Episode 09

Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:29:51 pm

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    WTF just happened?

    Re: Episode 09

    Postby Jake » Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:34:31 pm

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    fml so much. I feel like I was so in the dark.

    Re: Episode 09

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Tue Feb 05, 2013 7:43:43 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Fill us in! What did you expect to happen? How does Wendy Jo leaving affect your game?

    What's the plan tonight?

    Re: Episode 09

    Postby Jake » Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:04:26 pm

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    Sooooo like: I guess all the Palenas (minus Wendy) were all in agreeance to vote Ted, but then Holly tried to switch it at the last minute (how do these people not see her as a dictator?) and it ended up scattered. And then a bunch of random variables and people switching their votes made it a tie twice. And

    UGGHHH Wendy left icon_weep icon_weep icon_weep icon_weep icon_weep

    What a terrible loss that was. I loved Wendy- even though I contemplated booting her before, deep down I knew I couldn't ever do that to her. She was such a loyal partner and she risked her own life to give new life to the Atacamas. But she ended up poetically getting the boot while some of the Palenas that will likely sit around for the rest of the game mooching off their "leaders" (ie. Jill, Tyrone, Dan) survived. She was so robbed and I am so devastated.

    I thought we had something going with Russell but it fell through and now I don't know how things are going to go- I think Palena should stop being fucking idiots and pretending like they can all go to the finals together. Also, apparently Jolanda knows I was secretly against her, so I expect to be voted out w/in the next 1-2 TCs, unless I can think of some elaborate lie or something. Idk. fml. I'll probably vote Ted tonight just cuz. Hopefully Jolanda doesn't totally hate me. If she does, then I'll just try to gather everyone against Holly & Jolanda. Maybe I'll even make it a public thread icon_wub

    Re: Episode 09

    Postby Jake » Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:36:32 pm

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    Took some TC time to think of something to say to Jolanda. It probably won't work, but I figure it has a shot if I mix a little truth into it. Ugh Russell icon_rolleyes I like him but still. He's gone. Just as soon as I get power icon_weep

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