Episode 10

4th Place

Episode 10

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:01:59 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Congrats on making Final 10! You're half way there! *Bon Jovi plays silently in the background*

    I don't have a lot to ask you, so I guess you should just tell me what's up.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:43:04 pm

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    I have things to ask! What info were you hoping Ted would spill on his way out when Jeff PMcockblocked you?

    Thing #2, tell me more about your relationship with Ken. Since there are ten people out now, there can only be maximum five partnerships remaining - you are in one, how many more..


    Have you put any effort into figuring out the remaining ones? Do you know how many stand between you & Ken and the immunity talismans? Have you any fears you may get targeted in order to "break up a partnership", or even be less of a target in order to keep it intact? Have you considered breaking up any, or even teaming up with another?

    That's a lot of questions icon_lol I guess just tell me if you know the other remaining partnership(s), and how do they factor into your plan.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Tyrone » Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:20:14 pm

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    I was hoping Ted would explain to me on why he voted me when we got to that Purple Rock episode. But since he gone, I can't get my reasoning.

    As for my relationship with Ken. It a bucket of poo. We haven't spoke anytime during our merge time here and just now he come up with me to try and break up the other partnerships. I'm like WTF, why would you plan this now. I don't need to care about the dumb talismans.

    I know who have a partner left

    First there Me and Ken, not so thrilled about that.
    Then there Chase and Yve and if things go right, Chase will be eliminated.
    Then finally there Jolanda and Holly.

    Everyone else is without a partner. So either I'm going to somehow end up with the talismans or it going to Jolanda and Holly.

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