Episode 10

5th Place

Episode 10

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:00:01 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Congrats on making Final 10! You're half way there! *Bon Jovi plays silently in the background*

    I don't have a lot to ask you, so I guess you should just tell me what's up.

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Dan » Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:32:41 pm

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    Make that Final 9 ;) icon_mml

    Re: Episode 10

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:57:25 pm

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    Nicely done Dan, you immunity whore you. icon_wub

    So, does the double net safety of immunity this round and an idol in your pocket make you consider anything riskier than just a pagonging? Is that even your goal right now?

    Dan wrote:a close ally (Russell, Jolanda, HoHo, Jill, Tyrone)

    Looking at that set; all of Chase, Jake, Jill, Ken & Yve are missing, is that your preferred next five boots or is there room to maneuver?

    Since you are safe, let's look at the endgame and what you have in mind. Lets say all goes to plan the next round or two, and you get to F6 with all those people you mentioned before - then what? Can you get a four together within that, or is anyone there a target for the others? Can you rely on your challenge whore skills to just not care so long as it's not you? :P

    Explain to me Dan, not just how you get to the end, but how you get there with people who won't beat you once you get that far.

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