5th Place


Postby Dan » Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:59:23 pm

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    If Im not here post whats in the code

    [center]16th Voted Out and 8th Member of our Jury... Dan
    That's 3 thats enough, you need to bring me your torch

    [As Dan enters wearing an expensive Armani suit imported from Italy straight to the Patagonian Ponderosa, complete with his Versace loafers and the softest linens as use for his tie and handkerchief. His hair is slicked back to perfection and he faces the jury humbly.]

    Congratulations Yve, Jake and Ken - the projected final three because of ignoring people, multiple hidden immunity idol plays, dumbass moves by people in the majority and ignoring others PMs! Let's have a moment of applause.


    Yeah, exactly. You guys all were pretty horrible in the game, but you know what? You've done something that us nine standing here have not done, and that was survive the votes, make it to the final three and never get voted out. The way you done that wasn't practical, was a little sketchy and of course had flaws, but people in glass houses should not throw stones. Right now, despite how we played the game and interacted with one another, you are all on an equal level playing field to me. What you've done in the game is moot now, because its all about how you sell it. You could've made the most amazing moves in the game, but if you don't sell it to me, then it's NOTHING. Right now is your time to shine, and I don't want you guys to be pussy with one another now. You always had the gall to talk about the others in PMs and then never vote them out and rat me out to them when I wanted them out, but now is your time (Ken) to talk about Yve like you always have, now is your chance (Yve) to call Jake a coattail riding loser in public. I'm not here for bullshit, I'm not here for asskissing. You guys all know that through the game I was an honest and up front guy, I was always honest about my vote, how I was playing the game and who my allegiance was to. You better fucking respect that.

    I have a few words for each of you. But your general question is - Berate the other two on why they don't deserve to be here. Don't use the word I.

    Yve, you annoyed the hell out of me from the start with playing dumb to the rest of the tribe, and while everybody wanted to invite you to the alliance I was adamantly against it, given that these tribes were switched from the start, I didn't encounter you until the merge where I knew you were smart and you were crafty, but others had so many plans to do that they couldn't see that you were straddling both sides. You used this to own the game, but you couldn't have done it without hidden immunity idols, you know that, I know that, the entire jury knows that. You managed to grab those guys, Ken and Jake, by their penises and drag them to the end of the game with you, which I applaud, but you got that through what, primarily twists and ignoring PMs from people? It was never a round go by where I would constantly send you a PM and you'd respond lackadaisically and I would start round after round to try to talk to you, but you had never had the thought occur to you that I wanted to possible flip and discuss some game, so you distanced yourself as far as possible from me, so what graces was that good social game? Elaborate on how your strategic and physical game should override your lack of a social game.

    Jake, meeting you for the first time at the merge, you were the nicest person ever, you let it straight to me about the vote until the round I was going, where you gave me some false hope and decided to ignore me for the rest of the voting period and run back to your mother Yve that I wanted her gone, but whatever. You were never really a driving force, everybody saw you as UTR and you were a coattail rider, even your alliances said that about you (I'm waiting for the bullshit where they ignore this though). You were not a great PMer but you at least had the decency for us to have a conversation between a few rounds, but you also didn't consider me strategically despite me trying my best to include you in any plans and try to work out an alliance. Tell me one strategic move you made - not one that Yve made, not one that Ken made, not one that all three of you made. But one that YOU, Jake made. Post merge please.

    Ken you are one of the worst players I've ever encountered but you can defend yourself and earn my vote right here. You've earned points tonight by not bullshitting me on my boot episode and not giving me false hope - unlike the other two, you kept it real but you never kept it good. I saw right through you and you were the only one I was really on a tribe with pre-merge for longer than a round so by statistics, I've spent the most time with you and you used that time to get to know me and integrate yourself to Palena to ignore us all and solidify yourself to be the boot if we lost an immunity challenge (which we didn't.) I don't understand that, you were the odd man out and I went out of my way several times to try to get to you, talk to you, form something with you but again, as did your three alliance mates, you gave me the cold shoulder. Elaborate on your social game and the connections you made with everybody. List each juror and one nice thing about them that you got to know.

