Episode 11

7th Place

Episode 11

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:49:14 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    So you've passed the hump and made it to the Final 9! icon_mml

    For this round, is it business as usual, or do you have something else in mind?

    With all this talk about hidden immunity idols and immunity talismans, what's your opinion on it all? Who could have the idols? Who may get the talismans? How does this effect your vote?

    Do you feel safe, or do you think that you might have a target on your back?

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Russell » Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:28:55 pm

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    Well, Mia. I got plans. I got BIG plans.

    Holly's gon get her ass BA-LINDSIDED.

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Russell » Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:36:25 pm

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    Jake is a god damn idiot.

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Russell » Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:47:39 am

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    This afternoon was a real clear moment fer me.

    I felt real, real guilty bout wantin' Holly outta the game. The woman is offering me a final 4 in a game that I dreamt of winnin' since I was swimmin' in my daddy's ballsack. I felt like a royal prick after all the talkin' I been doin' bout how I don't want goats at the end a the game, and how great and awesome it'd be ta see a final 3 of 3 allies rule this game. But then... Holly fucked up.

    Yve accidentally slipped ta me that Holly had made a final 3 deal with her and Jo. Oops. Where's that leave ol' Russhole, Holly? icon_rolleyes

    Now, while she did mention ta me later on that she had promised Yve finals without me askin' directly (but hintin' like I knew) she said that she'd obviously have ta go at 4 cause she's such a social threat and blah blah blah. I don't buy it. Yve sucks ass and ain't talked to me in forever.

    The problem: Someone will inevitably let Yve in on the plan, and because Yve sucks ass, she's gon run ta Holly and Jo and let 'em know bout the plan. Yve will ruin this vote, and that is somethin' that I just don't even wanna think about anymore.

    Danny and Jill are fully on board. Jake and Kenny are gon be on board. Now all I need is fer Holly ta not have an idol. And if she does, I need ta make sure she feels secure and don't play it. I've made it a big point ta pump up my gameplay in how I've kept the Atacama folks trustin' me as the dude in the middle cause I won't flip. I been tippin' Holly and Jo off when they names were on the choppin' block. I really hope that all the ass kissin I been doin with Holly is gon pay off in one big fat BA-LINDSIDE tomorrow.

    So what would happen after Holly's gone?

    Good question.

    I would like ta keep Jo by my side - that's fer damn sure. Jill's talkin bout a final four with me, Jo, her, and Danny. I'd really enjoy that actually, and I think Jo would obviously have ta go at 4. And ta make that happen, I'd like ta bring Kenny in on a final 5 deal. He thinks that me, Jill, and him are a potential final 3 deal. I know that there's no way in hell that I want that ta happen. But so long as Kenny's dumb ass thinks it could, that's all that matters.

    In a perfect world...
    9. Holly
    8. Yve
    7. Tyrone
    6. Jake
    5. Kenny
    4. Jo
    3. Jill
    2. Danny Boy

    and then when I win, I'ma do this dance:


    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:54:22 am

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    What was all this group PM shit about? icon_confused

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:13:03 am

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    When you answer that, make sure to post the picture icon_laughing

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Russell » Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:00:11 pm

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    Basically, Mia, I thought I had told Holly that she wasnt in my final five plans indirectly cause I thought she could read the same message history that I could.



    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Russell » Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:38:04 pm

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    Jeezus Christ it is tough ta deal with these players. I'm holding the two ends together and callin' it a whole rope. Will the five votes be there tonight? I don't even know. I really don't. But it's a risk I gotta take at this point.

    RUSSELL HANTZ don't get nervous. But right now, this is what I'm doin' : icon_horror

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:32:59 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    So you survived the vote, but we've got another immunity challenge and tribal to get through... What's the plan? Were you shocked by the outcome of tonight's vote?

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Russell » Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:01:07 pm

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    Well that was a mess. I hope y'all hosts are happy.

    Re: Episode 11

    Postby Russell » Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:23:38 pm

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    Yve is the absolute worst.

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