Chad's Chatter

Postby Chad Crittenden » Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:09:26 am

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    OfflineChad Crittenden
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    Hi Everyone! I'm really excited for the latest season of Stranded and even more excited to be a part of it from behind the scenes. I will do my best to blog for each episode and share my thoughts on what is happening, while filling the readers in on some of the more intimate behind the scenes goings on.

    I would also like to apologize in advance to some, if not all of the players. I will probably be mean. Sorry, I can't help it. It's nothing personal. I just think snarky raw analysis is much more fun than, well, any other kind of analysis. And it's for your own good and stuff. Character building or sumthin like that.

    For the lurkers and other admins/hosts/bloggers, feel free to pop in and argue with me or just provide feedback. It will be more fun that way and at least make me think I'm not talking to myself.

    I will also try to be concise, yet informative. Shit.... who am I kidding? This thread will probably be the size of a Dickens novel when I'm done with it. :ugeek:

    Hope you enjoy!
    Last edited by Chad Crittenden on Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:02:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

    Re: Chad's Chatter

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:43:14 am

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    OfflineChad Crittenden
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    Pre-Show Cast Assessment (Palena - Second Chancers)


    Jolanda - Palena Tribe

    Jolanda is a returning player from Season 17: Stranded in Costa Rica and apparently the only female member of Palena. icon_eek Probst seems to be wearing his rampant sexism on his sleeve once again. I'm not sure this will be an issue for Jo, however, as she is somewhat of a guy's girl. Having played the game with Jolanda, I have more intimate knowledge of her game than the cast members from other seasons. I really like Jo personally and I hope she does well the second time around. There really were some flaws in her game that I think she needs to tackle and improve upon if she wants to make it farther than she did last time. I felt Jolanda's biggest mistake in Season 17 was her bluntness and her... well, I guess, honesty. She formed an alliance Day 1 and come hell or high water she was sticking with it. She also didn't make any attempt to hide this fact from the others and I felt it really hurt her in the game. Not only was she pretty open with everyone in revealing who her alliance was and that she was sticking to it, but she also somewhat isolated people that she wasn't working with and made it very clear that working with her was not an option. As she was the perceived leader of her group, this made her a very easy boot. Jo also was a little bit too confident that the people she was working with were as loyal as she was and that came back to bite her in the bum because she was completely blindsided. I'm hoping this time around she tones down the bluntness a bit (the day of her boot she outright told Ami that old Guatuso was going to get Pagonged icon_lol ) and maybe tries to play the manipulative angle a little more.

    Pre-Show Prediction: Jolanda is good at challenges, is fun to have around camp, and easy to talk to. If she doesn't make the merge I will be shocked. But she's really going to need to step it up and work on her social game with EVERYONE, including those outside of her alliance, and possibly even scheme and backstab a bit, if she is going to make it far. If she makes it to the end, she will have a stellar chance at winning based on her likability, I'm just not sure she can get there unless she changes her game up from last season.


    Brook - Palena Tribe

    It pains me to write this. IT HURTS. ARRGGGH. I am forced to relive and talk about my experience with Brook. icon_redface Only a few minutes and it will be over.

    Brook is also a returning player from Season 17. What I should really do is copy and paste my confessional entries regarding Brook from that season and move on to the next cast member. I won't do that though. I'm not exactly sure what the deal with Brook was during Season 17, because apparently he has played other ORGs and been quite good at them and well liked. Perhaps he went on a bender for about 2 weeks whilst playing in Stranded Costa Rica. Or he could have had a brain tumor which hopefully has gone away. I have no fucking idea but Brook was a fucking hot mess. I'm not going to write a novel about this, because most people reading this are probably intimately aware of the story. But Brook essentially decided, after a tribe swap and being on a tribe that could not win an IC to save their lives, that it was a good idea to vote out pretty much his #1 ally (John) because he sent what Brook perceived as a condescending PM. And then Brook got voted out at the next TC. Utter fucking brilliance if I ever saw it. I personally spent a large portion of the game being POed about this because it put me in a horrible position in the game (in hindsight I'm not sure that's actually true). Even though my feelings of rage have worn off, I still cannot fathom what was going through this dude's head and how he could be anything other than one of the biggest fucking idiots to ever appear on Stranded. But apparently he doesn't always play like that. So I am extremely anxious to see what we get from Brook this time around. What's even more interesting is that he is back in the game for Round 2 with John. I should actually say Round 3. I'm pretty sure Round 2 was the 30+ page war they had in the Loser's Lodge where, after reading, I was able to add about 30 expletives to my vocabulary that I had never before heard. It was pretty fucking awesome reading. And I expect that the Brook/John dynamic will not disappoint in Season 18.

    Pre-Show Prediction: As I said above, I am biased. I just have a hard time believing that Brook will be any kind of contender if he plays in a way that remotely resembles his Costa Rican performance. I just hope he sticks around long enough to do something crazy for the spectators.


