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OfflineKim Mullen
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I'm just on such a ~game high~ right now! I have so many thoughts icon_chaos I'll probably only address Palena because they're the ones who gotta get rid of someone.


Okay well I potentially thing this tribe is gonna be a complete trainwreck or super boring. It's too early to tell. I also fear that they may never win a challenge, unfortunately. There's no real challenge warriors over there icon_cry . What's interesting is that you have Chase and Erica, who essentially despise Jolanda, yet Jolanda is kind of clueless when it comes to that. Wendy Jo is probably ecstatic right now because she's on a tribe with Russell, and seriously, I know their relationship and Wendy would seriously fall on her sword for Russell. I've actually already been checking Wendy's PMs to Russell and she's trying to make it super obvious that they have some sort of relationship outside the game, (without it actually crossing over into rule-breaking of course). She's gonna wanna align with Russell, and if Russell knew Wendy's ID, he'd wanna align with her to. It just depends whether or not Russell is gonna like Wendy kissing his ass or if he thinks it'll be creepy. Time will tell. But I'm about 90% positive that an 4-way alliance of Chase, Erica, Wendy, and Russell will form somewhere down the road here. Ted lost both people from his season and will probably be one of the first returnees to go from that tribe. Wendy loathes Tyrone and will push for his boot soon too.
Also, Tyrone and Jolanda are already clicking icon_laughing
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OfflineChad Crittenden
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Tyrone and Jolanda??????????????????????? icon_lol icon_lol *choking*

That's interesting about Wendy Jo. I saw she said something about that to Jake tonight too. I didn't realize that connection was there. She obviously knows a lot of the players, but I don't think she ever specifically mentioned TMN in here before. That will definitely make things interesting.
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OfflineBrenda Lowe
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jftr, Ted is extremely good in most challenges. Maybe not in Holly's league, but he can certainly hold his own.
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OfflineKim Mullen
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revised. I decided to merge the two original "rounds" into 1 episode.
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OfflineBrenda Lowe
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Hmm, this confuses me. I have very little knowledge of edgic though. What are the numbers after the UTRs? Is an UTR 1 more or less visible than a 2?
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OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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Yeah I don't know a ton abut edgic either...
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OfflineChad Crittenden
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I *think* on real Edgic the number is how many confessionals the person got that episode. *think*
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OfflineBrenda Lowe
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I thought it was a scale?

Like P1 at the end is kinda positive, but P5 is like, super-happy-spastic positive. See how Jimmy is way more Negative than Jane is. But then, why is Jolanda so much so? I didn't see evidence of that. icon_confused

Also, if we are confused by this, I am totes posting this over in the teaser thread to screw with the lurkers noodles and give them something to talk about. maybe even start a thread for it if it goes down well with them Kim? (winner picks removed though, don't wanna give em too much icon_razz )
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OfflineChad Crittenden
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Maybe it is a scale. A long time ago I tried to figure out what Edgic was all about and I independently came to the conclusion the numbers were the number of confessionals.

But don't listen to me because I'm not even sure I know what some of the abbreviations are for. icon_lol Like I have no idea what a CPM is. Complex personality _________? Don't mind me. Apparently I am seeking attention now.
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OfflineBrenda Lowe
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Eh, let me see.

The P, N or M at the end is their temperment. Positive / Negative / or Mixed. The number is how much they give off that vibe.
The first letters are their strategical side. OTT / CP / MOR / INV / UTR. Seems to me their should be more than just that, and less of the ones there are.

Also, doing edgic when you can see everything defeats the purpose :P this is just Gic now, the Season has yet to be edited :P You could edgic the ORGY updates :o
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OfflineBrenda Lowe
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I am jk btw, don't stop Kim.
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OfflineKim Mullen
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Lol I have no idea if you guys are trolling are not but the rules of edgic essentially are:

OTT- over-the-top. They're one dimensional characters, essentially
CP- complex personality. Strategic.
MOR- middle of the road. Not really invisible but not really doing anything of importance either.
UTR- under-the-radar. Hidden and barely there.

Then it goes further with tone:
neutral- neither positive or negative.
P- positive, heroic, likable
N- negative, villainous, cocky
M- displays both positive and negative attributes.

then it goes further with visibility number:
1- invisible, barely there
2- kind of there
3- moderately visible
4- very present
5- extremely present, hogging the airtime

The numbers have nothing to do with how positive and negative are, I'm assigning visibility numbers based on stuff like board presence, post count, and # of PMs sent.
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OfflineBrenda Lowe
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I always had the numbers wrong so. :/
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OfflineCarl Bilancione
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Edgic = Astrology-esque crap for people who obsess about organizing stuff.

Some of the data is slightly useful.
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OfflineJeff Probst
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Carl Bilancione wrote:Edgic = Astrology-esque crap for people who obsess about organizing stuff.

Some of the data is slightly useful.

I feel like you could make a better acronym for that....
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OfflineCarl Bilancione
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Jeff Probst wrote:
Carl Bilancione wrote:Edgic = Astrology-esque crap for people who obsess about organizing stuff.

Some of the data is slightly useful.

I feel like you could make a better acronym for that....

Yeah that post is kind of a disaster.

tldr: Edgic is stupid but some of the data it collects is not.
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OfflineKim Mullen
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I'm not really doing it to mainly predict the winner, I'm doing it to kind of ~document~ the season in a unique way ^_^
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OfflineKim Mullen
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Points of interest:
-Jolanda's morph icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub
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OfflineChad Crittenden
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Kim Mullen wrote:I'm not really doing it to mainly predict the winner, I'm doing it to kind of ~document~ the season in a unique way ^_^

I think it's a beautiful thing Sullen Mullen. And no I wasn't trolling. icon_lol I really never understood Edgic and I've always been too embarrassed to ask like you Survivor gurus would make fun of me.
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OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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Fucking Wendy Jo icon_sick

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