I feel like you are giving me copy pasted messages because I had one idol tonight, MIA YOU DONT LOVE ME. *throws eggs* But I wanted to flush one, so we had deducted that Yve had it, or I did - so now they are gone, but I was scared I was getting votes even though they said Jill b/c well, I don't know - it was dumb of me but Yve said some things prior to it, so both idols are out of the game nad I'm glad I dont have that weight on my shoulders now. Just 4 more boots to go and we can get this done, right?
And I want an F4 betwene Russell, Jolanda, Tyrone and I - and then we boot Jolanda at the F4, that's my ideal situation. She wins immunity, Tyrone, but yeah - I want Ken first, then Jakey, then Yve.