    John - Palena Tribe

    Oh John. John is also a returning cast member from Season 17 and the one I knew the best. John was my plus one until he got blindsided by Brook and voted out. I'm not really sure what to say about him. I really like John and I'm certainly rooting for him to win the game. But for some reason he really rubbed other people the wrong way. I think part of it may have been because he was our tribe leader, whom we elected before he had even logged into the game, and he was at times acting like the leader. John doesn't really hold anything back and he'll tell you what he's thinking, and some of what he was thinking was not what other people wanted to hear. I suspect that John will try to tone it down this time around knowing that he was offputting in Season 17. Or maybe not. He did make up some pretty dumb lies that would have come back to bite him if he had lasted until the merge. And post-game he seemed to think that it was a good idea, so I'm not really sure what to expect from him. He was made out to be a huge villain in Costa Rica, but a lot of that was playing telephone after the fact and those in the game blaming everything on him once he was gone. He could go either way - the cantankerous villain everyone hates or the lovable BFF. I'm excited to watch it play out and I hope he can pull it off.

    I think the biggest question for me going into this season.... WILL JOHN AND BROOK TEAM UP OR WILL THEY CONTINUE THEIR FEUD INTO A NEW SEASON???? icon_lol

    Pre-Show Prediction: As much as I want John to succeed, unfortunately I can't see it happening. Besides some of his brash personality traits that could possibly annoy people, John is really really horrifically bad at challenges - to the point that he's a liability. If Palena loses any challenges pre-merge, and doesn't have anyone go inactive, I will be shocked if John's name isn't on the table for elimination. He may be able to form close relationships to work around that, but if they are making decisions based on challenge performance, I think John will be in trouble. There is also the risk that the rest of Palena looks at the three from Season 17 as a threat because they could be working together and targets them. If John makes the merge, he may have a good shot at going far, I think it may be difficult for him to get there though.

    *************This is where I just start guessing and making wild uninformed assessments****************


    Jake - Palena Tribe

    Jake originally played Season 15: Stranded in Greece. I am actually familiar with the Sucks poster behind this character, so I know a little bit about him from that perspective. From what I've read, Jake was just a really sweet and loyal player that struggled with the moral aspects of playing the game. That is consistent with what I know of him. It sounds like Jake formed an early alliance that he planned on sticking with and got screwed over by a misunderstanding and one of his alliance members (Ted - see below) being a borderline lunatic, so he went out early. I'm picturing a Lisa type of player from Costa Rica. Players like that usually go far, as long as they can hold their weight around camp, but have a hard time winning. I'm curious to see if Jake, Ken, and Ted from Greece all team up, or if there are still bitter feelings about the apparent blow up of their alliance over a misinterpreted PM. Hopefully we will see some good strategy mixed with the sweetness and loyalty, but if Jake really does struggle with hurting people's feelings and voting others out, I'm not sure how much.

    Pre-Show Prediction: As long as nothing crazy happens, Jake will probably go far and possibly even make it to FTC. However, if his gameplay is solely based on being nice and loyal, his chances of winning are probably small.


    Ted - Palena Tribe

    It seems like Season 15 was "The Ted Show" and he was a huge character that made a lot of crazy moves that dictated the flow of the game until the players caught onto him and figured out that he was playing both sides. What I found interesting reading about Ted, is that he was uber sketchy, but it took everyone a while to figure it out. He's probably not going to get away with that this time around. The hosts are obviously enamored with Ted and it seems he brought a ton of excitement to the game. I would think he will have to play a little differently this time, however, with at least two of his tribe mates knowing that he is probably not to be trusted. I'm probably most excited about Ted this season, because it looks like he's sure to bring the lulz. I hope he can last a while and make some crazy moves.

    Pre-Show Prediction: It could go either way. He could be the first boot or he could go far. Ted seems to be a fantastic player, but because some players are aware of his MO of the past, he may be an early target. At this point I'm going to guess and go with Ted makes it far into the merge and in the process becomes one of the big stars of the season.


    Ken - Palena Tribe

    Ken is also a returnee from Season 15. I also am familiar with this poster from Sucks, but I'm not sure I can translate my knowledge of him as a poster to an ORG character. Ken was the first boot of his tribe and it sounds like he was new to ORGs and just didn't really know how to proceed. Brenda said that he's played nine games since the Stranded in Greece and has really developed as a player and even won one. It sounds like Ken's problems in Greece were: 1. Ted and 2. His lack of social game. Playing several games now, I'm sure number two will not be an issue any longer. But what about number one? icon_laughing Ken will be playing with Ted again and it's really going to be interesting to watch how both Ken and Jake decide to approach the Ted situation.

    Pre-Show Prediction: From what I've read, it seems like Ken, now a seasoned player, is more of a level-headed social type of player. That will probably bode well for him in a cast of big characters returning from other seasons. I'm not sure why, but I just have a gut feeling right now that Ken is a serious contender to take it all home.


    Fabio - Palena Tribe

    Fabio is a returning player from Season 14: Stranded in Malaysia. He did very well in both the US and Aussie versions of Stranded and Brenda described him as "the male Kim" - meaning he plays UTR but forms enough relationships that he is not perceived as a threat, and has the ability to play both sides without looking shady. That's not exactly my favorite type of gameplay, but it definitely works. But unlike Kim, Fabio didn't win when he made it to FTC. I'm not sure what the reason behind that was because I wasn't there. It could be, that like Kim, a lot of people thought he was just coasting along and wasn't really playing the game. It sounds like Fabio won't be one of the bigger more exciting characters of the season, but his game should be interesting to watch.

