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OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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This is mostly for Chad and I at the moment since we're each doing a tribe so we can have a place to talk about what questions we're asking at the start of each episode, but everyone else should but in too.

So what should we ask tonight? I don't have a lot since Jimmy T is obviously going home and this won't be a major development, so yeah.
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OfflineChad Crittenden
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Episode 2:

OK. Some questions for the losing tribe (I'm posting after IC):

Since you guys will be going to Tribal Council tomorrow night, how safe do you feel that you won't be the one voted out?

Do you have a clear target in mind for tomorrow night? If so, why? Are you going to try to influence others to push that person, or will you see what the rest say and go with the majority?

What is the mood at camp after losing the challenge tonight? Is it bringing people together or causing splits?

How are the boundary lines between newbs and vets looking? Is there a clear split or are the lines blurring? Do you think this will affect the vote? Is there a possibility for a strict vet vs. newb vote resulting in a tie?

And then specific questions about their particular alliances and relationships for each person.

If Atacama wins again though... I'm going to be struggling what to ask them.

Here are some thoughts (for Atacama if they win):

So you guys won yet again. Congratulations! I'm sure it feels good to avoid the dreaded stumps at Tribal Council.

But since you guys haven't had to feel the heat yet, how do you feel this is affecting tribe dynamics? Is that bringing you together as a unified group, or are there lines beginning to form in the event that you do have to go to a Tribal Council? Is anyone clearly on the outs giving the tribe an easy first boot? Or do you envision things becoming more difficult if Atacama faces a voting decision?

What do you think of the other members of your tribe, now that you have had some time to settle in and get to know everyone? If you had to rank them from favorite/want to work with to least favorite/don't want to work with, what would that list look like?

How is your relationship with your partner panning out? Is it your long term plan to try to keep them safe and work with them if you both make the merge? Does your partner take priority over the relationships you have formed with your tribemates or vice versa?

Obviously I'm going to tweak this. I just wanted to have something ready.

Last edited by Chad Crittenden on Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:51:03 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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Alright, I'll post after the IC too, barring it doesn't take 2 hours again.
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OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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Actually, Chad, I need to go, so can you take care of this for me tonight? Some of the players have already started their threads anyways. I'd appreciate it!
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OfflineChad Crittenden
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Sure thing Mia. Have a good night.
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OfflineChad Crittenden
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Am I asking too many questions? John was bitching about it. I'm just trying to give them a bunch of stuff to talk about. I know I'm long-winded so tell me if it's too tedious.
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OfflineBrenda Lowe
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Depends on the player. It's extra work but as the game goes on start tailoring things to the person more and more. John for instance is more of a conversationalist. Rather than hitting him with a barrack of questions straight out of the traps, hit him with two or three, then every time he answers, sneak attack him by making it segue to another one icon_laughing


I also do this other thing I don't think anyone ever notices. Rather than just c/p-ing something generic, I kinda do that but also personalise. For example

Knowing john loves to spew on people - to John;
Have you had time to think about this partner twist?

I'm curious to know what you might hope to get out of it before you actually land with someone. Anyone sticking out from what little you've seen as someone you'd like to be paired with? Anyone you'd hate?

Is this an angle you're gonna work hard or do you feel more loyalty to the Vets?

Curious as to whether Jo would look further afield - to Jolanda;
What's your thoughts on this partner pick-em later? What are you looking for in a partner? How much are you willing to work that twist or is it Vets before partners?

Anyone stick out from the brief posts on main as someone you think you'd like or hate in particular?

Tryna get a grip on whether Fabio regrets not working it harder last time - to Fabs;
lol. That said, what do you look for in a partner with this pick-em tonight? (Also remind me how it worked out for you last time?) Feel like you & Chase have much of an advantage having played through this twist from the other side?

More personalising the question - to Chaste;
Just to throw your mind further afield, what's your thoughts on this partner pick-em later? What are you looking for in a partner? It worked out pretty well for you last time round, can you recreate that here? Do you even want to?? How much are you willing to work that twist or is it Vets before partners?

Anyone stick out from the brief posts on main as someone you think you'd like or hate in particular?

Yet didn't ask Brook, since nowt was happening. Nor Ted, since he was already commenting on it. Not Russell, cos I want to see him comment on it first to get a true feel for what he's at. Not Erica, since she's gonna do her own thing regardless. Or Jake, since we were waiting on an update already.


