I'm looking forward to it! Should be fun to see the rest play out
I guess there were some lies thrown around, and I don't really have a problem with that. I'm fairly certain Yve and Jill were never really on our side, but I don't have much else to say to them.
I wish Chase, Jake and Ken the best of luck, but I'm disappointed in everyone that punked out on me.
We tried to get Russell and Ken to join the foursome, but Russell punked out because somebody screwed up in communication, so we were caught between voting Jolanda and voting Dan. I tried to make a concerted effort to get rid of Jolanda and pull Russell back in, but he wasn't on board. I still don't know if Yve was on board. I tried to get Jill to stray vote and join us on a revote, but she obv didn't go for it.
Shit just caved, and just moments before we had been doing such a mediocre job.
Jill is kind of a moron, watch her be one of the first Palena folk to go. Russell he could do no wrong in my eyes. Don't worry though. There was a plot to blindside Holly/Jolanda (they clearly have the idols) so you should see our friends prevailing soon.
Aw Ted :/ You weren't quite the flippity flopping self-serving screwball from last time, but you were once again well worth watching. Your communication in particular has improved, and quality in-depth confessionals as ever. I think you've definitely improved as a player even if your placement might say otherwise.