    Pre-Show Prediction: If he plays the same way that he apparently did in his two other Stranded appearances, Fabio will most likely make the merge and go pretty far. It really depends on what happens and what the dynamics are, but his shot of actually winning may be small if there are other perceived stronger players around him.


    Chase - Palena Tribe

    Chase (Chaste for some reason) is also returning from Season 14 of Stranded. From reading about his last time playing, it seems that Chase was an excellent player that got screwed out of the game by aligning himself with a fucking idiot. I know THAT feeling. *cough* Brook *cough* It sounded like he had control of the game, wasn't afraid to make BIG MOVES, and was really playing to win. If his alliance member hadn't pulled a bonehead move by not playing the idol he gave her, Malaysia would have played out differently and it sounds like Chase had a good shot at the finals. I'm excited to watch Chase play because he sounds like my kind of player - strategically running shit and fun to watch. He could also be perceived as a bigger threat, and less trustworthy, than some of the other faves in the bunch if his game play is obvious, so that may hurt him.

    Pre-Show Prediction: Chase will probably make the merge, however if he plays the same kind of game as last time, I can see him going out early post-merge for being seen as a big threat.


    Russell - Palena Tribe

    ACK. Russell is a second chancer from Season 13: Stranded in Cambodia. I'm going to have a hard time rooting for him, simply because looking at Hantz's face is going to make me dislike him. There was not a whole lot of information on him from his past Stranded appearance, but according to Brenda, his tribe went into the merge up in numbers, yet he was still an early merge boot. That says something. Brenda also noted that this player has played 26 ORGs and never won. That says something more. Brenda also said that he has a thing for "schticks", which if he attempts a Hantz "schtick", I can't see that ending well. And it has to say something about his style of game that he was even given the Russell character in the first place. I don't think I'm going to like Russell. And I'm not sure the rest of the players will either.

    Pre-Show Prediction: Russell is one of the first boots in the game.


    Mikey B (or Erica) - Palena Tribe

    Mikey B is the only player returning from Season 9: Stranded in Trinidad and Tobago. None of the hosts really have much information on him nor can they remember much about his first time in Stranded. Jeff described him as a "wildcard". So.... ummm.... I have no fucking idea? icon_excited

    Edit: Mikey B may be replaced with Erica. No one seems to know fuck all about Erica either, so same assessment applies.

    Pre-Show Prediction: Mikey B will probably win the game. It's as good a choice as any, right???
    Last edited by Chad Crittenden on Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:41:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.

    Re: Chad's Chatter

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:52:03 pm

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    OfflineChad Crittenden
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    Pre-Show Cast Assessment (Atacama - Noobs)


    Dan - Atacama Tribe

    OH MY GOD I'm in love with Dan. His bio was fabulous - so well thought out, in depth, well written. I can tell right from the get go that Dan is going to be one of the players that is constantly playing the game and going balls out trying to win while being intelligent and strategic in the process - not a willynilly lunatic. <33333 Dan is obviously a huge fan of Survivor and his analyses of types of gameplay show the depth of knowledge he has of these types of games and winning strategies. He seems like he will be a complex and intelligent character, and I'd be surprised if his confessionals weren't extremely insightful and interesting to read. I also like the fact that he seems to be a little feisty and isn't going to take shit from anyone. If he lives up to his application, I can't see Dan not being one of the stars of the season. What is a little confusing to me, however, is that Dan was a replacement for someone else who dropped out of the game. WHY? Is there something I'm not seeing here? His application looked phenomenal to me and wasn't the standard cookie cutter "I'm gonna tear shit up" type of app. Confuzzled by that. Oh well. I'm really glad he made the cut because if we are just going on pre-show bios, Dan is far and away one of my favorites.

    Pre-Show Prediction: If he puts his money where his mouth is and plays the way he says he will in his bio, I see Dan going very very far in this game. Dan <33333


    Holly - Atacama Tribe

    My first impression of Holly was - bull in a China shop. As I was reading her application, I literally pictured in my mind her storming around camp with a trail of chaos following her. She's an Aussie, so I'm sure that has a little to do with it. Her answers were pretty hilarious so she will definitely be a character. It seems she has a chip on her shoulder and something to prove to the Aussies by winning this game. She's got one of those cookie cutter "I'm gonna tear shit up" applications that I was talking about above. The whole thing screams unjustifiable arrogance to me though - that Holly will be one of those characters that think they are running shit and has everyone wrapped around her finger, will be pretty abrasive to deal with, and has no clue that no one else can really stand her and will only keep her around as long as they need her. That's just a gut first impression. However, it seems out of the few games she's played, she has won one, so maybe she just comes across in private as arrogant and assholish, but she actually is able to fool the people she is playing with. Who knows? Her bio just doesn't flash winner at me. I think she will provide beaucoup entertainment though and I have no doubts that Holly will be stirring up some shit to make things more exciting for us to watch.

    Pre-Show Prediction: Holly probably makes the merge if she isn't considered expendable earlier than that, but she has no shot at the finals because her game will be pretty transparent and a bit in, no one will really trust her enough to try to go all the way with her.


    Jane - Atacama Tribe

    So I am familiar with the poster in Off Topic on Survivor Sucks that is behind the character of Jane on Stranded in Patagonia. All I can say is HI-larious. icon_lol Here are some examples from Jane's application:

    If confronted by a fellow castaway, what would your initial reaction be?
    Maybe make a rap about how I want to beat their ass or just continually call them out in a public thread.

