I already know we have intensely different opinions on this. :/ So lets use logic.
The best players has to be someone who won right? That narrows it down to 25. 24, actually, since Sandra won twice.
Hatch, Tina, Ethan, Vecepia, Heidik, Jenna, Sandra, Amber, Chris Daugherty, Tom, Danni, Aras, Yul, Earl, Todd, Parvati, Bob, JT, Natalie White, Fabio, BRob, Sophie, Kim, Denise.
k, let's remove the people who played twice but didn't win both times, cos obvs Sandra is better therefore they have no place on this list. That brings it down to just 16 players each equally *the best* with 100% records. That's science. And science works right?
Vecepia, Heidik, Jenna, Sandra, Chris Daugherty, Danni, Aras, Yul, Earl, Todd, Bob, Natalie White, Fabio, Sophie, Kim, Denise.
Carry the 1
Heidik, Jenna, Sandra, Chris Daugherty, Danni, Todd, Bob, Natalie White, Fabio.
Divide by x.
Heidik, Chris Daugherty, Danni, Todd.
And now any of these four will be the 'correct' answer - it's down to personal preference which you think is the best.
Imma go with Chris Daugherty > Todd > Danni > Heidik