Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Russell » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:11:04 pm

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    If we can post whenever we want, I just wanna say that Jake sucks ass.

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Jake » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:19:46 pm

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    Jeff Probst wrote:16th Voted Out and 8th Member of our Jury... Dan
    Yeah, exactly. You guys all were pretty horrible in the game, but you know what? You've done something that us nine standing here have not done, and that was survive the votes, make it to the final three and never get voted out. The way you done that wasn't practical, was a little sketchy and of course had flaws, but people in glass houses should not throw stones. Right now, despite how we played the game and interacted with one another, you are all on an equal level playing field to me. What you've done in the game is moot now, because its all about how you sell it. You could've made the most amazing moves in the game, but if you don't sell it to me, then it's NOTHING. Right now is your time to shine, and I don't want you guys to be pussy with one another now. You always had the gall to talk about the others in PMs and then never vote them out and rat me out to them when I wanted them out, but now is your time (Ken) to talk about Yve like you always have, now is your chance (Yve) to call Jake a coattail riding loser in public. I'm not here for bullshit, I'm not here for asskissing. You guys all know that through the game I was an honest and up front guy, I was always honest about my vote, how I was playing the game and who my allegiance was to. You better fucking respect that.

    I have a few words for each of you. But your general question is - Berate the other two on why they don't deserve to be here. Don't use the word I.

    Jake, meeting you for the first time at the merge, you were the nicest person ever, you let it straight to me about the vote until the round I was going, where you gave me some false hope and decided to ignore me for the rest of the voting period and run back to your mother Yve that I wanted her gone, but whatever. You were never really a driving force, everybody saw you as UTR and you were a coattail rider, even your alliances said that about you (I'm waiting for the bullshit where they ignore this though). You were not a great PMer but you at least had the decency for us to have a conversation between a few rounds, but you also didn't consider me strategically despite me trying my best to include you in any plans and try to work out an alliance. Tell me one strategic move you made - not one that Yve made, not one that Ken made, not one that all three of you made. But one that YOU, Jake made. Post merge please.

    Well I appreciate that Dan, it's honestly not in my nature to be a mean person unless it's in the heat of the moment, so I think I will have trouble with your first request icon_unsure I did try my best to be honest with you because I could tell that you were honest with me. Anything I heard about the vote from other people I told to you, and you did the same and that's something I really did value. Having never interacted until the merge, it was very difficult for me to start randomly trusting you over people that I had spent more time with. I actually didn't ignore you during that voting period, I was just talking with the other 3 and trying to figure out if you or Dan were going to vote for Yve or for Ken. As I was actually considering voting them both off, I wanted to know if the two of you (Tyrone & you) were going to decide on a boot, because I was thinking of going along with it. Had there been more time (even just a half hour) during that rushed double boot then I think I would have voted one of them off icon_unsure

    Something that I did. Well there are many things that I did on my own & proposed to others. I don't think you were here at all tonight, so I guess you'll read all the responses later, I'll just repeat myself then. Getting the votes set up against Ken (when they were previously against Dan) in order to idol him and take out Jolanda (who won immunity) was something that I did for me personally & looking back I think it benefitted me the most considering Ken would be extremely loyal & considering Yve had something with both Russell and Jolanda. I then wanted the vote to go against Russell, I guess Yve & him had something, but she went along with it as well and Russell was gone and Jolanda had one foot out the door. After that double boot we then had a 3-2 advantage. el fin.

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Ken » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:25:38 pm

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    The only remotely negative thing I said about Yve to anyone is that I was never 100% sure what she was actually thinking, but that was before the round in which Holly and Jill were booted off. After that we had much more of a clear understanding of where we stood with one another, so I don't really get why you think I was trash talking her icon_uhoh

    As for your claim that I ignored people, I answered every pm that I got, and the very night we were swapped I made sure to talk to everyone I had not been on a tribe with. As far as I'm concerned if I respond to someone, then it is up to them to keep the conversation going. If you thought I was ignoring you, I'm sure you could have responded to the messages I sent you. Just sayin' I was able to connect with other people in the game, so I suppose I just did not click well with you personally.

    Wendy Jo - She has a great no nonsense attitude about her.

    Ted - Short on words, but I actually have done a 180 on him since the last time we played. I did not like him much in Greece, and we actually got to know each other a bit better this time. Little things.

    Chase - Early on we traded amusing stories from our seasons. He was very fun to get to know in this. I smiled every time I saw I had a pm from him icon_wub

    Holly - Despite not trusting her I still oddly looked forward to our conversations where we would talk crap about a few people. Our bitch sessions about Jane were quite fun.

    Jill - I don't think we connected too personally. I actually feel like I bored her a lot, so I commend her on her patience with my awful social game.

