Fallen Comrades

10th Place

Fallen Comrades

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:09:06 am

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    If you have time, you should consider doing this. Just post them here. It's a good time to reminisce about all the players that have been voted out, and a good fun read for everyone afterward.

    (oh & you should do the hosts too!)

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Chase » Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:12:34 am

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    So this isn't just for the Final 3? icon_surprised

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:43:50 am

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    We did this last Season and it went down a treat with the players. Consider it like the Yang to your first impressions Yin way back in Episode 1.

    It's not obligatory, but it's good to do.

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Chase » Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:41:20 am

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    I'll definitely do it. I always look forward to Rites of Passage <3

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Chase » Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:42:03 am

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    I still have nfi who to vote for so I'm going to focus on this instead.


    Only time I ever saw Jimmy T online was during that first immunity challenge. I remember thinking that his posts indicated he had definitely been assigned a fitting character. Then we lost and he quit, making that first round way less stressful than it otherwise would have been. Not much else to it than that icon_razz


    Never met Jane but have heard some very interesting stories about her. Just based on the Chase/Jane dynamic on the actual Nicaragua season I thought it would be fun to get together with her at some stage, which never worked out so w/e.


    This was the sixth time where Brook and I played together in an ORG. A couple of those we never had anything to with each other, but overall he is one of the people who I have played with the most. I was open to working with him in this initially, however the way it worked out meant his presence was a complication to my game that I didn't want to deal with. I thought that the swap would allow me to get away from it, but I was tied to him yet again with that cross-tribal deal that I wasn't keen on. In fairness to Brook I think John is more responsible for that stuff occuring them I gave him credit for at the time, unfortunately for him I just didn't think Brook was a good option for me to work with. I liked him, but I liked everybody. Just how it turned out. I'm sure that his exit would have happened regardless of what I told Yve about him tbh.


    I never was able to get a read on where I stood with Erica. Her communication with me was not consistant enough. I agreed that Jolanda making an alliance that included her without telling her was very poor play from Jolanda, but then she did essentially the same thing with Jake and I icon_unsure One advantage of having Brook use those Group PMs was to see that I wasn't someone who she had in her core before the first swap. Then the PM stuff with Ted happened and voting her out was the most logical decision to make. I'm looking forward to seeing that TC when everything is opened up icon_razz


    The other person in the game who I never had anything to do with. From what I did see I don't think he was all there tbh.



    I still feel guilty about the Fabio vote. He was amazing as always to talk to while he was here. I feel that we would have lost those challenges regardless and voting out anyone on that tribe if Marty/John were the first two out would have been extremely tough, so in a way I think I saved myself more stress later on by voting him out then. I spent that entire round looking for a reason not to do it and even tried to leave it up to Yve which way to go, but the way I presented the two sides must have created a stronger case for siding against him. The fact Jake failed to vote and it would have tied at best anyway makes me feel a little better too, at that stage I do not think Ted would have flipped and alienating him would have been risky. So there are multiple factors to point to it having been the correct call, as much as it sucked to vote him out.

    It just sucks to hear stuff from others who say it was his last ever ORG and it kills me to think that I may have ruined that for him, since I know this was important to him. Shame it couldn't have been different. Change one person on that tribe and he probably would be been completely safe. It is what it is I suppose.


    I'm pretty sure that John hates me right now icon_laughing

    I did enjoy talking with him, unfortunately for him by the time he arrived I was already solid with most of the others and he had RL stuff that kept him away from the board over the weekend, so I likely would have had him leave after Jolanda had the original tribes stayed intact. He was very keen on the whole Australian Alliance thing and I was never really comfortable with it. I think this may have influenced me in the Fabio boot too, but I always enter Open-ID with the mentality of being willing to work with anyone, which is why the to Open-ID experiences I've had have been more about the relationships I form that didn't exist before than those I had going in. In saying that I did barely know John before this and did enjoy the conversation we had going at Palena, so I'd say it was more circumstances than anything else which made everything go the way it did.

    I'm really curious to see what his mindset was after Fabio left because what happened there was so unexpected and made no sense at all. Been a while since I've seen something so drastic like that happen in an ORG.


    Marty was another player who I never knew how to read. His communication was also lacking so it was hard to know for sure where I stood with him. He seemed like a nice enough guy and I don't think he was a Tyrone who happened to be competent at challenges, there was definitely more to him than that, There were a couple of times where we seemed close to establishing a stronger connection, however those never ended up getting quite close enough and he would fall out of contact again. I think ensuring he left after John was out was definitely the right call.

