Re: Episode 1

Postby Chad Crittenden » Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:20:57 am

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    OfflineChad Crittenden
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    So Jimmy J started a thread at Camp entitled "Alliances and Shit".

    I'm not fucking doing them. They're a gawdawful waste of time and they're entirely fucking stupid. There is NO fuckin' reason to make an alliance in this fuckin' game, ESPECIALLY when it's barely fuckin' started. Majority-fucking-alliances that form now are just gonna have ta start choppin' off their own fucking limbs if the fuckin' vets are better at this shit than we are (though considering their former placements, that's not necessarily likely).

    So here's what I'm gonna fuckin' do.

    I'm gonna be voting however the fuck I want, because I don't fuckin' care right now WHO goes home. I don't know you sonsofbitches, I don't know your stories, I don't know your fuckin' predecessors or their relationships, and I DAMN sure don't give two shits. If you want me to vote with you, then send me a message telling me who the fuck you're voting for. Even if it's fucking me. Fuck, ESPECIALLY if it's fucking me. Blindsides are fucking stupid and too big of a pain in the ass to coordinate.

    I'm gonna be on everyone's side here. 'Cuz I can fucking DO THAT. If you want my fuckin' respect - EARN it. I'm going to play a game of honesty and integrity. You can't fucking do that, fuck off, I'll see you on Purgatory Island, bitches.


    Re: Episode 1

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:16:06 pm

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    Jolanda wrote:
    Also, I'm trying to be less jumpy with my PMs. Last season, if I saw someone online (in these beginning rounds) I would PM them and talk to them about nothing. Now, I sent a hello PM to everyone to make sure that they know I'm here and not going anywhere, then let them take the conversation where they will, and if it ends then it ends, and I don't care.

    Oh Jolanda. icon_cry

    She's taking the exact opposite approach to last season instead of making minor tweaks. She's overcompensating for what she did wrong last time, including not doing the things she did right. I agree with Mia, this is really painful to watch.

    Re: Episode 1

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:21:57 pm

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    Chad Crittenden wrote:Jolanda wrote:
    Also, I'm trying to be less jumpy with my PMs. Last season, if I saw someone online (in these beginning rounds) I would PM them and talk to them about nothing. Now, I sent a hello PM to everyone to make sure that they know I'm here and not going anywhere, then let them take the conversation where they will, and if it ends then it ends, and I don't care.

    Oh Jolanda. icon_cry

    She's taking the exact opposite approach to last season instead of making minor tweaks. She's overcompensating for what she did wrong last time, including not doing the things she did right. I agree with Mia, this is really painful to watch.


    The ONLY thing that will save her is if this swap somehow goes her way. She might get into a dynamic where some of the other favs need her vote, or vice versa with the fans. Or she could end up being the first boot from her tribe, but the more I think about it, the more it seems like she MIGHT be okay for a bit. But she's not going to make the merge, and she's playing HORRIBLY right now.

    Re: Episode 1

    Postby Kim Mullen » Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:14:09 pm

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    I have no doubt that Jolanda will survive at least a couple rounds. I'm not counting her out just yet. I think regardless this will be a learning experience for her. I just think her only problem is that she really needs to lengthen her PMs, and not sound so OTTP. It can get kind of grating to some people.

    Re: Episode 1

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:31:38 pm

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    I dunno Kim. If there were a vote right now, Jolanda is toast.

    On a positive note, Erica is freaking hilarious. She has decided to just send crazy PMs to anyone who bores her. Like this:

    Erica to Ken:
    I want to rape myself ples

    Ken to Erica:
    icon_eek What?

    Erica to Ken:
    ples s ssoem fkrn[fkr

    Ken to Erica:
    Oh yes I completely agree icon_wub

    Erica to Ken

    icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol

    Re: Episode 1

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:00:36 pm

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    The game of telephone going on in Jolanda-gate is kind of hilarious. Apparently she's forming alliances left and right and all over the place and not including people and then not inviting the people she is including. All based on one simple statement to Brook: I would swap out Ted with Erica because I like her. But that looks good.


