Episode 08

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:19:45 pm

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    Welcome to the merger!

    You made it!

    Tell me how you're feeling, nervous? excited? a bit of both?

    Also, now that the game is shifting from tribes to individual, are you focusing now more than ever on how to win the game, or is it merely how to advance as far as you can?

    How do you plan on making an impressive enough showing in the merge to warrant a vote from the potential jurors that you are playing with now?

    Where do your loyalties lie? With the original tribe? Your newly swapped tribe? or your original fans/favorites split? Who do you trust the most/least going into the merge?

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Jake » Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:21:36 pm

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    This (slash jury) was my goal all along icon_wub Like I'd love to go to the end and to go really far etc. but at this point, whatever I get I am satisfied with. I was just so worried about getting voted off due to sucking at challenges- so I'm happy to be at the stage where people want you to suck at challenges icon_yes There is so many people for me to reconnect with and a couple for me to meet with- I'm not really looking forward to some of those convos actually. I might skip them all together (probably a bad idea tho).

    Also I just checked the members list and there is a Dan still here ...? I honestly have forgotten about him existing for probably 2 rounds. I guess I'll have to meet him. and Tyrone. And talk with Russell & Jill again icon_yucky

    I'm still kinda gonna play it like tribal. I feel like Yve, Ted, Chase & myself have all gotten pretty close after the John vote- which I feel like tends to happen with smaller tribes. And omg we're at a 4-8 deficit just like Foa Foa was, so we haves hope. Foa Foa was still in the final 3 icon_wub I really get the feeling that the 8 of them are not very close, or at the very least they are in several intertwining groups. Plus I think a lot of them would still like to work with us and don't want a lame Pagonging yeah? We have lots of options, but we'll just have to werk it.

    How do you plan on making an impressive enough showing in the merge to warrant a vote from the potential jurors that you are playing with now?

    icon_weep Ugh this is what is actually weighing on my mind the most right now- in the back of my mind at least. I am feeling kind of vulnerable with this merge, so my main focus for a while will just be to survive, if I focus on trying to win the game right now and make all these "impressive" showy moves then I will get kicked off. Winning will always be on my mind but it shall be on the back burner whilst I talk with ppls. I don't want to be the robbed merge boot icon_no

    For the time being my loyalties in order shall be:
    da rest.

    icon_surprised that sounds really bad. I have to talk to more people but I am so tired, I need to take a break and say g'night.

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Jake » Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:46:14 pm

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    Does Tyrone just not care about anything or is he a social retard? What kind of response to my friendly introductory PM is this:


    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Jake » Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:16:34 am

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    It's very possible that Ted, Chase, Yve & I will be the next four to leave, bc so many of the Palena members (allegedly) want to stick together and get rid of us, or at least a couple of us, before going after each other. I figure at the very least that Chase/Ted would go before me, then I could maybe fall back on that alliance with Holly/Jol/Wendy/Yve (?). But that's really not what I want to do. I would much rather it be the 4 Atacama along with Ken and then Jill & Wendy to help us out. I feel like it is really possible too. If Ted can get his partner Jill, and we can get Ken then that is already 6/12 and we would only need one more of Tyrone or Wendy to help us out icon_wub It sounds so easy when I put it like that, but I'm sure it will be a shit ton of work- and I feel like so many people are fine with booting Chase/Ted that idk if anyone sticks their neck out to save them?

    I don't want to give up now, because if I do and one of them leaves, then it's only a matter of time before "they decide" that it's my time to go. Like this is the only chance really to turn things around- and we do have a couple of days. So I still have hope icon_blush

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:28:24 am

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    Hey Jakey hey, GJ on hitting a personal goal (and trouncing your previous showing), now take it home!

    I will admit I've missed so much of the game, can you give me as brief a recap as you want on anything important for your game that happened between the JimmyJ boot and now? I guess I am looking for something a little deeper than "getting close after the John vote". Is this a foursome that will all stay true to each other to the end? Do I detect a little bit of you stepping back and allowing Yve & the two Vets take the hits so long as it's not you?

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Sun Feb 03, 2013 3:52:50 am

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    So I see in PMs you're pondering a Wendy-Jo boot next :o Tell me more, are you genuinely considering it or is that just what you're telling people?

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Jake » Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:41:32 am

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    Brenda Lowe wrote:So I see in PMs you're pondering a Wendy-Jo boot next :o Tell me more, are you genuinely considering it or is that just what you're telling people?

    It's not that I want her to leave, but it's like I don't really care if she has to leave. I think that it is worse for me if Chase or Ted leave over Wendy Jo. It was very useful for me to get information from Wendy when it was 2 tribes against each other, because then she could keep me updated on things that I couldn't see. She was also able to (hopefully) keep reassuring Holly and Jolanda that the four of us are together. Cuz if things go bad with Atacama then I really need that alliance to save me. So if we can get her out now and at the very least make it 5 (atacma+ken)- 6 (the rest) then that gives us a really good fighting chance. But if the votes aren't there for it, then I will try to keep both my Atacama alliance and my Wendy/Jol/Holly alliance (assuming the three of them aren't just playing nice w/ me icon_weep )

    @ the post before. I think that the four of us will stay together, bc there's almost not another option. We haven't been on a tribe with the others for so long & they already have that "final 8" sentiment going (?) that I think in order to try to have a chance we would need to stick together. Not that I wouldn't go with them anyways, I like them all a lot and it helps me too so I'm happy too. I just want to try and see if I can have other options if they start to get voted out. People have told me if anything it'll be Chase and then Ted- so I want to make sure that it isn't Jake after that icon_yes

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Jake » Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:55:42 pm

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    idgaf about the superbowl so I shall spend my time here. I'm worried I made a mistake selling Wendy out too hard to Holly lol. With her help I think we would have 6 votes against Tyrone and would only need one more! Which I think maybe Jill could give us. That'd be so good if we could.

