Fallen Comrades

6th Place

Fallen Comrades

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:07:53 am

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    If you have time, you should consider doing this. Just post them here. It's a good time to reminisce about all the players that have been voted out, and a good fun read for everyone afterward.

    (oh & you should do the hosts too!)

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Jolanda » Tue Feb 12, 2013 4:33:47 pm

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    Jimmy T You were here once, for the first challenge. I'm not sure if I liked you did, and I'm glad you were the first boot because you never figured out there was a Palena tribe board. You will probably never read this, either.

    Jane I heard you were crazy and that's so awesome! I wish we could have met. :/

    Brook I really wanted to work with you in this game! Too bad we got split up and things didn't work out again, you were awesome! :)

    Erica Erica! I really liked you as a character in this game. You were quite the sassy one, and I loved that! But, I didn't think I could trust you, so that's why I had to let you go. Sorry!

    Jimmy J I never met you either, but I heard that you were crazy, so that's pretty cool.

    Fabio You were crazy, and I loved it. Too bad you got voted off as early as you did!

    John John! You are such a great player in this game, but you seem to have a 14th place curse! I really like watching you play, not nessecarily playing with you, but it's nice to see what kind of damage you can put on people!

    Marty You were a beast in the speed challenges! I'm kinda glad they booted you premerge, though, because you would have been great at these individual challenges.

    Wendy You helped me pull a 180 in this game, and without you, I don't think I would have made it as far as I did! So, I thank you so much for that. I was really planning on going to the F4 with you and Jake and Holly, but I guess things just don't always go as planned.

    Ted We didn't really talk too much in this game, sorry about that. You seem like a pretty nice guy, though! :P

    Chase I really wish that we were not seperated after the swap, because if we weren't I'm sure that the two of us would have worked together come the time the merge rolls around.

    Holly HoHo! I'm so glad you were my partner, you were literally the best partner I could have asked for! We worked so well together, and when you were voted off I was shocked an pissed. You should have made it much further than you did. But, you played a great game. I'm sure we'll be seeing you in Stranded again for sure!

    Jill Turns out that I really liked you in this game! I really liked talking to you and I was serious about that deal we made! Too bad we just kinda stopped communication, and I regret voting you off because that was a stupid decision on my part.

    Russell At first I didn't like you because I thought your accent was annoying. But, now I am coming out of this seeing you as one my my closest friends in this game! I'm really glad we were on a tribe together for as long as we were, because I really enjoyed talking to you!

    Dan Ever since you sent me that first PM, I knew that we clicked. You were just kinda of inactive at the merge, and we kind of drifted apart a little there. But, it was fun playing the game with you!

    Tyrone Tyrone! <333 You were one of my favorite people to talk to in this game, because I loved not having to send a freaking long PM to you! You seriously cracked me up, and I am so glad that we got to meet in this game, and not on blackpeoplemeet.com xD


    Ken Ya know, I worked really hard to make sure that you wouldn't be the first boot of the NuNuPalena tribe once we had to go to a TC, and you pay me back by stabbing me in the back time and time again. I'm over it. But, you were a great villian this season!

    Jake Another person who kept on screwing me over! You were kinda like Ken's wingman in this game, but I'm glad you were here. From a viewers perspective, you and Ken must have been a fun little evil duo to watch!

    Yve You were really nice to me, and lied to me, right up to the point where I was voted off. But, I guess you played a pretty game. So kudos for that! I hope you win because I believe you played the best game of the three people in the FTC!

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