Episode 13

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Mon Feb 11, 2013 7:55:33 am

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Congrats Final 5! You've reached a huge milestone and have a great shot at winning this thing, so don't waste the opportunity!

    With 5 players left, you HAVE to be thinking about the Final 3 at this point. Who do you want to sit next to? Who do you think you can beat?

    We've got two boots left. Tell me your plans.

    (sorry for not getting these questions up last night, apparently I've become the confessional bitch in this game icon_sad )

    Re: Episode 13

    Postby Helen Glover » Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:05:28 am

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    For each of the four other players, who do you think they view as their ideal F3? And who is yours?

    Re: Episode 13

    Postby Ken » Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:56:53 am

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    Well I would probably look like a total scumbag if I were to turn on Yve and Jake. Especially after both of them played an idol for me last night icon_wub

    I would say Dan has a shot at winning if only for his underdog story he has going on. The only person I do not think will win ever is Tyrone, but I do not want to betray my 2 close allies so I am going to stick with Jake and Yve for the final 3. The Jury is seeming rather bitter so I think it could be anyone's game to win if me, Yve and Jake are the final 3.

    My argument for winning will be fairly simple. Everyone that I lied to was also lying to me, so they really have no reason to be bitter. I do plan on wording it much more eloquently icon_laughing

    Re: Episode 13

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:41:01 am

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    Is it still Episode 13? I guess? idk icon_unsure

    Anyways, grats on getting this far, now the final challenge of all - making sure you get the lion's share of the votes. So what s the plan? What are the odds of you winning here? Gimme a rundown of how you think each Juror is planning on voting right now and how you are gonna make them vote for you.

    Re: Episode 13

    Postby Ken » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:22:25 am

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    Honestly it just seems like it will be completely unanimous in favour of Yve icon_laughing I know my odds at winning are slim. I just have to be completely open and honest about every lie I told in the game and not hold anything back. I have seen people who were favourites to win completely bomb the final tribal council and lose it because of that. I don't realistically see Yve bombing since she is very well spoken, but I can only hope she does icon_lol Either way I think she would make a great winner if she did. I felt like I was losing no matter what even if I went to the end with Dan and Tyrone. I have seen someone get completely drunk and pass out after their opening statement in an FTC, answer no questions at all, and still almost win in a 4-3 vote. The jury is obviously bitter so I would not put it past them to vote for Tyrone or Dan just to stick it to the vets.

    Re: Episode 13

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:28:01 am

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    Ken wrote:I have seen someone get completely drunk and pass out after their opening statement in an FTC, answer no questions at all, and still almost win in a 4-3 vote.

    This happened here two Seasons back. Well, the drunk part happened, But she soldiered on through the questions very sloshed. She came in with two votes on lock and walked out with zero icon_uhoh

    Re: Episode 13

    Postby Ken » Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:15:43 am

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    Well I think I went in there with 0 votes and might get 1 or 2? I just play in these for fun so winning is merely a perk. I think Yve deserves it way more anyways. Objectively she played the best game I think.

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