Postby Lurker Caryn » Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:36:18 pm

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    OfflineLurker Caryn
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    So, Wendy is going to give the vote to whoever talks bad about Jill? Wendy Jo, fuck you.

    Re: FTC

    Postby Lurker Naonka » Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:41:15 pm

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    OfflineLurker Naonka
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    Fuck yourself Caryn. Thank God this season is almost over so I don't have to come to the forums to find 1,000 threads. Ban the bitch for next season. She needs a LIFE. L I F E.

    Re: FTC

    Postby Lurker Caryn » Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:56:07 pm

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    OfflineLurker Caryn
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    NaSkanka, you need to stop being a whore and doing porn with an afro on.

    You have a baby, grow the fuck up you bitch!

    Re: FTC

    Postby John » Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:43:24 pm

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    My respect for Russell has grown.

    Good to see someone saw what a fuckwit Yve was.

    He's spot on that this cast were a dunch of fuckin idiots and couldn't see reality.

    I have the same opinions as him and his speech was right on the mark,

    Re: FTC

    Postby Lurker Ibrehem » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:35:29 pm

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    OfflineLurker Ibrehem
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    Omg Tyrone's speech

    Re: FTC

    Postby Lurker Tom » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:42:34 pm

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    OfflineLurker Tom
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    Tyrone is such an awful try-hard tbh. Like, he actually ripped off an awful try-hard (Corrine) in an attempt to be an awful try-hard @_@

    Re: FTC

    Postby Lurker Penny » Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:03:22 am

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    OfflineLurker Penny
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    This would never have happened in Greece.

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