Episode 03

Postby Carl Bilancione » Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:47:19 pm

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    OfflineCarl Bilancione
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    Well, Jake just gave Erica a breather.

    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:11:19 pm

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    OfflineChad Crittenden
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    I have absolutely no idea who is going to go from Atacama. Haven't read a PM so my in the dark prediction is Ken. icon_surprised

    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:17:22 pm

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    OfflineChad Crittenden
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    I may be ranking Dan too low. He just seems gamebot-ish to me, but he's Wendy Jo's second favorite and apparently a secret threesome is forming between Wendy Jo/Jolanda/Dan. icon_surprised

    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:19:14 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Palena had no business winning that challenge. Too bad for Atacama. Plus, I like Palena better anyways, so icon_wub

    I honestly think that if Palena had lost, Erica would have stayed. Tyrone fucking sucked in that challenge, and Erica was probably their best performer. Chase sucked pretty bad too. Everyone else was average.

    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Ami Cusack » Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:28:41 pm

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    OfflineAmi Cusack
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    Twinsies Mia! I love Palena more than Atacama too. I don't know what it is....I guess I just like more people on Palena better?

    Atacama has two absent players from their challenges so far (Brook and Jill) and two returnees that I still have no opinion on at all (Jake and Ken). Or it could be the dull brown colour? I'm used to bright island colours like in Costa Rica icon_laughing

    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:48:52 pm

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    OfflineChad Crittenden
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    Atacama is so fucking boring. They just lost the second challenge in a row, what an hour ago? And no one is online and there is only one page of PMs since the challenge. icon_sleeping

    However. I get some of these gems from Yve goddess that makes it tolerable:

    Yve to Ken:
    Oh GOD, Tyrone. You could write three paragraphs to that man and the best you could hope for as a response is half a sentence. It's like he passes out halfway through a thought, and his face just hits the submit button for him.


    Are you guys watching her game closely btw? It's amazingballs. I am in awe of her greatness.

    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Ami Cusack » Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:55:47 pm

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    OfflineAmi Cusack
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    Yve is one of this game's saving graces, for sure. I just wish she was on a fully active tribe that is alllll about winning this game. Then I think we will really see her stretch her legs.

    If there's another switch? This bitch will own.

    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:18:38 pm

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    I read her PMs and I'm just like HOLY SHIT this chica. She really is amazing and he has just about every single person on the tribe eating out of the palm of her hand and thinking they are her number one. Like I said in my blog.... I'd be terrified to play against her because I would totally fall for it and she'd have me drooling on myself. Except you couldn't *really* do it to me last season Ami and you were pretty damn good yourself. icon_wub So maybe I'd be OK but holy freaking hell this bitch is GOOD.

    What is her ID? I remember it was someone who had played an assload of ORGs before, but I don't remember the ID at all. I s'pose I could not be lazy and go look it up.

    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:30:05 pm

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    Ami Cusack wrote:Yve is one of this game's saving graces, for sure. I just wish she was on a fully active tribe that is alllll about winning this game. Then I think we will really see her stretch her legs.

    If there's another switch? This bitch will own.

    Oh and we've kinda been teased there will be another tribe swap. I think Yve is going to lose a lot of ground when that happens. But from what I've seen she can make that up pretty quickly.

    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:49:01 pm

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    How is it that some of these people (i.e. Erica and Jimmy J) don't know who the partners are yet? I guess that's how to determine who is in the worst position in the game - the ones that don't know the partners.

    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:27:51 am

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    Ted controlling shit from the other side of the island icon_wub He just told Jill to tell Brook that she had Ted's blessing to try to get out Fabio or Jake. Wonder where that is going to go. Do we get icon_chaos ? Or do we get a boring Jimmy J boot?

    Apparently Ted wants to keep Ken safe? Interesting. They won't have the votes to get Jake out though because of the secret cross-tribe alliance with HoHo. So could Fabio be going????? I think if that is handed on a silver platter to John and Brook, they may actually go for it?

