Oh gosh. Where do I even begin?
The lead-up actually wasn't that insane for me. I knew what I was going to do. We had settled on Tyrone as a target and I thought the Atacama 4 were aware of it. Wendy Jo and Ken had both indicated their participation while also expressing doubt about the other, neither got around to my messages assuring them there was nothing to worry about. The Palena alliance scrambling wasn't that relevant to my own experience since I wasn't included in any of it. The first sign that it wouldn't be a simple night was when Yve contacted me to say that she wasn't sure what the plan was and indicated that as far as she knew, we hadn't managed to secure any Palena members on our side so Ted was leaving. I had less than two minutes to get back with her to vote Tyrone. I didn't get there in time
Then 20 minutes later Yve indicated that she had entered Tribal Council without having heard anything and I realised she was voting for Ted. By the time I processed this and made a post on it, she had already voted. The time limit was gone. Plus she didn't know what I even meant anyway, so even if I had been on time I had given her a cryptic message that she could not interpret. I probably could have handled that better. However in comparison to what happened later from other players I don't think it was that big of a mistake at all

In the future I'll just have to make sure that we are all prepared going in.
It would be easy to hold this error against Yve. I have no intention of doing that. Mistakes happen. Sure we would have got Tyrone out 5-4-3 and still had Wendy Jo here, however I definitely think we can take advantage of these unexpected circumstances. Ted was annoyed at first but it doesn't bother him now. Yve felt awful about her mistake and I did my best to make her know that none of us will hold it against her. She has been an amazing ally since the game began. I have faith in her. Tonight she and I talked a bit while she was here drunk and true to form she was typing perfectly despite her state <3

I thought I was doomed when I saw I had more than one vote, then it was revealed as 4-4-4

No idea why they weren't open about what they had all done and actually discussed it publically. Like Yve confirmed she switched her vote. What I think happened is this:
Chase - Dan, Holly, Jill, Tyrone
Ted - Jolanda, Ken, Russell, Yve
Tyrone - Chase, Jake, Ted, Wendy Jo
Then this:
Ted - Dan, Holly, Jill, Jolanda, Russell, Tyrone
Tyrone - Chase. Jake, Ken, Ted, Wendy Jo, Yve
Apparently Wendy Jo had come on too strong while attempting to ensure I wasn't a target, so Holly went behind her back and organised this split vote, or perhaps wanted a majority against me alone. Ken not voting Tyrone after everything he said leading into the vote is a concern, it seems he is going out of his way to go against my expectations of him

He did change his vote on the revote so maybe I can still get somewhere with him. The way see it this was an outcome that nobody expected or predicted, which is much better scenario for me to be in than Palena. I actually didn't have time to stress about the rock draw since my Internet went out and I was focused on trying to fix it, so by the time I had that sorted out I had already been delcared safe again

I'll miss Wendy Jo

She had her character perfect, maybe some of it was her natural personality, but she really was a chatterbox who had her share of goofy moments <3 I'm not surprised that she took her unexpected exit well. Her attitude about the game was one of the things that endeared her to me the most, right from the moment I met her she was willing to be open and honest with me. Her and Yve have quite a lot in common in that sense. It is tragic that it was sticking up for her principles and for her friends that likely cost her in the end. The tone of a jury tends to be set by the first person to arrive and I think Wendy Jo is a perfect person for that tbh.
Dan contacted me after Tribal Council to apologise for voting against me and seemed to think that as a result I would want nothing to do with him, which is not the case at all. I respect that he kept talking to me right up until the very end. The same is true with Holly. Jolanda, Jill and Tyrone made their intentions more than clear, really I should have picked up on it better than I did. So I've told Dan that I don't hold that against him. He might think it was a factor when I vote him out tomorrow, but it isn't
Right now I'm organising a Dan boot. I feel that the Veterans need to keep their advantage. The key vote in all of this is Russell, who was furious with what happened at Tribal Council and I feel that be catering to his needs I can pull him back to my side. It is pretty clear that Wendy Jo is was his main alliance and now she is gone. Ted and Yve agree with this vote. I'm sure Jake will too when he gets online. The last vote that I need is Ken, who is alledgedly trying to make a Jolanda boot happen, however I think he can be swayed to go against Dan. I think a Dan boot is a safe option that everyone can agree on, and I feel this helps out my own game because Dan is not someone I can ever trust.