I still have nfi who to vote for so I'm going to focus on this instead.

Only time I ever saw Jimmy T online was during that first immunity challenge. I remember thinking that his posts indicated he had definitely been assigned a fitting character. Then we lost and he quit, making that first round way less stressful than it otherwise would have been. Not much else to it than that

Never met Jane but have heard some very interesting stories about her. Just based on the Chase/Jane dynamic on the actual Nicaragua season I thought it would be fun to get together with her at some stage, which never worked out so w/e.

This was the sixth time where Brook and I played together in an ORG. A couple of those we never had anything to with each other, but overall he is one of the people who I have played with the most. I was open to working with him in this initially, however the way it worked out meant his presence was a complication to my game that I didn't want to deal with. I thought that the swap would allow me to get away from it, but I was tied to him yet again with that cross-tribal deal that I wasn't keen on. In fairness to Brook I think John is more responsible for that stuff occuring them I gave him credit for at the time, unfortunately for him I just didn't think Brook was a good option for me to work with. I liked him, but I liked everybody. Just how it turned out. I'm sure that his exit would have happened regardless of what I told Yve about him tbh.

I never was able to get a read on where I stood with Erica. Her communication with me was not consistant enough. I agreed that Jolanda making an alliance that included her without telling her was very poor play from Jolanda, but then she did essentially the same thing with Jake and I

One advantage of having Brook use those Group PMs was to see that I wasn't someone who she had in her core before the first swap. Then the PM stuff with Ted happened and voting her out was the most logical decision to make. I'm looking forward to seeing that TC when everything is opened up

The other person in the game who I never had anything to do with. From what I did see I don't think he was all there tbh.
I still feel guilty about the Fabio vote. He was amazing as always to talk to while he was here. I feel that we would have lost those challenges regardless and voting out anyone on that tribe if Marty/John were the first two out would have been extremely tough, so in a way I think I saved myself more stress later on by voting him out then. I spent that entire round looking for a reason not to do it and even tried to leave it up to Yve which way to go, but the way I presented the two sides must have created a stronger case for siding against him. The fact Jake failed to vote and it would have tied at best anyway makes me feel a little better too, at that stage I do not think Ted would have flipped and alienating him would have been risky. So there are multiple factors to point to it having been the correct call, as much as it sucked to vote him out.
It just sucks to hear stuff from others who say it was his last ever ORG and it kills me to think that I may have ruined that for him, since I know this was important to him. Shame it couldn't have been different. Change one person on that tribe and he probably would be been completely safe. It is what it is I suppose.

I'm pretty sure that John hates me right now
I did enjoy talking with him, unfortunately for him by the time he arrived I was already solid with most of the others and he had RL stuff that kept him away from the board over the weekend, so I likely would have had him leave after Jolanda had the original tribes stayed intact. He was very keen on the whole Australian Alliance thing and I was never really comfortable with it. I think this may have influenced me in the Fabio boot too, but I always enter Open-ID with the mentality of being willing to work with anyone, which is why the to Open-ID experiences I've had have been more about the relationships I form that didn't exist before than those I had going in. In saying that I did barely know John before this and did enjoy the conversation we had going at Palena, so I'd say it was more circumstances than anything else which made everything go the way it did.
I'm really curious to see what his mindset was after Fabio left because what happened there was so unexpected and made no sense at all. Been a while since I've seen something so drastic like that happen in an ORG.

Marty was another player who I never knew how to read. His communication was also lacking so it was hard to know for sure where I stood with him. He seemed like a nice enough guy and I don't think he was a Tyrone who happened to be competent at challenges, there was definitely more to him than that, There were a couple of times where we seemed close to establishing a stronger connection, however those never ended up getting quite close enough and he would fall out of contact again. I think ensuring he left after John was out was definitely the right call.
Jurors and Finalists later on