    Jurors and Finalists later on icon_smile

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Chase » Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:41:08 am

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    Wendy Jo icon_wub

    Looking back she was really the only new player who I formed a legitimate connection with other than Yve. I loved her <3 It was clear from the moment we had our first conversation just how amazing she was. Wendy Jo was perfectly in-character, maybe some of that was her natural personality more than anything else, but she essentially was exactly what she should have been. Our PMs were the perfect mix of strategy and social stuff. When it comes to PMs I have strong views on how they should be done and most of the complaining I do about in players in their confessionals concerns PMs. I never had any problems at all with Wendy Jo, amongst others. She was perfect <3

    I appreciated her determination to see Tyrone leave and to support the minority, it sucked that she had to be the victim of the Purple Rock icon_cry I think if she had survived then we definitely could have made it far together, we were so close to making it work and unfortunately it just didn't end up like we hoped it would. I'm so curious to learn who she actually is. I never speculate about IDs at all, but I know that she knows who I am. I feel like Wendy Jo is someone who I either worked with very well in the past or someone who I have wanted to play with.


    Ted icon_wub

    Coming into this I knew Ted the most outside the game and he has always been a great friend, until now we had never been able to make it work in an ORG. I'm glad to have finally got that chance <3 There were times where I wasn't always honest with him, like about Yve's Idol and my actual stance on the whole Australian Alliance thing, but I feel like he was the person who I relied on the most at the end of the day, so I would consider Ted #1 ally in this game. He was the only person who I was on the same tribe as during every point in this experience and the only round I didn't have him there was my last <3

    Ted was one of my favourite people to talk to. I don't think we agreed on everything (Tyrone for example), however we were usually on the same page and always considered what the other had to say. I loved talking about RL situations and also the Australian Open, there wasn't really anyone else who I was comfortable to bring up stuff like that with. There was no way I was ever going to vote Ted out. I think it would have been even between us at the end, but even if he did have the advantage I wouldn't have turned on him. No way.


    It is always strange to know that someone is a dominant presence and hear many stories about them, but due to circumstance end up being completely disconnected from them. That is basically the situation I was in with Holly icon_razz Anyone who had been on a tribe with her seemed to have stories to tell. I was very curious about her coming into the merge. Once we were able to talk we did so very early on and kept a conversation going until the very end, even though it was lacking any real strategic content. I respected the fact she kept that going like I did and it proves how capable a player she really was. I didn't know her for long but I would have voted for her to win over many who I knew for much longer.

    At Ponderosa I feel like our opinions on everything have been different on a majority of topics and I don't think we have clashed necessarily, but I think it is unlikely Holly and I could have worked together even if we did know each other longer IMO. She was always going to be an opponent I think, but an opponent I could respect more than anything else.


    Not sure what to say about Jill icon_unsure I enjoyed her righteous posts against the concept of a Tyrone victory in Ponderosa. Those were great <3 Otherwise I found her a frustrating presence tbh. This point Jake made at FTC stands out to me about Jill and Palena 3.0 in general:

    Jake wrote:Then when she went to Palena I constantly heard about her pushing for all the Palenas to stick together & it bothered me bc she would be in a great position for doing absolutely nothing.

    It is no surprise at all they self-destructed and three from the other side (<3) have made Final 3. They were never going to be stable tbh. The whole not PMing thing was very frustrating and it was irritating to have her try to cover that up by blaming me for her not wanting to bother. I don't think I missed out on much since in general Jill seems like a very vague person icon_unsure Idk this probably is more negative then Rites of Passage should be so I'll leave it at that icon_razz

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Chase » Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:31:49 am

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    Russell icon_wub

    We got separated at the worst possible time I think. If not for that then the alliance we had since the game began could have gone all the way. It is amazing how just three rounds made such a difference. I was hoping that after the merge I could convince him to flip over and I won't be sure exactly what caused hyim to decide against doing so while I was in the game until after everything has finished. I'd like to think he was being sincere when he told me that he was doing what he could to ensure I stuck around as long as possible. I think this is where the Fabio vote hurt me most. Had he been there Russell might have been more comfortable returning to my side and we could have been a trio like we were originally.

    Like Wendy Jo he had his character perfectly, despite being Open-ID and not playing the game to match it. I remember being concerned that he might not want to work with me just because he was Kelso and our previous history wasn't great with me blindsiding before, but it is almost like that never happened. If the Palena 3.0 alliance had to come out on top then I was hoping that Russell would have been there. He would have had my vote locked <3


    I remember back when Jolanda was a lock to go first because nobody could connect with her at all due to her weak PMs and that whole alliance deal that caused confusion. She really did evolve so much as this experience went on, which is an unusual storyline for a returning player to have tbh, but still a good one nevertheless. I have also had several streaks of being stuck in the early juror placement so I know what it was like for her to want to get past that period in the game. She was not high on my jury vote list because there were several gaps where she did not respond to me and also others, which is something I think changing would help her reach her full potential if she fixed it.


    I never knew where I stood with Dan. I thought we were getting along fine, but then Ted and Russell would separately tell me what Dan had been telling them about me, suggesting that he wanted he out of the Palena 2.0 majority icon_unsure I wanted him out multiple times since I knew it would be difficult to work with him and I felt that nobody would really object to it. One thing I do appreciate is that he always stayed in contact with me even in the post-merge where we were clearly on opposite sides.


    Ken wrote:Tyrone - Not the worst person I have played an org with.


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