    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:16:54 am

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    OK. So based upon Chase's recommendation..... Yve may target Brook icon_chaos Apparently my assessments of where people's heads are has been lacking (on the Chase front). HOLY SHIT. Even though Brook is her favo out of all of Atacama she may vote him out based on Chase's advice????? Bye Aussie alliance. I guess Chase was serious about his Russhole/Fabio thing and hasn't let it go like I thought he did.

    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:42:03 am

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    Tyrone to Chase regarding the challenges whilst attempting to get on Chase's good side?:
    I'm happy none of my newbies pals on the other tribe were the blame. Both were from your old tribe. No offense.


    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Carl Bilancione » Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:13:23 am

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    OfflineCarl Bilancione
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    Yve has zero leverage to go after Brook right now.

    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:20:52 am

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    Carl Bilancione wrote:Yve has zero leverage to go after Brook right now.

    I'm not so sure about that. Ken and Jake would be happy to vote him out. Plus the newbs.

    I'm going to call that Jimmy J ends up going, but I am honestly astonished that Chase wanted to ditch Brook like that and it makes my whole perception of the game go icon_chaos

    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:30:20 am

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    I think John's confessional is becoming what the loser lounge was last season. He's pissed off about something I said to him and now it's a fucking war and I want to do violent things to him. I was just fucking joking around with him and he went insane on me.

    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:03:28 am

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    OfflineChad Crittenden
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    Based on everything I've seen tonight, I think John is a closet serial killer. At a minimum he's a narcissist. And apparently can't take anyone saying anything about him even if it's clearly a joke. Brook had it right last season. I am a dumbass. This guy is scary unstable. Do we have any bodyguards up in here?

    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:22:17 pm

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    lol, thank fuck for this thread, or I would be clueless to the goings on here. Keep it up!

    And now to go visit John. icon_yes

    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Ami Cusack » Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:23:51 pm

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    I'm just reading over PM's right now and it looks like there's a movement to getting Brook out tonight. I do love Brook...but perhaps I had incredibly high hopes, because he has sort of fizzled out in this season. Granted, his RL situation is way more important...but i'm just sayin. So in the sense of this game only, I hope Jimmy J is spared to play longer. But that guy needs to get his ass in gear. Perhaps one of his tribemates should like...kick him in the ass?

    I'm interested to see which way Yve leans for this vote. I think she will do what she thinks is better for her game.....but will her decision be based on to favour some or to spite others?

    And wow Chad, that was uncomfortable to read in John's thread.

    Re: Episode 03

    Postby Ami Cusack » Wed Jan 23, 2013 8:00:19 pm

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    So I've been catching up with Palena and woah. There's CERTAINLY a power struggle going on and Jolanda is definitely the swing vote.

    We got Wendy leading the noobs to vote out Erica. WJ keeps hammering into all the vets that she doesn't WANT this tribe to be vets vs. noobs and if they don't vote Erica, that's what it will seem like and icon_cry !!11!!1 .... She's promising left and right that if Erica leaves first, then she will happily vote out Tyrone then whoever else they wanted. I believe the alliance she wants to stick with is Wendy/Dan/Russell/Chase/Jolanda?
    I can't help but root for her since she's my player picked out of the pool, but her arguments are really aggressive and frankly, she's pushing too hard. I have a feeling that all of her trying with Russell will bite her in the ass, because Russell is definitely NOT someone that will say "Yes, ma'am, whatever is best for the tribe!"

    Then we have Russell leading the charge on getting rid of Tyrone next mainly due to the fact that he sucks socially and he hasn't been much of an asset at challenges thus far. If I were a betting lesbian, I will guess that Tyrone will be voted out next when Palena loses a challenge.

    As for Jolanda, I think it will basically boil down to who has more sway over her.....Russell or Wendy Jo. This could be a day to day thing, but if Russell continues his newly close contact with Jo, she will side with him.

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