12th Place


Postby Wendy Jo » Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:56:26 am

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    OfflineWendy Jo
    Posts: 266
    Joined: Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:06:15 pm
    So congrats r in order. This F3 imo is STELLAR! I love and respect you guys so much. But I want to see the claws!

    I need you guys to tell me why your opponents should lose. Pick there game apart if u must. Ridicule them!! You want my vote? Fight for it.

    Jill annoys me. I actually want to slap the shit out of her. She doesn't know this but now she does. Plz write me a passage explaining how and why she sucks. The nastier you r the better ur chances are at receiving my vote.

    Finally. Did you guys honor the deals we had together? THow far would you have allowed me to go had it not been fot the rock?

    Good luck

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