    Russell - We talked about a lot of different things unrelated to the game. For instance some show with John Paylock that I can not remember the name of right now. He was never dull to talk to. Always had me laughing.

    Jolanda - I was actually happy for her when she made it past final 10 like she always wanted. She mentioned that a lot, just as I was happy to make it past 2nd boot.

    Dan - You were always nice even though you seem to actually strongly dislike me, so good job on being highly patient, I suppose icon_wub

    Tyrone - Not the worst person I have played an org with.

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Yve » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:26:57 pm

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    Dan wrote:Yeah, exactly. You guys all were pretty horrible in the game, but you know what? You've done something that us nine standing here have not done, and that was survive the votes, make it to the final three and never get voted out. The way you done that wasn't practical, was a little sketchy and of course had flaws, but people in glass houses should not throw stones. Right now, despite how we played the game and interacted with one another, you are all on an equal level playing field to me. What you've done in the game is moot now, because its all about how you sell it. You could've made the most amazing moves in the game, but if you don't sell it to me, then it's NOTHING. Right now is your time to shine, and I don't want you guys to be pussy with one another now. You always had the gall to talk about the others in PMs and then never vote them out and rat me out to them when I wanted them out, but now is your time (Ken) to talk about Yve like you always have, now is your chance (Yve) to call Jake a coattail riding loser in public. I'm not here for bullshit, I'm not here for asskissing. You guys all know that through the game I was an honest and up front guy, I was always honest about my vote, how I was playing the game and who my allegiance was to. You better fucking respect that.

    I have a few words for each of you. But your general question is - Berate the other two on why they don't deserve to be here. Don't use the word I.

    Thank you for respecting our games enough, even if you respect our style of gameplay. I appreciate it.

    You say that everyone who knows you knows that you were an honest and up-front guy. I respect that, completely. Well, everyone who knows me knows that I won't go out of my way to say something to hurt anyone. No matter what. I may have had a few slip-ups during this game, but they were never intentional, and I didn't ever want to actually hurt anyone's feelings. These games for me aren't about self-validation, they're about playing a fun game and surrounding myself with people I like, and who like me. I don't need to tear anyone down to make myself feel better, and I won't tear anyone down in an effort to whore myself for your vote. If you want to vote for me, you should do it. You've already shown your opinions (Jake is coattail rider, and Ken should talk trash about me), and I just don't agree with them at all. So, instead I'll let you know my honest, positive feelings about both of them.

    Ken is amazing. As soon as you profess loyalty to him, he will never vote for you again. He kept me in the game even when he really shouldn't have, strategically, and for that I can't thank him enough. He's an amazing player, and he definitely deserves your vote if you want to give it to him.

    Jake is a true friend. And possibly has a tap into my brain, and everyone's brain, so thank god he was on my side through this. He can pick up the slightest clue from a word in a PM, and know exactly where that person's motive's lie. No one ever voted for him for a reason, and he definitely deserves your vote, too.

    Dan wrote:Yve, you annoyed the hell out of me from the start with playing dumb to the rest of the tribe, and while everybody wanted to invite you to the alliance I was adamantly against it, given that these tribes were switched from the start, I didn't encounter you until the merge where I knew you were smart and you were crafty, but others had so many plans to do that they couldn't see that you were straddling both sides. You used this to own the game, but you couldn't have done it without hidden immunity idols, you know that, I know that, the entire jury knows that. You managed to grab those guys, Ken and Jake, by their penises and drag them to the end of the game with you, which I applaud, but you got that through what, primarily twists and ignoring PMs from people? It was never a round go by where I would constantly send you a PM and you'd respond lackadaisically and I would start round after round to try to talk to you, but you had never had the thought occur to you that I wanted to possible flip and discuss some game, so you distanced yourself as far as possible from me, so what graces was that good social game? Elaborate on how your strategic and physical game should override your lack of a social game.

    Dan, the reason why I never worked with you was because you were targeting me and I was terrified to say anything at all to you. I realize that is just cowardice on my part, but do you really believe that you and I could have worked together without you targeting me for removal? I spoke with everyone else more because everyone else wanted to include me in something. Everyone else was interested in me lasting more rounds than just one, and so I spoke with them a lot more than you. It wasn't personal, it was strategic. You like to be honest, brutally honest sometimes. I couldn't risk you just forwarding a bunch of PMs between us in order for you to get me out. No one targeted me like you did, and I knew why you were doing it, too. So, to keep myself safe, I just didn't speak with you much at all. I did the same thing with Russell for a while.

    My strategic/social/physical game was too interconnected to discuss separately, but I feel like I've explained it a whole bunch already. It must not be the answer you want to hear, so I'll elaborate a little more.

