Andrea: I've always found her vastly overrated tbh. She played poorly and was more or less as much of a zombie as the rest of Rob's harem. She scrambled far too late for her own good and it cost her in the end. All the people on Sucks who fan themselves from her and call her a f.ierce g.oddess have robbed me of any potential enjoyment I got out of her on my TV.
Brandon: I honestly feel awful for this kid if his claim on FB that he was molested by a friend's father/uncle when he was on a little league baseball team is true. I'm not really sure how he passed psychological evaluation. He seems even crazier this time.
Brenda: Ehh. I don't get all the love for her either. If anyone else played exactly like her they'd be called strategically inept. I was always put off by how she was just resigned to her fate and didn't bother scrambling at all to save herself. The fact that she is a hawt gurl gives her a pass. Parvati does black widow (Or in Brenda's case, black mamba) better.
Cochran: I enjoy Woody Allen films, so his personality didn't rub me the wrong way. He played an abysmal game though and this time around he's coming off as a lot more arrogant. Lets see if he can back up those claims.
Corinne: Try-hard cunt. Everything she said in Gabon felt contrived, and it was so obvious she was grooming herself to be an all-time great Survivor villainess. Bitch please.
Dawn: Her chin is huge.
Erik: He's a comic book artist now so I can't hate him much. I really hope he does redeem himself this time around and doesn't do any stupid shit again. alol @ still having that hair.
Francesca: She has no business being out there. Like seriously, what the fuck? I like how in the cast interviews so far everyone's pretending like it's NOT out of the ordinary that she's out there with the other "favorites". If they reveal the faves like in Micronesia, I look forward to seeing the reactions of the fans when Probst calls her out. alol.
Malcolm: MUCH LOVE. One of the best Survivor males in years, personality-wise. I hope they showcase more of his snark this time around. alol @ his CBS profile. Such a troll.
Phillip: I feel like one of the very few who actually enjoyed Phillip's schtick. I only really hated him when he accused Steve of being racist. :/ I'm glad the pink panties are back too <3
Allie: Interchangeable blonde whore
Eddie: Benry/BRob's little bro
Hope: Interchangeable blonde whore
Julia: Race car driver Sophie
Laura: Interchangeable blonde whore
Matt: Token misfit male first boot. Too bad.
Michael: Probably my favorite new male, he seems like he could do some damage. We'll see.
Reynolds: A more boring version of Brendan
Shamar: I like what he did on Occupy, but he seems douchey. Early boot vibes.
Sherri: Hottest MILF in Survivor history? Possibly. OMW she's from Idaho too <333. Not only that, she seems the most strategically sound of the females. I can see her being the mama goddess/HBIC of the fans tribe. Much love for this milfy goddess.