Fallen Comrades

12th Place

Fallen Comrades

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:09:22 am

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    If you have time, you should consider doing this. Just post them here. It's a good time to reminisce about all the players that have been voted out, and a good fun read for everyone afterward.

    (oh & you should do the hosts too!)

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Wendy Jo » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:32:42 am

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    OfflineWendy Jo
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    Jeff you are great and I'm sorry I didn't give you the Blueberry you probably wanted. I was so ready to take the merge by storm but then I was cocknlocked by a purple rock :( I had fun tho! Wendy for all stars!! I'm usually a bigger mess in OPEN ID and I wish to destroy Mia so keep me in mind. Mwah..

    I'll do more latah. On phoneeeee

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:05:54 pm

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    Bitch please, you certainly delivered. My only regret is you were on the winning tribe so much, we didn't get to see whether your schemes woulda panned out or not icon_laughing

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:31:55 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Bitch please is right. icon_rolleyes And yeah, I agree with Brenda. You totally delivered, and you caught my attention for sure, which is way more than some of the other players can say. Now whether my opinions of you are positive or not is another story... icon_laughing

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Wendy Jo » Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:51:14 am

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    OfflineWendy Jo
    Posts: 266
    Joined: Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:06:15 pm
    Oh my thank you ladies!! I was totally joking btw.. Holly is the cunt I will destroy. Id say Jill but lololol

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