I don't even know where I'm going with this now. I guess I just want attention. Notice me Chaddie! lol. The point is I rarely just c/p a chunk of text at people. It is extra hassle but doing it this way^ is still less hassle than an entire new raft of questions for everyone all the time - while still tailoring to that 'personal experience' spiel of Jeff's. Do what feels right. Try engage with everyone to the same level you are with Jane & Yve and they will enjoy you (and the game) for it too, and therefore open up more.
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Some players will rather you didn't. Figure out what will make each player talk the most and approach each one a little differently.
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OfflineChad Crittenden
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*notices Brenda*

OK. Will take your advice. Last night I was just sorta panicking because I was doing the Episode 2 threads for each tribe and wanted to get them up quickly. I totally get what you are saying though. Those generic questions from Helen pissed me off last year because I felt like she wasn't reading anything I was writing. I'll keep it to a few questions and try to personalize it a bit more tonight. Atacama is pretty fucking boring though (except for my Yve and Jane who is going tonight) so it's hard to want to talk to them icon_smile
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OfflineChad Crittenden
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Questions for Palena:

What are your thoughts on Jane being voted off Atacama tonight? Are you happy/sad/indifferent?

Losing tribe:

Ask about upcoming TC

Winning tribe:

Just specific questions to what each has been talking about in the previous episode. (Don't think a lot has changed all day)
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Mia.... I apologize, but you are on John duty. That is if anyone hosting this game gives a fuck about what John thinks. He just lost his fucking mind on me tonight. No idea why. I told him I was joking. I guess I threatened his narcissism or something.

It really started out where I was just joking around with him not wanting to answer my confessional questions and he got all serious about it. Then I told him I was just joking and he asserted back to me that he wasn't joking. Then he demanded an apology from me (which I actually did thinking it was all a joke at this point) but it wasn't sincere enough for emperor John. Everything I said to him was in a playful joking way as a friend. Because he kinda was my friend. But he is an insane lunatic. I'm usually pretty diplomatic about this stuff especially because I have a lot of friends that are borderline but John is the first one that seems like there is no border. John needs to be avoided and honestly probably institutionalized. If he could get that mad at me after what I said to him, especially considering I TOLD HIM on several occasions I was JOKING. John needs to be inhabiting a nuthouse and wearing a straight jacket. Not playing ORGs.

And just to reiterate..... he refuses to talk to me so one of the other hosts is going to have to post questions in his confessional from now on.

I'm sorry if that makes me a btich, but I'm not going anywhere near that place.
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OfflineBrenda Lowe
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Chad wrote:This is not fucking complicated John. I asked you three fucking questions. I even tailored them to things I thought you might like to answer.

Remind me to never align with you again should we ever be in the same game. You have the attention span of a retarded 5 year old.

You're worse than JimmyJ at taking pointers!
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OfflineChad Crittenden
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Brenda Lowe wrote:
Chad wrote:This is not fucking complicated John. I asked you three fucking questions. I even tailored them to things I thought you might like to answer.

Remind me to never align with you again should we ever be in the same game. You have the attention span of a retarded 5 year old.

You're worse than JimmyJ at taking pointers!

OMFG. Brenda coached me! That's what went wrong!

Honestly I swear I used to fuck around with John like that last season. Apparently NOT.
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Well there goes that pipe dream of ever becoming a teacher icon_no
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OfflineBrenda Lowe
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Oh fuck, I just realised - I have coached literally hundreds of teenagers over the years. Trying to turn them into better citizens and shiz (yus I am a Scout Leader). Give it about five more years and Ireland will be on the brink of nuclear war or something :/
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I can't believe I am joining the ranks of Jimmy J and hundreds of future Irish serial killers as one of Brenda's failed students. icon_cry
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OfflineChad Crittenden
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I'm having family over tonight and I have no idea what time they will be gone. Mia if I'm not here, can you to the questions tonight for Atacama? Thanks so much.
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OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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Chad, can you handle Palena for me tonight? I have to go soon.
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Or Kim, or anyone? I won't be able to wait up for the boards to be switched around to post the confessionals.
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OfflineChad Crittenden
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Mia Galeotalanza wrote:Chad, can you handle Palena for me tonight? I have to go soon.

Yep got it Mia. Sorry I just saw this.

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