    Code: Select all
    [center]16th Voted Out and 8th Member of our Jury... [b]Dan[/b]
    That's 3 thats enough, you need to bring me your torch

    [As Dan enters wearing an expensive Armani suit imported from Italy straight to the Patagonian Ponderosa, complete with his Versace loafers and the softest linens as use for his tie and handkerchief. His hair is slicked back to perfection and he faces the jury humbly.]

    Congratulations Yve, Jake and Ken - the projected final three because of ignoring people, multiple hidden immunity idol plays, dumbass moves by people in the majority and ignoring others PMs! Let's have a moment of applause.


    Yeah, exactly. You guys all were pretty horrible in the game, but you know what? You've done something that us nine standing here have not done, and that was survive the votes, make it to the final three and never get voted out. The way you done that wasn't practical, was a little sketchy and of course had flaws, but people in glass houses should not throw stones. Right now, despite how we played the game and interacted with one another, you are all on an equal level playing field to me. What you've done in the game is moot now, because its all about how you sell it. You could've made the most amazing moves in the game, but if you don't sell it to me, then it's NOTHING. Right now is your time to shine, and I don't want you guys to be pussy with one another now. You always had the gall to talk about the others in PMs and then never vote them out and rat me out to them when I wanted them out, but now is your time (Ken) to talk about Yve like you always have, now is your chance (Yve) to call Jake a coattail riding loser in public. I'm not here for bullshit, I'm not here for asskissing. You guys all know that through the game I was an honest and up front guy, I was always honest about my vote, how I was playing the game and who my allegiance was to. You better fucking respect that.

    I have a few words for each of you. But your general question is - [b]Berate the other two on why they don't deserve to be here. Don't use the word I.[/b]

    Yve, you annoyed the hell out of me from the start with playing dumb to the rest of the tribe, and while everybody wanted to invite you to the alliance I was adamantly against it, given that these tribes were switched from the start, I didn't encounter you until the merge where I knew you were smart and you were crafty, but others had so many plans to do that they couldn't see that you were straddling both sides. You used this to own the game, but you couldn't have done it without hidden immunity idols, you know that, I know that, the entire jury knows that. You managed to grab those guys, Ken and Jake, by their penises and drag them to the end of the game with you, which I applaud, but you got that through what, primarily twists and ignoring PMs from people? It was never a round go by where I would constantly send you a PM and you'd respond lackadaisically and I would start round after round to try to talk to you, but you had never had the thought occur to you that I wanted to possible flip and discuss some game, so you distanced yourself as far as possible from me, so what graces was that good social game? Elaborate on how your strategic and physical game should override your lack of a social game.

    Jake, meeting you for the first time at the merge, you were the nicest person ever, you let it straight to me about the vote until the round I was going, where you gave me some false hope and decided to ignore me for the rest of the voting period and run back to your mother Yve that I wanted her gone, but whatever. You were never really a driving force, everybody saw you as UTR and you were a coattail rider, even your alliances said that about you (I'm waiting for the bullshit where they ignore this though). You were not a great PMer but you at least had the decency for us to have a conversation between a few rounds, but you also didn't consider me strategically despite me trying my best to include you in any plans and try to work out an alliance. Tell me one strategic move you made - not one that Yve made, not one that Ken made, not one that all three of you made. But one that YOU, Jake made. Post merge please.

    Ken you are one of the worst players I've ever encountered but you can defend yourself and earn my vote right here. You've earned points tonight by not bullshitting me on my boot episode and not giving me false hope - unlike the other two, you kept it real but you never kept it good. I saw right through you and you were the only one I was really on a tribe with pre-merge for longer than a round so by statistics, I've spent the most time with you and you used that time to get to know me and integrate yourself to Palena to ignore us all and solidify yourself to be the boot if we lost an immunity challenge (which we didn't.) I don't understand that, you were the odd man out and I went out of my way several times to try to get to you, talk to you, form something with you but again, as did your three alliance mates, you gave me the cold shoulder. Elaborate on your social game and the connections you made with everybody. List each juror and one nice thing about them that you got to know.