    Re: Episode 1

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:28:22 pm

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    Jimmy J to Holly (who is NOT appreciating his antics right about now and planting seeds out there that Jimmy J might need to go first):
    Thanks. Too many fucking cunts watch these fucking shows and see how 'popular' all the fucking HBICs are(n't). And they want to be fuckin' like them. Stupid fucking cows. The last thing we need is a fucker who wants to shell out their own fucking arms to get farther.

    meanwhile, general rule of talking to me. Be fucking straight with me. I'm not gonna pull any fuckin' punches, I don't care who the fuck you are or what the fuck relationship our predecessors had, it doesn't fuckin' matter. Especially since I got voted out third.

    Also: Jimmy or James, I'm fine either way.

    I really.just.don' And he won't talk to us in his confessional either about what he's doing. This is beyond weird.

    Re: Episode 1

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:38:49 pm

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    I wouldn't mind that part of it if he then used it as a springboard to get in good with people. But you just can't turn down alliance offers and shut off communications with people, for any reason. People need to have reasons to keep you, or at least, less reasons to boot you than anyone else.

    Like he could use this tactic to actually go a little deeper, but his talk of how he's not going to last ling is only gonna be self-fulfilling if he's actively gonna self-sabotage. Ugh, he has to see it too. You'd think he'd start picking it up for Erica's sake if for no other reason. Maybe she'll talk sense into him, because I don't think I can comment in his confessional without me pushing him to cop the fuck on.

    Best case scenario - he takes the tribal shuffle as a fresh start and rethinks w/e the hell he's doing.
    Medium-case - his new tribe has a noobs/vets mentality split and he is either protected by the noobs for this, or he flips to the Vets Erica has recommended and he gets protected until merge for it.
    Worst-case - he gets booted next. Even with the shuffle this is a pretty likely outcome the way he's going on.

    Re: Episode 1

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:50:27 pm

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    Brenda Lowe wrote:I wouldn't mind that part of it if he then used it as a springboard to get in good with people. But you just can't turn down alliance offers and shut off communications with people, for any reason. People need to have reasons to keep you, or at least, less reasons to boot you than anyone else.

    Like he could use this tactic to actually go a little deeper, but his talk of how he's not going to last ling is only gonna be self-fulfilling if he's actively gonna self-sabotage. Ugh, he has to see it too. You'd think he'd start picking it up for Erica's sake if for no other reason. Maybe she'll talk sense into him, because I don't think I can comment in his confessional without me pushing him to cop the fuck on.

    Best case scenario - he takes the tribal shuffle as a fresh start and rethinks w/e the hell he's doing.
    Medium-case - his new tribe has a noobs/vets mentality split and he is either protected by the noobs for this, or he flips to the Vets Erica has recommended and he gets protected until merge for it.
    Worst-case - he gets booted next. Even with the shuffle this is a pretty likely outcome the way he's going on.

    To that point Brenda.... he started that dumb ass thread AFTER he decided he wanted to start playing the game and try to make the merge to work with Erica. icon_confused It would be one thing if he had some underlying strategy that he was explaining, but he's not doing that. He's keeping up the act in his confessional. Unless it's not an act and he really doesn't give a shit so then why is he playing? You said he was excited that he got picked. I don't get how anyone could think completely alienating everyone in your tribe, threatening them in PMs, and openly declaring you will vote however the fuck you want to and you refuse to join an alliance is a good strategy in any universe. I dunno. It's a thing he's doing. And it's not even mildly entertaining to me even though it's a total trainwreck because it just makes no sense and it's probably going to make him one of the first boots of the game. But not in a funny way like a Zane or something. It's just awful.

    Didn't you say you coached him coming into this? icon_razz *Note to self: never accept coaching from Brenda* icon_wink

    ETA: At this point I'm not sure the newbs wouldn't actively target him at the swap because they KNOW they can't rely on him for a vote or anything. Especially with people like Wendy Jo and Yve who are likely to flip and try to work with the vets.