    What personality types do you typically clash with?
    Ugly fat people with a false sense of confidence. I hate somebody who is so arrogant and full of themselves especially when they're ugly and fat. That trait is reserved if you look good but I also hate people who think they know more than me.

    icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol

    If I didn't see a bunch of Jane's posts on Sucks, I may think this was yet again another one of those "I'm so funny and badass" schticks that wasn't really going to pan out. But I think this is the real deal. Jane is claiming that she wants to play the game to let off steam from her real life and intentionally annoy people for fun. I think this may really be the case and not an antic to make a funny application. So while I am going to thoroughly enjoy watching Jane's game play out, I highly doubt we will be watching a winning strategy, as I'm not even sure she will be trying that hard to win. Hopefully she stays around long enough to cause some mischief. And if, god willing, we get to witness a public rap about beating someone's ass, it will make all the time I'm putting into this stupid mother effing blog all worth it and then some.

    Pre-Show Prediction: If Jane makes the merge, I would be shocked.


    Jill - Atacama Tribe

    I am conflicted about Jill's application. She says things like she will be a strategic mastermind and she has a snarky sense of humor - yada yada. I'm just not buying it. I think she may be one of those people who think they are witty, funny, and strategic, but actually are pretty clueless as to what is happening around them, boring, and is just being drug along through the game as a vote. That's the kind of vibe I get. Jill talks about having snarky and absurd humor, which may be true. I just think her humor may be absurd to the point no one else gets it. There was certainly nothing humorous about her application. (I may also be a little biased having just read about beating ass rap songs). She says she has no problem acting dopey or following someone else's lead if she thinks it is good for her game. Which leads me to believe that she will be one of those people who is nice, probably loyal, someone you can count on for a vote, but isn't moving or shaking anything in the game and lacks the will to win. I would say she would be one of the first to go, but it seems like she plans on dedicating a lot of time to the game so she will be active and the perfect person to use for a vote until you don't need them anymore. I have a feeling Jill is going to be pretty boring to watch both from an entertainment and a strategic perspective this season.

    Pre-Show Prediction: Jill will probably make the merge, but either deemed expendable at some point, or drug to the F3 as a goat. I don't think she has a shot at winning based on my read of her.


    Jimmy J - Atacama Tribe

    Holy shit. I thought Jill was going to be boring until I read Jimmy J's application. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Yea. No. Someone who claims their reason for wanting to play the game is to make friends is not someone who is going to grab this thing by the balls and/or provide any entertainment. He didn't really say much of anything about anything, so I'm assuming his game style will be similar. He'll probably try to make a few friends and think Stranded is a fun past time. Which is fine. More power to him. But he's certainly not going to be stirring up any chaos. Based on the blandness of his answers, I'm not even sure how much of a connection he will really make with anyone if his communications look anything like that. Not excited about Jimmy J at all and I can't see him being a factor in the game, especially with some of the bigger personalities that are floating around.

    Pre-Show Prediction: Jimmy J will probably be one of the first boots, especially if he sucks at competitions.


    Jimmy T - Atacama Tribe

    Jimmy T's application is a hot mess and I'm sure he intended for it to be. He's got the badass schtick going on and he's above answering silly questions on an application. Major icon_rolleyes Jimmy T will probably play like a crazy person, annoy the fuck out of everyone, and think he's badass and hilarious while doing it. Whatever. If that's how he enjoys passing his time, who am I to judge? Even though I think he's an assclown just from reading his application. If he's happy being an assclown, I am happy for him. I guess. Whatever. Jimmy T looks like he will bring some craziness to the game. I'm just not sure if it will be of the annoying troll type of craziness or the type that makes me crack a giggle every once in a while. I'm leaning towards the former.

    Pre-Show Prediction: Definitely smelling a pre-merge boot here. People probably won't appreciate the fact that he's not taking the game very seriously.


    Marty - Atacama Tribe

    I'm actually getting some good vibes from Marty. He's saying he's snarky and sarcastic, but I think he may actually mean it. He had some good biting responses. He didn't get too indepth regarding his strategy though, and he is a newbie to ORGs, so I'm really not sure what to expect at all. He says he likes emotionless players, which are the types of players that I like, so I'm hoping he pulls through for me. I'm not seeing a lot of talent out of the noobs so far that I think could put together a winning game, besides Dan <33333333. Maybe there is hope for a season that is not completely dominated by the second chancers. Is my hope Marty???? Can he do it? I have no idea. He looks a bit promising. More promising than some of the other snoozers or trolls I have gone through so far.

    Edit: I just read Mia's blog and she said that Marty reminded her of me. Maybe that's why I'm getting the good vibes. GO MARTY!!!

    Pre-Show Prediction: Marty seems like he could be one of the stronger contenders out of the noobs. I see him making the merge, possibly deep into it.


    Tyrone - Atacama Tribe

    lolwut? No.... seriously. It has occurred to me that Jeff might have a boner for the returnees and is stacking the deck in their favor a bit. Reading Tyrone's application doesn't steer me away from these thoughts. Um... hmm. I'm at a loss for words and that's difficult to accomplish. Tyrone's application has rendered me speechless though. I guess I just have one question based on one of Tyrone's answers:

    What style of game play do you most respect?
    A Mental and Stragist game

    So I ask myself if, based on the information I have gathered from his bio, do I think that Tyrone will play a Stragist game on Stranded? Yea. Yea, I think he might.


