Congrats on making Final 10! You're half way there! *Bon Jovi plays silently in the background*
I don't have a lot to ask you, so I guess you should just tell me what's up.
Jolanda wrote:Why do you hate me? Because at TC you said you hated a certain black person, it wasn't Ted, I'm sure, and Tyrone is harmless. So, that narrows it down to me. What have I done to you?
Chase wrote:Generally I'm not a fan of Group PMs but I wanted to update you both together on the conversations I've had before I head out for the night. More likely than not I won't be online until three or four hours before Tribal Council at best. There are two potential avenues we can take:
1. Russell could be willing to force a tie with us and Ken against Holly/Jolanda. Now the reason he bailed last time is that he claims not to have been sure that the votes were there, so we all need to ensure he has absolute confidence in us to see this through. I'm not sure how much contact he has had with you guys, but we need to ensure communication is open and that he knows we are all behind forcing the tie.
Now a tie might not sound perfect, but it absolutely is when we expect it and the other side do not. We would be competely prepared for a tie, we would not stress and would not need to wonder who voted for who. We would have seen it coming since we organised it this way. But they on the other hand would be shocked. And when in situations like that people tend to make rash impulsive decisions that they might regret. I feel confident that if we force that tie, the revote would go in our favour. It will work.
2. The alternative is a last minute pitch to Tyrone about the Partners situation and trying to play into his greed about getting the Talismans. I feel that it would need to be something sprung on him at the last possible moment. Tyrone is not a bright guy at all, so we could lead him into maing a decision like that if we don't give him time to think about it. Ken and I discussed this overnight. I think we shouldn't approach Tyrone until the last moment. That is a critical element of that plan for me.
Losing Ted sucks on so many levels but we can do this if we stay on the same page. I'm confident we can get past this.
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