesting people right off the bat.

I'll see what Carl and Brenda think when they get on. I trust their judgment.
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OfflineHelen Glover
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Even though my judgment isn't "trusted"... :P

I'll reiterate what I said months ago that including Ted is essential if he's interested.

I also follow you're train of thought that Parvati (though entertaining) doesn't fit the bill, being a 4(?)-peat in a cast of 2-peats. I know she's been shafted in the past two ASS, but I don't think that warrants a Second Chance spot.

If you do want to make the tribe as dramatic as possible, though, (to at least come close to the shitshow that the other tribe will be) I agree that Jake is non-essential (though very, very kind).

Brenda, can you comment any on if/how Jake has matured as a player since last year?

(Also, should this thread be moved to an area that won't be unlocked with the rest of the boards at game end once this issue has been resolved?)

EDIT: Actually, if any of the other returnees know that Parvati is a 4-peat, wouldn't that make her more likely to be first out yet again?
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OfflineJeff Probst
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Lol, yes... She has been the first out in the past two all-stars games. I think that warrants a second chance spot, despite this being her 4th chance.
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OfflineJeff Probst
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Jeff Probst wrote:Lol, yes... She has been the first out in the past two all-stars games. I think that warrants a second chance spot, despite this being her 4th chance.

My gut and my vote for who to boot is going to Jake being that I think he will add the least to the season, and that is ultimately the goal in this, isnt it? Although I do feel bad.
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OfflineHelen Glover
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Fair. Plus, Ted doesn't like Jake, right? lol So if Ted replaces Parvati, Ted will probably gun for Jake HARD.

As long as Parvati's manipulativeness can help her overcome being a first boot target in a Jake-less tribe (which she should, given the make-up of the tribe, as long as there isn't a big clique contingent), ITA.
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OfflineBrenda Lowe
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Helen Glover wrote:If you do want to make the tribe as dramatic as possible, though, (to at least come close to the shitshow that the other tribe will be) I agree that Jake is non-essential (though very, very kind).

Brenda, can you comment any on if/how Jake has matured as a player since last year?

afaik, Jake hasn't played at all since. He's certainly not played the required five games to get on to Quid's rankings (Greece would have been one). he is a member at ORGY though so he may have played somewhere else - but I don't remember seeing SimonLOTF pop up in any cast reveal ever?

I talked to Jeff about this on AIM, but my two cents here to reiterate;

My number one preference is for Ted to play All-Stars. Because he is.

If however his schedule doesn't allow, then booting Parv is my preference - especially if the tribes are mixed from the start. Punx/BP/KMK/Duck are all mischief-makers already, which ticks that box. However if it's straight-up noobs vs vets, then there is a lack of that type of crazy on the vets side apart from Ted himself so we do need her.

In which case, my preferences run like this;
-MikeyB - but that's more cos I know literally nothing about him, and taking out the Season 9er, puts everyone else from recent Seasons.
-Cut a Grecian - Ken or Jake - would mean one less (Ted is too) but I think Jake brings that good-hearted nature that no-one else really does? If you go this route, we'd lose less if we lost Ken. Plus he's gonna be on the scene for a while I think and more likely to be available for a future Season.
-Cut an Aussie, namely Chase - would be one less Aussie (Ted is too, so are John and Brook but it's hard to have one of those without the other) but Chase really does deserve his spot here maybe more than anyone else?
-Fabio - will be quiet and UTR. Likeable yes, but quiet.
-Jolanda - We have three Costa Ricans. John & Brook depend on each other, that leaves her as the odd one out. Plus, not overly exciting, although I know I'm in the minority on not being a fan.
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OfflineBrenda Lowe
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And yes, please hide this thread post-game :P
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OfflineJeff Probst
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Lots of things to think about, thanks guys you haven't helped me one bit. XD

Let me talk to Ted, see what he says about playing this game as opposed to maybe one in the summer.
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OfflineJeff Probst
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Also, KMB dropped from the game, who's next?
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OfflineBrenda Lowe
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Well fark. Did he say why?

For a moment I thought that solved the Ted dilemma but he is noob side :/ There are eager replacements on hand at least.

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