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Jake » Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:08:45 pm

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    Ummm like holy shit @ Holly & Jolanda. How do they not have more ppls against them right now? They are playing so hard, and were telling me that they were going to get rid of Wendy and that they were done with her. But they still want Ted gone, and I think they are going to weaken the Atacamas & outsiders and take over the entire game. But I obviously don't want that to happen. I am pretending like I am with them, and I'm like "yeah Ted needs to go this round. Then Wendy jo right after!" But that's not how I feel at all.

    If we can turn this vote against either Holly or Jolanda then that would be perfect. One- they are both very threatening, and together it's even worse. Two- It's hard to try & keep up with conflicting alliances and I don't even know if either side believes me icon_razz so if I could just eliminate that little side alliance and focus on the Atacamas + Ken + Wendy then I will be a happy camper icon_yes

    I'm just more trying to tell everybody I am with them and hope ppl don't start talking with each other icon_weep Which is not really me at all. It's also unlike me to try and get rid of Wendy- I am so grateful for her trying to help us that it srsly breaks my heart to possibly send her home. She seems so naive and sweet and just reminds me of me and I don't want her to leave icon_weep She wants Tyrone gone, and then Ken wants her gone but not Tyrone and then Ho/Jol want Ted gone but possibly Wendy, and I can't get my un-Atacama connections to agree icon_weep I'm such the complainer- but I am trying at least.

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Jake » Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:12:10 pm

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    It's literally making me ill to pretend to be against Ted & Chase with Holly. I hate how she probably thinks she can control me and that she lucked out teaming up with such a naive dumbass icon_rolleyes I am sort of naive, but even I can tell how she is a total control freak who wants to use then discard me. But, I will do everything I can to make sure that it will not be either of them leaving.

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Jake » Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:44:17 pm

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    Brenda Lowe wrote:Hey Jakey hey, GJ on hitting a personal goal (and trouncing your previous showing), now take it home!

    I will admit I've missed so much of the game, can you give me as brief a recap as you want on anything important for your game that happened between the JimmyJ boot and now? I guess I am looking for something a little deeper than "getting close after the John vote". Is this a foursome that will all stay true to each other to the end? Do I detect a little bit of you stepping back and allowing Yve & the two Vets take the hits so long as it's not you?

    There's not really that much more to it, yk? We've all been in agreement for the past several votes (every vote?) and are the last four remaining members of the tribe and all like/trust each other and will need each other to survive.

    There is still the "problem" of Chase/Yve being partners. So first off I am totally good with all four of us going to the final 4 together, if that's what they want too. There will be distractions along the way for me w/ my Holly-Jol-Wendy alliance and Ken. But my best bet is to go with those four I feel. I haven't read the rules on the talismans for a while, so I don't actually know if it is a problem for them to have immunity and for me not to, but if it is then I think that will be a sad sad choice for me to make having to choose between the two icon_weep

    I am fine with them being targets over me, and for people to have their eliminations as "more important" and to have them as "more threatening"- but I am not fine with them going home. That would be bad for me.

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:53:10 am

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    The Immunity talismans are given to the last partnership standing, and are good up and through the F5 TC. They don't worklike a hidden idol, but more like an immunity necklace. You choose to use it or not at the beginning of Tribal Council, before the votes are cast. Play it and no-one can vote for you. Don't play it at the start and you are open to be voted for.

    So similar to the necklace you're wearing right now icon_yes How much strength and confidence do you take from this win and being immune - first individual immunity ever am I right? In Stranded at least icon_wub Do you think it will make you a little bolder in your moves this round, or is the plan still to try keep your head down for the most part?

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Jake » Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:40:38 pm

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    Oh okay, that makes sense, so I guess we could go to the final 4 if we really wanted to. But I don't think things will go smoothly, bc that never happens, plus YVE doesn't like to PM ppl back evidently even tho she is probably busy IRL. It's just such my nature to be paranoid icon_weep

    first individual immunity ever am I right?

    mmhmm <3 icon_blush

    I didn't really care if I won or not. I just didn't want to have wasted my time there, since I was supposed to do a bunch of shit last night and ended up doing none of it. But it is still nice to win even though I would have preferred others winning. I won't let it get to my head bc obvi this is the only thing I will win- that I am positive of. I plan doing nothing differently, except I think it might be fun to give the necklace away. Only bc it would make things interesting even if it would only be for a little while. It would at least make some people panic surely. But in the end it would probably make Holly & Jolanda hate me. And even though I am telling everyone that I want them gone, if they're going to be there for options for me only then I think they should stay. I just want to have all my bases covered so I am telling a shitload of contradictory things pretty sure. Let's see how it works out for me! icon_wub

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Jake » Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:07:59 pm

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    UGH. I feel so icky lying to people. I can't do it anymore icon_weep

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