Episode 13

4th Place

Episode 13

Postby Tyrone » Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:53:51 am

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    So Mia got any questions for me?

    Re: Episode 13

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Mon Feb 11, 2013 7:55:47 am

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Congrats Final 5! You've reached a huge milestone and have a great shot at winning this thing, so don't waste the opportunity!

    With 5 players left, you HAVE to be thinking about the Final 3 at this point. Who do you want to sit next to? Who do you think you can beat?

    We've got two boots left. Tell me your plans.

    (sorry for not getting these questions up last night, apparently I've become the confessional bitch in this game icon_sad )

    Re: Episode 13

    Postby Tyrone » Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:14:34 am

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    All right before we can get to your questions, I have one thing to say. I'M LIVID!

    Okay now that was taken care of. I can say I'm trilled to make it into the top 5. It a lot better then the placement I was trying to go past. I know the game isn't over yet. One thing is that I'm pissed that Jolanda been eliminated since I wanted to sit in the finals with her. I been losing close allies from the merge lately so I almost been like the underdog at some moment. I know for a fact that Ken is the biggest threat in this game now and I flat out told both Yve and Jake that if they keep him here into the Final three, he going to end up winning the game. I feel like I got Yve to listen to me to try and vote with Me again and I got to get Dan back with me as well. There are three newbies, Myself Dan and Yve. I told Yve that she would have a much better chance of winning against me and Dan then she would have against Ken and Jake. I even told them that I would vote Ken to win even if I hated him. Either two things need to happen with me. The first is that I win the last two immunity challenges which can make me in the final 3. The 2nd is that I get Yve and Dan to vote with me to eliminate Ken and Jake. Ken is still the first target to me so I have to stop him from winning the challenge. If I can't get rid of Ken, then these guys aren't really playing the game. I'm not the biggest threat and neither is Dan. THE BIGGEST THREAT IN THIS GAME IS KEN SO THEY NEED TO LISTEN TO ME AND ELIMINATE THAT BASTARD!

    Re: Episode 13

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:17:53 am

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    I came in here expecting a sentence or two, and then we get this.

    I don't know how to react.

    Re: Episode 13

    Postby Tyrone » Mon Feb 11, 2013 11:12:16 am

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    Sorry when I get really pissed off, I'm expecting to rant a lot. It only normally happen when I'm pissed off, I really hate the person, and when I get eliminated. It nothing much, I am glad I wasn't a hot-head this time.

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