    Re: FTC

    Postby Dan » Tue Feb 12, 2013 4:00:13 pm

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    Posts: 294
    Joined: Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:02:44 pm
    If Im not here post whats in the code

    16th Voted Out and 8th Member of our Jury... Dan
    That's 3 thats enough, you need to bring me your torch

    [As Dan enters wearing an expensive Armani suit imported from Italy straight to the Patagonian Ponderosa, complete with his Versace loafers and the softest linens as use for his tie and handkerchief. His hair is slicked back to perfection and he faces the jury humbly.]

    Congratulations Yve, Jake and Ken - the projected final three because of ignoring people, multiple hidden immunity idol plays, dumbass moves by people in the majority and ignoring others PMs! Let's have a moment of applause.


    Yeah, exactly. You guys all were pretty horrible in the game, but you know what? You've done something that us nine standing here have not done, and that was survive the votes, make it to the final three and never get voted out. The way you done that wasn't practical, was a little sketchy and of course had flaws, but people in glass houses should not throw stones. Right now, despite how we played the game and interacted with one another, you are all on an equal level playing field to me. What you've done in the game is moot now, because its all about how you sell it. You could've made the most amazing moves in the game, but if you don't sell it to me, then it's NOTHING. Right now is your time to shine, and I don't want you guys to be pussy with one another now. You always had the gall to talk about the others in PMs and then never vote them out and rat me out to them when I wanted them out, but now is your time (Ken) to talk about Yve like you always have, now is your chance (Yve) to call Jake a coattail riding loser in public. I'm not here for bullshit, I'm not here for asskissing. You guys all know that through the game I was an honest and up front guy, I was always honest about my vote, how I was playing the game and who my allegiance was to. You better fucking respect that.

    I have a few words for each of you. But your general question is - Berate the other two on why they don't deserve to be here. Don't use the word I.

    Yve, you annoyed the hell out of me from the start with playing dumb to the rest of the tribe, and while everybody wanted to invite you to the alliance I was adamantly against it, given that these tribes were switched from the start, I didn't encounter you until the merge where I knew you were smart and you were crafty, but others had so many plans to do that they couldn't see that you were straddling both sides. You used this to own the game, but you couldn't have done it without hidden immunity idols, you know that, I know that, the entire jury knows that. You managed to grab those guys, Ken and Jake, by their penises and drag them to the end of the game with you, which I applaud, but you got that through what, primarily twists and ignoring PMs from people? It was never a round go by where I would constantly send you a PM and you'd respond lackadaisically and I would start round after round to try to talk to you, but you had never had the thought occur to you that I wanted to possible flip and discuss some game, so you distanced yourself as far as possible from me, so what graces was that good social game? Elaborate on how your strategic and physical game should override your lack of a social game.

    Jake, meeting you for the first time at the merge, you were the nicest person ever, you let it straight to me about the vote until the round I was going, where you gave me some false hope and decided to ignore me for the rest of the voting period and run back to your mother Yve that I wanted her gone, but whatever. You were never really a driving force, everybody saw you as UTR and you were a coattail rider, even your alliances said that about you (I'm waiting for the bullshit where they ignore this though). You were not a great PMer but you at least had the decency for us to have a conversation between a few rounds, but you also didn't consider me strategically despite me trying my best to include you in any plans and try to work out an alliance. Tell me one strategic move you made - not one that Yve made, not one that Ken made, not one that all three of you made. But one that YOU, Jake made. Post merge please.

    Ken you are one of the worst players I've ever encountered but you can defend yourself and earn my vote right here. You've earned points tonight by not bullshitting me on my boot episode and not giving me false hope - unlike the other two, you kept it real but you never kept it good. I saw right through you and you were the only one I was really on a tribe with pre-merge for longer than a round so by statistics, I've spent the most time with you and you used that time to get to know me and integrate yourself to Palena to ignore us all and solidify yourself to be the boot if we lost an immunity challenge (which we didn't.) I don't understand that, you were the odd man out and I went out of my way several times to try to get to you, talk to you, form something with you but again, as did your three alliance mates, you gave me the cold shoulder. Elaborate on your social game and the connections you made with everybody. List each juror and one nice thing about them that you got to know.

