Episode 10

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:00:49 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Congrats on making Final 10! You're half way there! *Bon Jovi plays silently in the background*

    I don't have a lot to ask you, so I guess you should just tell me what's up.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Jake » Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:07:00 pm

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    idfk. i'll post my thoughts tomorrow tho.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Jake » Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:22:00 pm

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    Lykkkeee had way too much going on these past few days, sorry for not upating. Obviously trying to keep the Atacamas safe & together was a losing battle bc of some of these Palenas- it's not due to lack of effort as we worked our asses off to convince nearly every person separately to come with us. Maybe now that it is just me/Yve we are able to maneuver a little better. So sad I didn't come back to vote icon_weep I would have NEVER voted for Chase though, and Hol/Jol would be expecting me to, so maybe it was for the best. But this is now the third elimination in a row where a friend& ally goes home and I cannot or do not do anything.
    The not-voting thing gave me flashbacks to the night that Fabio was voted off.... icon_cry

    Now Jolanda/Holly want me to help eliminate the last partnership and hand them immunities. I don't know whether it's worth it to try & save Ken or if I should just let Jol/Holly think they can control me and then hopefully keep making connections with other people so that I can eventually take them both out. Yve says Jill is offering us something too. So hopefully lots of people want to use us and we can somehow make our way to tha end! icon_wub If Holly & Jolanda do this though- I think people will finally see for themselves the reason we have been targeting them for so long & will get the ball rolling on both of their elims.

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