Oppening Statement.

Postby Ken » Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:47:18 am

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    I am going into this with realistic expectations. I know I am not the favourite among the jury. I am also not going to apologise for lying to any of you. We all lied. It’s a game. Deal with it. In fact, I was lied to by a lot of you as well.

    I started off this game making an alliance with Jake before he was even here. It was awfully presumptuous of me, but clearly it worked. I had approached Ted about forming a Greece alliance with Jake, even though Jake had not shown up yet, Ted said he would be good with that. I just knew in my gut I would be able to trust Jake completely. If I could get in good with people I knew would not want to get rid of me, then I knew I had a good shot at getting to the final 3. Here I am what feel like an eternity later with Jake at my side. That is exactly how I played this game. I made early bonds, and I did whatever it took to keep those bonds intact.

    On Palena 1.0 I had also gotten really close with Chase, who unfortunately fell on the wrong side of the numbers. Luckily, on Atacama 2.0, I made a new friend. None other than Chase’s partner Yve. We clicked right away. I knew I was going to work well with Yve from the moment we first started talking.

    Then tragedy happened. We had another swap and I was separated from my 2 close allies in Yve and Jake. To make matter worse, I was told by several people on Palena 3.0 that if we lost, it would be me who gets voted out. They tied to back track a bit and tell me it was going to switch to Tyrone, but based on how they protected him at the merge, I have no doubt this was just lip service to keep me loyal. Oddly enough, the one person I did not think I could trust on Palena 3.0, Wendy Jo, turned out to be quite the opposite. She was the only one who was honest with me about my true position, and so we flipped to Atacama to try and gain back the numbers. The votes did not seem to be there at all, so I bit the bullet and just voted Ted. Little did I know, Holly had recklessly tried to flip things to Chase last minute, thus creating a 4-4-4 tie. Yve and I flip our votes to Tyrone, all the chase votes go to Ted, and the rest is history.

    After all that nonsense, I started campaigning hard for one of Jolanda or Holly to go. They were an extremely tight pair and had Tyrone by the balls. They were dangerous. No one seemed to want to go against them and this frustrated me to no end. I genuinely reached out to Tyrone to see if he would work with me, if for no other reason than to get the immunity talismans. He was a good little soldier and ratted me out. Luckily his antics did not spook out Dan, Jill and Russell from voting Holly. They tried to play to Jake and I that we would be a new alliance of 5 and completely control the game, but I did not trust them one bit and decided to stick with my original allies in Yve and Jake.

    The 3 of us sticking close together since the boot of Jill is what brought us here to the final 3. We worked amazingly as a team and I could not be happier being here with these 2 people. We overcame a lot and had to fight very hard to get here. The 3 of us all needed each other to stay in this. It seemed like all they did was try and protect me, but that is because I am the only person you would ever target. We were all willing to protect one another. If any one of the 3 of us had been taken out then I would suspect that the other 2 would have followed soon after. Each member of this group of 3 was a vital part in moving forward. I lied to everyone in the game except for these 2 with me right now. We proved that if you had a tight 3 based on complete trust and loyalty, then you can make it to the final 3.

    Re: Oppening Statement.

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:02:32 am

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Congrats on making the Final 3! icon_mml

    So, I don't have much to ask you, because it all comes down to the wire now. Use this space to prepare some thoughts about why you should win, or write your opening speech or whatnot.

    But most of all, good luck!

    Re: Oppening Statement.

    Postby Ken » Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:50:13 am

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    I want to revise this a bit while I have time. This is essentially just a rough draft.

    Re: Oppening Statement.

    Postby Ken » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:15:16 am

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    This is my real opening statement:

    I am going into this with realistic expectations. I know I am not the favourite among the jury. I am also not going to apologise for lying to any of you. We all lied. It’s a game. Deal with it. In fact, I was lied to by a lot of you as well.

    I started off this game making an alliance with Jake before he was even here. It was awfully presumptuous of me, but clearly it worked. I had approached Ted about forming a Greece alliance with Jake, even though Jake had not shown up yet, Ted said he would be good with that. I just knew in my gut I would be able to trust Jake completely. If I could get in good with people I knew would not want to get rid of me, then I knew I had a good shot at getting to the final 3. Here I am what feel like an eternity later with Jake at my side. That is exactly how I played this game. I made early bonds, and I did whatever it took to keep those bonds intact.