    Pre-Show Prediction: Shortly after arriving at the campsite with his tribe, Tyrone tries to talk and walk at the same time, trips on a twig, breaks his femur in three places, and is medevaced off the show.


    Wendy Jo - Atacama Tribe

    Wendy Jo has been around the block a few times and obviously an avid ORGer having played 50 games in the past three years. How does one even do that??? So of the noobs, I think it's safe to say she will probably dominate. She claims that she is somewhat of a challenge liability, but a strong social and strategic player. And I'm sure that is true. Wendy Jo does not seem to be the backstabbing type and stays loyal, as long as you don't give her a reason not to be loyal, then it's watch out. There's not a whole lot to say. She is a strong extremely experienced player and I'm sure she will be interesting to watch, especially with the returning player dynamic, most of whom she has probably played with at some point, or has built some sort of relationship with over the years. There is no reason not to think she will be a serious contender this season.

    Pre-Show Prediction: Wendy Jo will go very deep in the game, perhaps even making FTC and winning the whole thing.


    Yve - Atacama Tribe

    Yve is another highly experienced ORGer who has been playing since 2004. She sounds like she plays with an interesting mix of strategist, villain, and tribe clown. After reading this last and final application, I think Yve will end up being one of my favorites. Just enough wit and charm was present in the application to believe she is witty and charming and not just trying to be witty and charming. I think we'll see big moves from Yve and I wouldn't be shocked if she has total control over the players who are new to the ORG scene for a while. The only problem I see, is that especially with the returnees, we have a lot of big personalities so Yve may be vying for a spot and it's a possibility that all the bolder players devour each other leaving the weaklings left standing at the end. Either way, Yve is sure to bring some excitement to the mix.

    Pre-Show Prediction: Yve will most likely make the merge and from there it will really all depend on how big of a threat she appears to be to the other players to determine if she gets cut before the end.
    Last edited by Chad Crittenden on Wed Jan 16, 2013 6:39:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

    Re: Chad's Chatter

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:39:47 pm

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    OfflineChad Crittenden
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    Pre-Show Boot List

    20. Tyrone
    19. Russell
    18. Jimmy T
    17. Jimmy J
    16. Jane
    15. John
    14. Brook
    13. Holly
    12. Jolanda
    11. Chase
    10. Yve
    9. Jill
    8. Ted
    7. Marty
    6. Wendy Jo
    5. Fabio
    4. Jake
    3. Ken
    2. Dan
    1. MikeyB/Erica (Just because icon_biggrin)

    Re: Chad's Chatter

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:28:21 pm

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    OK I will do an official Episode 1 blog before Sunday, but holy fucking shit I LOVE Jane. I mean Jane is fucking awesome as I knew she would be. And I've been messing around with her in her confessional. But this makes me lmao:

    ... Jane, what the fuck are you talking about?

    Can you elaborate on what you are talking about Tyrone?

    It have to do with the fact on she was talking about like the Berling wall and that just completely made me confuse. Not to mention creepy.

    Note: Jane started some thread on the Tribal boards talking about conquering the vets and the Berlin Wall and shit.

    I mean the lulz are there on so many levels it's insane (between Jane's post and Tyrone's confessional about it). I am giggling like a retarded school girl who just got ice cream.

    Re: Chad's Chatter

    Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:51:01 pm

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    I agree... JANE <33333333

    She's totally joining the stranded legion of hags.

    I've laughed so hard at the n00bs. Definitely the stars so far.

    Re: Chad's Chatter

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:59:03 pm

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    Some other interesting things going on on Palena. Sorry I can't help but lurk Palena. The newbs tribe is a bunch of getting to know ya chit chat. From what I can tell.... no one can stand Jo. icon_sad They find her annoying and bland. Which I guess I understand with this cast of vets and big characters, but it's disheartening.

    I like almost everyone here, there's one really terrible person so far who is boring me to DEATH but I'm giving them like two more days to shape up or just stop talking to me.

    I think I know who you might mean? All I'm getting from one person is like one sentence PMs which get replied to like seconds after I send them </3 I just can't support that.

    Oh yes, we're talking about the same person. We're in for a long opening round too since there's no tribal until like Monday I think, and lord I don't think I'll be able to make it that far with her MESS.

    omg yes I was also talking about Jolanda </3 And yeah this round will be super long, plus if we win the challenge then we will be stuck with it until like Wednesday even potentially. I know I'll get tired of it eventually too.

    Jolanda is trying too hard but doesn't really have anything to say so she's annoying people. icon_sad It's not looking good for her right now.

    Re: Chad's Chatter

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:01:10 am

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    Also for anyone thinking there is going to be mega John/Brook hostility/drama look at this (called it):

    Brook to John:
    Ok man im pretty sure we are going to be pegged as rivals here. We should probably come up with a plan to take advantage of that

    Re: Chad's Chatter

    Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:06:50 am

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    I wasn't, but there's got to be distrust at least. Also, loving all the different alliances and sub alliances by the n00bs... Knowing Its not gonna matter in a few days makes it so hilarious.

