This (slash jury) was my goal all along
Like I'd love to go to the end and to go really far etc. but at this point, whatever I get I am satisfied with. I was just so worried about getting voted off due to sucking at challenges- so I'm happy to be at the stage where people want you to suck at challenges
There is so many people for me to reconnect with and a couple for me to meet with- I'm not really looking forward to some of those convos actually. I might skip them all together (probably a bad idea tho).
Also I just checked the members list and there is a Dan still here ...? I honestly have forgotten about him existing for probably 2 rounds. I guess I'll have to meet him. and Tyrone. And talk with Russell & Jill again
I'm still kinda gonna play it like tribal. I feel like Yve, Ted, Chase & myself have all gotten pretty close after the John vote- which I feel like tends to happen with smaller tribes. And omg we're at a 4-8 deficit just like Foa Foa was, so we haves hope. Foa Foa was still in the final 3
I really get the feeling that the 8 of them are not very close, or at the very least they are in several intertwining groups. Plus I think a lot of them would still like to work with us and don't want a lame Pagonging yeah? We have lots of options, but we'll just have to werk it.
How do you plan on making an impressive enough showing in the merge to warrant a vote from the potential jurors that you are playing with now?
Ugh this is what is actually weighing on my mind the most right now- in the back of my mind at least. I am feeling kind of vulnerable with this merge, so my main focus for a while will just be to survive, if I focus on trying to win the game right now and make all these "impressive" showy moves then I will get kicked off. Winning will always be on my mind but it shall be on the back burner whilst I talk with ppls. I don't want to be the robbed merge boot
For the time being my loyalties in order shall be:
da rest.
that sounds really bad. I have to talk to more people but I am so tired, I need to take a break and say g'night.