All Boards are Open :o

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All Boards are Open :o

Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:35:37 am

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
    Posts: 635
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    If you were ever a member of either tribe board, you should now have full read & write access to it with your regular password. If you weren't a member of a certain board you can use the lurker combo of;
    name: Lurker
    pw: 2013lurkpat

    Which now has posting rights. However please sign each post you make as multiple users will be using the same account. If you really want an account and think you'll be posting hella at a board, let me know and I can make you up one. for Atacama for Palena

    And of course you can now read and post anywhere you like here at the merge board. Good luck wading through Caryn's half a million threads in LL icon_laughing

    Enjoy the read! icon_wub Comment lots!

    Re: All Boards are Open :o

    Postby Jolanda » Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:21:08 pm

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    Posts: 782
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    You should open the tribe board PMs cuz I wanted to see how bad I actually was!

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