    Re: Chad's Chatter

    Postby Kim Mullen » Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:09:12 am

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    The swap could help Jolanda, who knows really. I think my biggest fear is that both tribes just end up having a Fans vs. Favorites dynamic and whichever group gets an upper hand will just Pagong the other. Fortunately I did think I read in some of the returnee confessionals that they aren't gonna view the newbies any differently than their own tribe.

    Re: Chad's Chatter

    Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:10:24 am

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    Kim Mullen wrote:The swap could help Jolanda, who knows really. I think my biggest fear is that both tribes just end up having a Fans vs. Favorites dynamic and whichever group gets an upper hand will just Pagong the other. Fortunately I did think I read in some of the returnee confessionals that they aren't gonna view the newbies any differently than their own tribe.

    Possibly at first ou of fear, but over time it won't matter, especially with it being soooo early. Similar to Costa Rica with nuguatuso

    Re: Chad's Chatter

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:17:48 am

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    On the Atacama Tribe, an alliance of Dan, Jill, Holly, and Tyrone is forming pretty quickly. Let's see if that lasts through Sunday and what happens with that after the tribe swap.

    Re: Chad's Chatter

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:21:23 am

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    Jeff Probst wrote:
    Kim Mullen wrote:The swap could help Jolanda, who knows really. I think my biggest fear is that both tribes just end up having a Fans vs. Favorites dynamic and whichever group gets an upper hand will just Pagong the other. Fortunately I did think I read in some of the returnee confessionals that they aren't gonna view the newbies any differently than their own tribe.

    Possibly at first ou of fear, but over time it won't matter, especially with it being soooo early. Similar to Costa Rica with nuguatuso

    Jolanda is not in good shape right now. She's trying to be social but everyone is annoyed by her. I find this really weird. But these are returning players she is dealing with instead of us newbs of last season. I thought Jo was fun, but she made it pretty clear to me that she didn't want to work with me at all. I'm finding it a little strange that they are annoyed with her right off the bat. But I've read the PMs and she's sending some pretty mundane shit to people.

    Re: Chad's Chatter

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:49:27 am

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    Yup. I feel like Jo's short & punchy style will go down much better with the new half of her future tribe, no matter who that is. Now where it gets interesting is, will it be too late? If the vets set forth some placebo alliance to her is she gonna be undyingly loyal to it? If she plays the same as last Season she will and it'll bite her in the ass, but if she's evolved as a player like she's promising she is - her game will work out a whole ton better.

    Re: Chad's Chatter

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:49:54 am

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    Jeff Probst wrote:I agree... JANE <33333333

    She's totally joining the stranded legion of hags.

    I've laughed so hard at the n00bs. Definitely the stars so far.

    After going through all the PMs and reading all the confessionals and posts, the NOOBs are kicking ass when it comes to entertainment value. They fucking rock.

    Re: Chad's Chatter

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:58:49 am

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    Brenda Lowe wrote:Yup. I feel like Jo's short & punchy style will go down much better with the new half of her future tribe, no matter who that is. Now where it gets interesting is, will it be too late? If the vets set forth some placebo alliance to her is she gonna be undyingly loyal to it? If she plays the same as last Season she will and it'll bite her in the ass, but if she's evolved as a player like she's promising she is - her game will work out a whole ton better.

    I think the swap can only help Jo at this point. I've read at least a half a dozen people's PMs and confessionals saying they are annoyed with her. I don't really see it because I don't think she's that awful. But she really is sending boring PMs. She's not doing anything to embrace people and make them like her. It's just boring getting to know you chit chat and I could see how the vets would be like "STOP PMING ME". Ugghh Jo. It really doesn't look like she is going to be long for this game at all. She may even go before that annoying fucking Russell schtick that is going on.

    Re: Chad's Chatter

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:37:58 am

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    From John's Confessional:

    What is your strategy and approach to the game?
    My strategy is firstly telling the others that I've always been loyal in every game I've played so hopefully these fucking bozos appreciate that and believe I am very loyal. I also wish to play a more low key game. I'll keep my confessionals fun for you guys but. Other than that I haven't really got much of a strategy. I want Brook the dickhead to believe I am open to working with him but I want to destroy that motherfucker at some point.

    Is he just playing it up for the cameras or is he serious? lolololololol Sorry Mia but I'm still intrigued by this S17 rivalry that is back for another shot.

    Re: Chad's Chatter

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:08:17 am

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    From Wendy Jo to Jill:
    Please don't do it again Lol

    I sure hope so. Poody/Yog have been on my nuts to play for years. Let's see what all the fuss is about, I was hoping to have some noobs to slap around in order to get my way. Knowing in advance that everyone has some gaming history makes this just like any ORG. Wendy will be on her toes.

    This seems like a really fucking stupid message to send someone, no?

    Re: Chad's Chatter

    Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Jan 18, 2013 8:21:13 am

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    Yea building yourself up as an allstar and treating this like a numbers game never ends well

    Re: Chad's Chatter

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:18:52 pm

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    Episode 1 (Part 1: Pre-Swap)

    I am going to try to focus on the Atacama tribe before the merge, but I’m finding that a bit difficult because all the action seems to be on Palena icon_lol. It’s understandable considering they are returnees so they naturally have a lot to talk about and don’t have to worry about laying low and not scheming too much – that’s all they are doing. But I will make sure I talk in depth about what is happening on Atacama before I talk about anything else.