    Code: Select all
    16th Voted Out and 8th Member of our Jury... [b]Dan[/b]
    That's 3 thats enough, you need to bring me your torch

    [As Dan enters wearing an expensive Armani suit imported from Italy straight to the Patagonian Ponderosa, complete with his Versace loafers and the softest linens as use for his tie and handkerchief. His hair is slicked back to perfection and he faces the jury humbly.]

    Congratulations Yve, Jake and Ken - the projected final three because of ignoring people, multiple hidden immunity idol plays, dumbass moves by people in the majority and ignoring others PMs! Let's have a moment of applause.


    Yeah, exactly. You guys all were pretty horrible in the game, but you know what? You've done something that us nine standing here have not done, and that was survive the votes, make it to the final three and never get voted out. The way you done that wasn't practical, was a little sketchy and of course had flaws, but people in glass houses should not throw stones. Right now, despite how we played the game and interacted with one another, you are all on an equal level playing field to me. What you've done in the game is moot now, because its all about how you sell it. You could've made the most amazing moves in the game, but if you don't sell it to me, then it's NOTHING. Right now is your time to shine, and I don't want you guys to be pussy with one another now. You always had the gall to talk about the others in PMs and then never vote them out and rat me out to them when I wanted them out, but now is your time (Ken) to talk about Yve like you always have, now is your chance (Yve) to call Jake a coattail riding loser in public. I'm not here for bullshit, I'm not here for asskissing. You guys all know that through the game I was an honest and up front guy, I was always honest about my vote, how I was playing the game and who my allegiance was to. You better fucking respect that.

    I have a few words for each of you. But your general question is - [b]Berate the other two on why they don't deserve to be here. Don't use the word I.[/b]

    Yve, you annoyed the hell out of me from the start with playing dumb to the rest of the tribe, and while everybody wanted to invite you to the alliance I was adamantly against it, given that these tribes were switched from the start, I didn't encounter you until the merge where I knew you were smart and you were crafty, but others had so many plans to do that they couldn't see that you were straddling both sides. You used this to own the game, but you couldn't have done it without hidden immunity idols, you know that, I know that, the entire jury knows that. You managed to grab those guys, Ken and Jake, by their penises and drag them to the end of the game with you, which I applaud, but you got that through what, primarily twists and ignoring PMs from people? It was never a round go by where I would constantly send you a PM and you'd respond lackadaisically and I would start round after round to try to talk to you, but you had never had the thought occur to you that I wanted to possible flip and discuss some game, so you distanced yourself as far as possible from me, so what graces was that good social game? Elaborate on how your strategic and physical game should override your lack of a social game.

    Jake, meeting you for the first time at the merge, you were the nicest person ever, you let it straight to me about the vote until the round I was going, where you gave me some false hope and decided to ignore me for the rest of the voting period and run back to your mother Yve that I wanted her gone, but whatever. You were never really a driving force, everybody saw you as UTR and you were a coattail rider, even your alliances said that about you (I'm waiting for the bullshit where they ignore this though). You were not a great PMer but you at least had the decency for us to have a conversation between a few rounds, but you also didn't consider me strategically despite me trying my best to include you in any plans and try to work out an alliance. Tell me one strategic move you made - not one that Yve made, not one that Ken made, not one that all three of you made. But one that YOU, Jake made. Post merge please.

    Ken you are one of the worst players I've ever encountered but you can defend yourself and earn my vote right here. You've earned points tonight by not bullshitting me on my boot episode and not giving me false hope - unlike the other two, you kept it real but you never kept it good. I saw right through you and you were the only one I was really on a tribe with pre-merge for longer than a round so by statistics, I've spent the most time with you and you used that time to get to know me and integrate yourself to Palena to ignore us all and solidify yourself to be the boot if we lost an immunity challenge (which we didn't.) I don't understand that, you were the odd man out and I went out of my way several times to try to get to you, talk to you, form something with you but again, as did your three alliance mates, you gave me the cold shoulder. Elaborate on your social game and the connections you made with everybody. List each juror and one nice thing about them that you got to know.

    Re: FTC

    Postby Dan » Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:43:17 pm

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    Can y'all post the 2nd one for me I'll be mobile during it

    Re: FTC

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:20:53 pm

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    can do cap'n

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