    On Palena 1.0 I had also gotten really close with Chase, who unfortunately fell on the wrong side of the numbers. Luckily, on Atacama 2.0, I made a new friend. None other than Chase’s partner Yve. We clicked right away. I knew I was going to work well with Yve from the moment we first started talking. Yve was someone I just had random conversations with about James Cameron, Waterworld, and the illuminati. Our random conversations sort of stopped later on in the game when we started to get a little more serious about our strategy, but I still adored her presence in the game. There were certain times she doubted my loyalty because people would constantly tell her I was targeting her, but this was simply not true. Sure we exchanged votes one time, and then there was the Holly boot in which she voted for me again, but after that we had a good talk about loyalty, trust, friendship, and getting revenge for Chase.

    This is when I also sought out an alliance with Holly. I knew I was never going to be 100% loyal to her, as I am sure she knew she was not going to be loyal to me either. We both had allies that we were much closer with and had always intended on going to the end with. Losing all of those challenges on Atacama 2.0 was a blessing. I was able to get rid of people that would have been power for Holly to use later on. Jane was actually completely serious about wanting to work with Holly, but Holly told me she did not feel like she could trust Jane at all. I completely exaggerated about Jane’s plans of an alliance with Holly, Jane, Fabio and I with 2 mystery people to be named later. I sat back and let Holly make a huge mistake in getting rid of Jane. Then there was the boot for Brook. Yve and I both wanted him gone over Jill, but neither of us wanted to aggressively target him, so Holly being the gift that keeps on giving, proposes we get rid of Brook. None of the vets would have been able to trust him at all, and he would have likely eventually flipped on us like he did in his previous season. So thanks for that. Probably the biggest move against Holly made pre merge, though, has to be getting rid of Jimmy, her pocket vote. John was already gung ho on getting rid of Jimmy, Fabio was always good with whatever, and Jake was on the fence about it. I knew if I could pull in Jake to keep Jill around, it was a done deal. Eventually a completely frustrated Holly gave in and just let Jimmy go.

    Then tragedy happened. We had another swap and I was separated from my 2 close allies in Yve and Jake. To make matter worse, I was told by several people on Palena 3.0 that if we lost, it would be me who gets voted out. They tied to back track a bit and tell me it was going to switch to Tyrone, but based on how they protected him at the merge, I have no doubt this was just lip service to keep me loyal. Oddly enough, the one person I did not think I could trust on Palena 3.0, Wendy Jo, turned out to be quite the opposite. She was the only one who was honest with me about my true position, and so we flipped to Atacama to try and gain back the numbers. The votes did not seem to be there at all, so I bit the bullet and just voted Ted. Little did I know, Holly had recklessly tried to flip things to Chase last minute, thus creating a 4-4-4 tie. Yve and I flip our votes to Tyrone, all the chase votes go to Ted, and the rest is history.

    After all that nonsense, I started campaigning hard for one of Jolanda or Holly to go. They were an extremely tight pair and had Tyrone by the balls. They were dangerous. No one seemed to want to go against them and this frustrated me to no end. I genuinely reached out to Tyrone to see if he would work with me, if for no other reason than to get the immunity talismans. He was a good little soldier and ratted me out. Luckily his antics did not spook out Dan, Jill and Russell from voting Holly. They tried to play to Jake and I that we would be a new alliance of 5 and completely control the game, but I did not trust them one bit and decided to stick with my original allies in Yve and Jake.

    The 3 of us sticking close together since the boot of Jill is what brought us here to the final 3. We worked amazingly as a team and I could not be happier being here with these 2 people. We overcame a lot and had to fight very hard to get here. The 3 of us all needed each other to stay in this. It seemed like all they did was try and protect me, but that is because I am the only person you would ever target. We were all willing to protect one another. If any one of the 3 of us had been taken out then I would suspect that the other 2 would have followed soon after. Each member of this group of 3 was a vital part in moving forward. I lied to everyone in the game except for these 2 with me right now. We proved that if you had a tight 3 based on complete trust and loyalty, you can make it to the final 3. There was no one person that was any more important than the other in this alliance. We were all vital to each and every plan that went down from final 7 up until now.

    I am going to be completely honest with your questions. I am not going to cop out of any lie I told by just giving the classic Brian Heidik line of “I never lied, I just changed my mind” Of course I lied, we all did.

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