    Rankdown (Atacama):

    10. Jimmy T: Jimmy T hasn't shown up yet which is never good and his name is clearly being thrown around as a first boot. This was something Jeff was aware of before casting him, and he has let the tribe know this. But this, combined with what I gathered from his application, one would think he’s not long for this game. The swap can only help him, especially if his tribe wins the first IC to give him a bit of a chance to build up any kind of relationship with anyone. But at this point there really isn't anything more to say.

    9. Jane: icon_cry I am so in love with Jane. I just wish Jane was revealing some of her awesomeness to the rest of the tribe. She was active the first day and then stopped PMing people. This grand master plan of hers to set up the “hated goat” doesn't seem to be winning any favors with her tribemates either. They are perceiving it as pushy and shady – obviously seeing through it. That, combined with the fact that she hasn't really talked to anyone and developed any kind of relationship, is making her an easy first boot. icon_cry We’ll see what happens at the swap and if there are clear newbie vs. returnee lines drawn on the tribes, but at this point none of the newbs would bat an eyelash if she were the first one out. On the plus side, just for the fuck of it, Jane might be a flipping risk and could possibly team up with some of the vets at the swap to keep herself safe for a while. I hope?

    8. Jimmy J: I have no idea what in the fuck Jimmy J’s deal is or what he is trying to accomplish. Yet somehow people aren't COMPLETELY put off by him. However, his “strategy” of basically telling everyone that he refuses to join an alliance and he’s going to vote however the fuck he wants to cannot possibly lend itself to people wanting to keep him around. He’s publicly admitting that he cannot be counted on for a vote, so what use could these people possibly have for him? IDGI. It’s weird. Yet somehow they don’t all hate him. But he isn't giving anyone a solitary reason to keep him around. His name was being thrown around as a possible addition to a core alliance (by Yve) but that was nixed after he made his position on joining alliances known. icon_wacko I tried a bit to get him to explain in his confessional what in the fuck he was thinking, hoping I could make a little sense of it, but I just get the same schtick from him with little to no explanation which is really fucking annoying. Tyrone is the only one who is really throwing out Jimmy J’s name as a first boot due to his antics, which is a bit fortunate for him should they land on the same tribe in the swap, considering Tyrone is very much all about newbies sticking together, but still…… I mean….. icon_wacko The fact that he claims he now wants to play the game and make the merge because he likes his partner, Erica, is a bit interesting (more on that later). I guess. Sorta. It may be interesting if he could actually formulate an iota of a strategy to make that happen besides telling everyone in his tribe to fuck off. I highly doubt it though.

    7. Marty: Marty was looking good until he fell off the map. He hasn't been on or PMed anyone in over a day, so he’s quickly falling down the social ladder of Atacama. At one point it was being discussed that he could be brought in as another member of the core alliance (The Playground Bullies), but that idea seems to be dwindling and Wendy Jo and Yve will be taking his place. He’s coming across as pretty bland in the few PMs he traded when he was on, so he’s not endearing himself to anyone in Atacama really. It’s hard to say what will happen with him, because we haven’t seen much yet, but as of now he’s a non-factor. No one is really throwing his name around as a first boot option, but they also aren't chomping at the bit to bring him into their inner circle. We’ll see what happens at a swap, where obviously the entire dynamic will change. Obviously it’s REALLY early, but my initial impression is I think he’s going to be one of those players that is just kind of there and can be drug along for a vote, but isn't much use beyond that.

    6. Tyrone: I had a tough time placing Tyrone. I may be biased because I’m just not really enjoying him so I placed him lower than he should be. On the one hand, he has expressed undying loyalty to the newbies and is a member of the original four person alliance – The Playground Bullies. Dear gods how dumb that name is. Uggh. On the flip side, he doesn’t communicate very well, so he is not really getting close with any individual player. And he has a blatant disregard for the letter S which I personally find extremely irritating. I’m just not sure about Tyrone. The Playground Bullies was formed the first night, before some of the other members even logged in and communicated with the others. I just have a feeling that Tyrone will slide down the ladder and be replaced by some of the others (particularly Yve and Wendy Jo). I highly doubt he will thrive with the vets (I can see them all thinking he’s a fuckwit and having no time for him), which could either help or hurt his game depending where the lines are drawn in the tribe on which he lands. Wendy Jo has openly expressed her disdain for Tyrone. And as I see WJ being one of the power players, and likely to try to work with the vets, if they end up on the same tribe, Tyrone could be in trouble.

    5. Dan: Dan desperately wants to avoid being perceived as the HBIC, but that’s exactly what he’s doing. He has mentioned that he does not want to be seen as the leader of The Playground Bullies, but at the same time sends out PMs where he’s basically acting like their leader – determining who to boot, who to bring into the alliance, etc. He’s trying to bring the group together to make decisions, which isn't really worthy of criticism. It’s just somewhat amusing that this is exactly the opposite of what he WANTS to do and probably doesn't even realize it, if he really does have a domineering nature. I also feel that Dan’s bonds with his tribemates just aren't as strong as some others that are emerging. He’s not anyone’s target, but no one is really gushing about him either. It looks like a Jill/Dan twosome is forming – Dan told Jill that Fabio was his secret partner to which she returned the favor, but then also later revealed it to the rest of the alliance. Speaking of which, I’m not exactly sure what Dan’s strategy is regarding that and whether it will help or hurt him. Fabio is pretty well liked by the vets, so after a swap, with that info floating out there, someone could possibly use it to make sure Dan goes out of the Fabio/Dan duo? No idea. I’m not sure I would have just thrown that out there like that. It will most likely gain trust among his foursome, but I’m not sure that was the best idea. I’m going to dig into that a little bit with him in his confessional and try to figure out what his thinking was behind that move. The fact that Holly and Tyrone have not reciprocated and revealed their secret partner doesn't exactly bode well for that move.

