I was actually 8th last time

But that was only due to a removal and a quit. I went out in Episode 10 as the 3rd Juror both times.
I don't have any regrets. I think I did everything I could. For a moment there I thought Yve had been playing me all along, but that vote had to be from Russell. I did have a plan in place to tell Ken she has the idol in a secret message hidden in an emoticon if she did screw me over, unfortunately they can't be done on this forum anyway </3 There are still a lot of people I would be happy to see win. Yve and Jake of course. Ken was great too <3 I wish Russell would grow a backbone and actually do something, but I like the guy so much I can't hold that against him. I'd definitely vote for Holly to win. Those would be the most ideal outcomes for me. Then Jolanda is slightly lower since I think she hasn't quite made the most of her potential, it seems to me that Holly is the stronger of the two. I'm definitely not voting for Jill or Tyrone.
What I take most from this experience is how I have evolved since Malaysia. I definitely feel that I played a stronger game. I know I stay composed and calm at all times. I feel like I took the lead more, in Malaysia I let Taj look after me and this time I think I looked after myself.