Episode 08

9th Place

Episode 08

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:19:32 pm

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    OfflineJeff Probst
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    Welcome to the merger!

    You made it!

    Tell me how you're feeling, nervous? excited? a bit of both?

    Also, now that the game is shifting from tribes to individual, are you focusing now more than ever on how to win the game, or is it merely how to advance as far as you can?

    How do you plan on making an impressive enough showing in the merge to warrant a vote from the potential jurors that you are playing with now?

    Where do your loyalties lie? With the original tribe? Your newly swapped tribe? or your original fans/favorites split? Who do you trust the most/least going into the merge?

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Holly » Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:40:18 pm

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    Tell me how you're feeling, nervous? excited? a bit of both?

    Excited. I have no real need to be nervous right now. I have a lot of connections over both tribes which should hopefully keep me safe for a few rounds giving me time to plan out my final stretch. The only time i have to be nervous is if Chase and Ted both stop PMing me for seemingly no reason. Then I will worry because the susicion is on Jill from my ID assumption with those two. I'd hope no one talks outside of this board but I can't trust those guys. Anyone seeing GTFO right now knows EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

    Also, now that the game is shifting from tribes to individual, are you focusing now more than ever on how to win the game, or is it merely how to advance as far as you can?

    It's both. You can't win without getting far in the game and if you get far in the game you want to win. So its a slight juggling act where I make sure I can keep going in this game and make sure I have the right people with me and the right reasons for me to win. Individual means nothing because we have alliances.

    How do you plan on making an impressive enough showing in the merge to warrant a vote from the potential jurors that you are playing with now?

    I just gotta do what I've been doing. I'm awesome. What else can I say? I think I've got myself a very strong game so far and if I can ride my alliances through to the end I won't need to be extravagant at the merge. I'll let others try and fail so I can pick them off one by one.

    Where do your loyalties lie? With the original tribe? Your newly swapped tribe? or your original fans/favorites split? Who do you trust the most/least going into the merge?

    I trust Jolanda more than anyone else in this game. From her I go to Russell and Ken on equal terms with Russell linked with Jo only and Ken has a link with me and Yve. Yve surprisingly falls in the next level with Jake and Wendy Jo who I am a little concerned about. Below that is Dan and Tyrone with Jill, chase and Ted sitting dead last.

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Holly » Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:52:33 pm

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    Also, my awesome voting comments will return!

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Holly » Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:48:02 am

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    Ted is (as expected) so boring to PM. He's almost like Tyrone but with an added sentence. Its frankly embarrassing to know he's a returning player and made the merge, twice.

    Jake feels very fishy and wishy washy right now. Wendy I'm not sure on but as long as most of Palena (read all bar Jill) vote together at the first tribal we should have the majority.

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Holly » Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:03:25 am

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    Fuck me. Apparently its going around I have the hidden idol which as you all know I clearly don't.

    The thing is, people are going to be paranoid about an idol and once someone is pinpointed as possibly having it, they are doomed. I am screwed, I can tell you that now. I need a miracle and perhaps I know how to make that happen.

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:37:23 pm

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    Holly wrote:I need a miracle and perhaps I know how to make that happen.

    Well don't leave us hanging?? What's the plan ma'am?

    Also, in all of this confessing I don't see a preferred target? You hope for all of Palena (bar Jill) to vote together, but on whom?

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Holly » Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:12:09 pm

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    Well don't leave us hanging?? What's the plan ma'am?

    You of all people here should know exactly what I would be capable of. I am referring to the challenges of course, a sure fire way to guarantee my safety at tribal council. Tis unfortunate that many see challenge strength as a reason to claim a lack of social aptitude and thus I will need to monitor how I communicate with others during this time. Unless of course the jury are fuckwits.

    Also, in all of this confessing I don't see a preferred target? You hope for all of Palena (bar Jill) to vote together, but on whom?

    Thats the beauty of it all. We haven't exactly decided. Stupid Wendy wants Tyrone. Stupid Wendy is stupid. We have to keep our target quiet until the right time so as to nullify any spread of information to the idol occupants.

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:08:31 am

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    Is it strictly Palena vs. Atacama for you right now, or something else?

    If you were to be held at gunpoint and forced to pick someone to vote out right now, who would that person be?

    *holds Holly at gunpoint*

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Holly » Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:03:35 pm

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    Is it strictly Palena vs. Atacama for you right now, or something else?

    Its something else because we've got people with no idea what they are doing so its hard to say it is explicit.

    If you were to be held at gunpoint and forced to pick someone to vote out right now, who would that person be?

    *holds Holly at gunpoint*

    Why aren't you nice Mia...


    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Holly » Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:38:39 pm

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    $10 on Chase writing down the post counts of every player before the challenge even though it isn't going to help at all.

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Holly » Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:44:08 pm

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    this is just a spam post.

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Holly » Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:44:38 pm

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    another spam post.

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Holly » Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:49:10 pm

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    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Holly » Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:58:08 pm

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    I don;t know why I posted 83 over 93. I'm not going to start over because the others are all still going and unless they all make mistakes I havent got a chance.


    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:25:51 am

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    Well fuck, there goes the immunity plan. So now, what's plan B? (And C and D if you have one?) What's the preferred outcome tomorrow and what's the likeliest one? Have you any fears it might be you? What are you doing to make sure it's not??

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Holly » Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:50:16 pm

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    Well fuck, there goes the immunity plan.

    Yeah, something about these stupid counting challenges. At least the rules weren't changed half way through this one to cost me.

    So now, what's plan B? (And C and D if you have one?) What's the preferred outcome tomorrow and what's the likeliest one? Have you any fears it might be you? What are you doing to make sure it's not??

    Its still Plan A.5 meaning without my immunity, the rest of the schedule should go to plan with one of Chase or Ted being kicked off this tribe. Of course I'm always worried it could be me but I'd like to think it won't be.

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Holly » Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:29:51 pm

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    Split vote plan kinda in the works. I'm hoping it does because I sure as hell don't want to see an idol played on Ted and we all get royally screwed by in, myself in particular.

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Holly » Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:15:40 pm

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    Karma Wendy, for going against the HoHo train. You wanted Tyrone so bad you screwed yourself!

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