Episode 12

7th Place

Episode 12

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:35:56 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Wow! Congrats on surviving two crazy rounds!

    How does Holly leaving affect your game? How about Jill?

    What do you make of BOTH idols being played? Did you expect to see them tonight? Were you surprised at who had them?

    Where do you plan to go now that it's the Final 7? Tell us your ideal boot order and your endgame plans.

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Russell » Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:44:00 am

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    What happened? Holly got:


    That's what happened. It was a thrill ride. I was on the edge a my seat the whole time hopin' and prayin' that she wouldn't pull out a idol. Helluva threat that woman. I'm glad she got got when she did. I'da hated ta have to kick her ass to the curb at the final 4.

    Jill's a whole 'nother story, honestly. I always thought that she'd be sixth place. I don't know why, but somethin' bout her screamed wonderful sixth place sweetheart. Naive. Way in over her head. But she was fun and refreshing to play with. A good change of pace in the ORGing world. I'ma miss her incredibly cause she gave me a good link between Kenny and Danny.

    Both idols bein' played??? Danny's a dumbass. I don't know why he would waste that idol ta be honest. It just makes him look that much more dishonest in my eyes. I also didn't expect Yve ta have it, but that got we outed that and also that I didn't go ta the final 4 with her. She'd a been in such good standing and impervious to attacks up until the final 6?/5? whatever with it, and I couldn't a done a damn thing.

    Now that it's final 7, I'm pretty pumped. This game just got real interesting cause two players that people was countin' on ta be in their endgame plans are gone. Am I seen as more of a goat or an evil villain cause a tonight? Maybe. I sure hope so. Cause I'd LOVE ta face a jury here. I'm already kinda confident that I could grab Wendy and Chase's votes. Maybe Jill and Teddy. Prob'ly not Holly's. I know that Yve, Kenny, and Jo need ta find their way to the jury - that's fer damn sure.

    So ideally,

    7. Kenny
    6. Yve
    5. Jake
    4. Jolanda
    3. Tyrone
    2. Danny

    Also, I really don't like Yve at all, and I hate that I have ta kiss her bitch ass cause she's mad. I wish her ass woulda been BA-LINDSIDED over Holly's but people were too busy admirin' her asshole to see what a threat she is. Maybe now people will pay attention. I keep tellin' folks what a jury threat she is - 'specially after the stunt she pulled tonight. She, Kenny, and Jolanda all have ta go.

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:21:55 am

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    I really have no questions. That wrap-up pretty much covers everything. Congrats on the successful blindside I guess? icon_laughing

    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Russell » Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:42:34 pm

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    Brenda Lowe wrote:I really have no questions. That wrap-up pretty much covers everything. Congrats on the successful blindside I guess? icon_laughing

    Wow that was deep, Brenda. I'm glad you really dug in and asked the hard questions there. Should I just call you Oprah from now on?

    And also, I got proof that yer hangin' out with players outside a this game. You should be FIRED.


    Re: Episode 12

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:47:07 pm

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    Well thank god it's the shots from early in the night. That's all I'm saying.. icon_whistling

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