    Re: Episode 1

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:24:11 pm

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    Chad Crittenden wrote:Didn't you say you coached him coming into this? icon_razz *Note to self: never accept coaching from Brenda* icon_wink

    ikr? It's almost like he's doing the opposite of everything I told him. icon_glare

    Re: Episode 1

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:33:14 am

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    Marty's game is plummeting into hell. He actually started off in a pretty good position, but it appears he doesn't understand the importance of talking to people and is waiting "until the game starts" tomorrow night. Woops. He also seems to think that no one in the tribe is doing anything either or talking to each other. Woops.

    Re: Episode 1

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:47:04 am

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    I thought this was worth re-posting here too. From the Erica/Jimmy J forum:

    Jimmy J wrote:Eh, I'm not too stressed right now. I know I've got one awesome person to talk to, and that makes this entire game so much fuckin' better, like, you have no idea. SO HAPPY it's you who picked me, otherwise I would have let the ship fucking sink. Now I'm gonna take everyone else out so we're the last team standin'.

    I'll get back to you when I figure out how tod o that, lol. I'm pretty sure I'll be fairly safe, regardless.

    icon_confused icon_unsure icon_wacko

    He must not realize what he is doing and think this is some sort of killer strategy or something.

    Re: Episode 1

    Postby Jeff Probst » Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:46:38 am

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    Maybe he is the genius and we are all too stupid to see it. Maybe he is disarming his tribemates into thinking he is a non-threat, phillip shephard style.

    Re: Episode 1

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:46:01 pm

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    Jeff Probst wrote:Maybe he is the genius and we are all too stupid to see it. Maybe he is disarming his tribemates into thinking he is a non-threat, phillip shephard style.

    Maybe? I guess.... icon_lol

    Re: Episode 1

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:52:53 pm

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    Ken to Russell:
    Apparently Jolanda has said that you me and Erica are with her I would hate to become a target because of some alliance I never actually agreed to.

    OMG. This is downright fascinating. Jolanda has not said one thing to one person about any alliance, BY DESIGN, except telling Brook she liked Erica better than Ted. I can't stop watching.

    On the flip side. Erica seems to be tweaked now because Jake sent her a PM about the 5 person alliance they are in (Erica, Fabio, Russell, Chase, Jake). Jake got this information from Chase, who I'm pretty sure misunderstood what the alliance actually was (Brook was in it, not Jake) because Erica never talked to Chase about the alliance and just put him in it. I mean..... icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol

    Erica wrote:
    LOL did Jake just instert himself into the alliance? I just got the weirdest PM from him... this is really weird

    Fabio wrote:
    What'd he say? This shit is already so weird.

    Erica wrote:
    Like "Hi Erica are we down with the alliance with Chase, Fabio and Russel? Im so happy and looking forward to it! Lets get out Jolanda or john!"

    I mean everything in the PM makes sense but its so random and I didn't know he was in the alliance lol

    PS... is there a better way to quote PMs than what I am doing?

    Re: Episode 1

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:58:37 pm

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    I've finally gotten past Russell's schtick and I love him now. He's actually one of the more observant/wiser players right now and he's got killer one-liners. When he asked Jane why her neck looked like a vagina I almost peed myself.

    He's also the one that has been planting seeds to some of the others that Jake/Ken/Ted need to be broken up. Of course he calls them the Thai people. icon_lol He also dropped a hint out there that he thinks a twist may be coming tonight which no one else has mentioned at all.

    Re: Episode 1

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:27:14 pm

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    Am I awful for peeing my pants over here? icon_lol

    John wrote:Image

    Here's one

    John wrote:Image

    Here's another rock

    Re: Episode 1

    Postby Kim Mullen » Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:49:45 pm

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    Totally unrelated to the challenge but, one thing I've just noticed recently is... I really like this cast icon_cry But I actually hate that because pre-merge robbage is 100% inevitable for some of these stars icon_cry icon_cry

    Re: Episode 1

    Postby Kim Mullen » Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:25:00 pm

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    In my opinion, the person who was fucked most by this was.... Yve. I fear for her actually icon_cry

    Re: Episode 1

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:33:26 pm

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    OfflineChad Crittenden
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    Really? Why do you think Yve?

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