    4. Jill: I’m not too sure what to make of Jill yet, but she’s sitting pretty comfortably right now. She’s a core member of The Playground Bullies, obviously Dan’s number one, and developing more of a rapport with all of the members of the tribe than either Dan or Tyrone is. She’s currently in discussions with Holly and Yve about a side alliance – The Old Broads. She isn't the most exciting player to watch at the moment, but she’s playing a pretty solid game, making all the right connections, and positioning herself nicely before the swap. Somehow, SOMEHOW, Jimmy J has successfully figured out that Jill’s partner is Ted. icon_lol On a positive note for Jill, I’m not sure anyone would believe Jimmy J if he decided to start spreading this around. Other than that, there’s not a whole lot to say other than Jill is looking good pre-swap.

    3. Mama HoHo: Holly’s game is pretty strong right now. She’s a core member of The Playground Bullies and working side deals and making connections all over the place. Yve and Holly are developing a tight bond outside of her core alliance and I can see this especially working to her advantage. Holly definitely has some baggage with the Aussies. TBH I’m not sure if any of her beef is with OUR Aussies, but I have a feeling two of the people she hates are Chase and Ted based on her comments about the secret partners. That lends itself to some hilarity ensuing after the swap if she lands anywhere with those two, as she will know who they are and hate them, and they will be unaware of her ID. icon_lol She’s happy she ended up with Jolanda as a partner because it’s not “one of the people she hates”. Little does she know that this may actually benefit her in the long run because Jolanda is hanging on a thread right now so of that duo, it’s most certain Jolanda will be the first to go. Of course that eliminates the possibility of her getting a talisman. But she also won’t be a target merely because of the partner twist. And frankly I can’t see Jolanda helping her in this game at all. icon_cry In summary, MaMa HoHo is sitting pretty right now and in the first few days has made the right connections that she should be good after the swap and not someone that anyone would flip to get rid of.

    2. Wendy Jo: icon_wub Wendy Jo was a bit late to the game (I think she logged on late the first night) however she is quickly shimmying up the social hierarchy of Atacama. She is now being considered for the sixth position in The Playground Bullies (WJ PLEASE FTLOG change that name when you get there. Typing it makes me feel retarded). If I were a betting man, my money would be on Wendy Jo nabbing the spot over Marty. Of course this only matters for another day, but it is a testament to her quickly making connections and endearing herself with her tribemates. What is also interesting, is I can’t see Wendy Jo having an issue with dropping the newbs and forming bonds with some of the vets come the swap, considering she already knows a lot of them. So things will most likely get interesting. She and Yve are forming a late night scheming power alliance from which only good things can come. And Wendy Jo’s open disdain for all things Tyrone makes me icon_wub

    1. Yve: Yve insists on calling me “girl” for some reason. But whatever. Yve is completely turned on and knows what is up and is going to tear this game to shreds. She’s already researching the vets that she is not familiar with and forming an alliance/strong bond with almost every one of the newbs. It is a unanimous decision, except for Tyrone who thinks Yve is clueless icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol *choking*, that Yve will become the fifth member of The Playground Bullies. She has also managed to form the following alliances in the past day (and this is not delusions of grandeur on her part):

    Yve wrote:Alliances I am in, or will be in by later today.
    Me-Wendy Jo.
    Me-Jimmy J

    Bedtime. It's 3:27 AM.

    She’s a goddess and everyone loves her. Except Tyrone icon_lol Yve also being partnered with Chase, as long as no one finds out, can lend itself to nothing but good things come the merge if they both make it. And this new power alliance forming between Wendy Jo and Yve has me downright giddy.

    Yve wrote:This might just be me being delirious from a lack of sleep, but I fucking love Wendy Jo. We're going to dominate this shit.

    I really think they may dominate this shit. Please Stranded gods let them end up on the same tribe at the swap. PLEASE. I have Yve as my Fantasy Survivor pick so I apologize if I am gushing, but I’m loving her game right now. In a pretty bland and benign tribe, she is shining.

    Current Atacama Alliances:

    - The Playground Bullies – Dan, Jill, Mama HoHo, Tyrone: This is the core group of four, but they realize they need two more and they are quickly settling in on Wendy Jo and Yve being their two additions. Of course the tribe swap is going to blow this up, but I would assume that most of those core four are going to try to stick together if they land in the same place.

    - The Old Broads – Yve, Holly, Jill: This is a side alliance with the old girls plan on sticking together. I wonder if they will try to pull Wendy Jo into this before the tribe swap where all of these get blown up.

    - The Late Night Schemers – Yve, Wendy Jo: icon_wub There’s not a whole lot more to say. Power duo. Let’s hope they can do something with it.
    Last edited by Chad Crittenden on Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:44:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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