    Everyone was my friend because of the way I was pre-merge. You remember waaay back on Atacama those first four days? Every time you shot me a PM, I shot you one back within an hour, usually. As the game progressed, and over-communicating became a sign of social prowess, I started to dip out of that realm of real-time conversations. I sent a message, let the game stew a bit, and then sent another message a little later. It allowed me time to think of how I wanted to answer PMs. This may be a bit obsessive, but maintaining a low profile helped me strategically because I was able to sometimes spend hours on a single PM. Aside from that, disappearing with PMs meant disappearing in the game. Something you need to do when you come into a merge 4-8 and a 'Palena' alliance is the first thing everyone is talking about. I still kept in contact with Jake, and Holly, and Chase, and Jolanda. But to people who didn't really have my best interest at heart, I just didn't speak with them much. Once I was in an alliance with Russell, I spoke more with him than anyone for a whole round. Then, most of my conversations were between me and Jolanda. Then me and Jake.

    I wasn't inactive. I wasn't silent without a reason. I was at every immunity challenge and every vote. I didn't invent the twists in this game, but when they came about I utilized them as best I could. When there was a partner twist, I immediately joined up with Chase (who was an amazing person to partner with, by the way). When there was an idol, I worked through the entire wikipedia page, and a lot of subpages to find the right word and get it. When there was a fourth and final idol, I found it within two minutes of the hint being posted. Nope, I definitely wasn't in charge of twists, but I did everything in my power to make sure they didn't work against me in the game. And I was lucky enough to have them on my side throughout the game.
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    Alright It's been a crazy final tribal, and it's only fitting that we close it out with the craziest... Tyrone, take us home baby.

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Tyrone » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:29:48 pm

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    It was about damn time I got to finally speak Probst.

    Why hello my final three. It is nice to see you all once again after one whole day since you were finally able to eliminate me. I can now believe I have a lot to say about you guys since I got to know you so I will start now. But before I do that.


    Jake-The Useless Guy

    Jake what can I say about you? Well during my whole time here on Patagonia. I felt that you were close to John and that I found you scum and shady like a bitch that I wasn't going to like you at all. When we came to the merge, you were my target to eliminate but the others didn't so I couldn't target you. Basically during this whole merge time, I didn't see you become a target to any of the other players, which make me think you are useless to the game and one of the most easiest people to beat in the finals. I didn't want to sit with you in the finals if I got things I was expecting but you were able to make sure you weren't going to be target, but you were still useless and it also make you something else. YOU WERE A MOTHER FUCKING GOAT THAT DIDN'T EVEN THINK OF TRYING TO CHOOSE A BIG TARGET TO ELIMINATE, YOU SAVED KEN ASS INSTEAD OF TRYING TO THINK OF GAINING HIS POSSIBLE JURY VOTE AND YOU KEPT STICKING WITH HIM AND YVE WITHOUT TRYING TO COME UP WITH SOME BIG ASS MOVE IN THE FUCKING GAME. YOU ARE A SHEEP AND WILL BE STAYING A SHEEP TO THE SHEPARD OF THE GAME! AND HOW COULD YOU HATE TED PANCAKES! THEY ARE PANCAKES MADE FOR THE GODS AND GODDESSES!

    Up next we have

    Ken-The Cunt and Rival to the game

    Yeah I don't like you. Everyone know that, but they were just too damn stupid to even think about trying to listen to me. I fucking told them all that I didn't want the fucking damn talisman which meant I had to eliminate your sorry little ass so I wouldn't have to fucking deal with it. But the others were so blinded by who the bigger threat was that they had to fucking give me the damn thing that I have hated to have on the very first exact day. So I blame you. Now to make things worse, these two people sitting next to you choose to kept saving your ass in the game which annoyed me even more, I FUCKING HATED THE FACT YOU KEPT STAYING IN EVERY FUCKING DAMN TIME I HAVE TRIED TO ELIMINATE YOU! In fact, it made you think you were the shepard of the others while they kiss up to your ass and bring you to the final three to lose to you. You make me sick and I fucking still hate your ass and hope you rot in hell. One thing I must ask. That if you indeed win this. I want you to use the money to remove your vocal cords so I don't have to hear another word from you.

    Finally we have

    Yve-The Shepard Of The Alliance

    Yup, that is correct you are the shepard of the whole alliance that was going on. From Day 1, when I joined that new tribe, I kept seeing you do nothing in any of the team immunity challenges like you were just sitting back and painting your nails and every time I saw that tribe lose immunity, I kept thinking you were going to be voted off, but you never did. Everytime I kept thinking you would leave. You survived. Which made me think that you were involve in an alliance on that side and you were the ringleader of the alliance. They loved you, and they never wanted to eliminate you. This is why your in the final 3 mainly when those two idiots next to you didn't think of you being a threat to them. Now they find themselves as sheeps while you are the shepard of the game and herd them up to your vagina. I hope your proud of what you have done to get here.

    I was pretty sure this was going to be a hard vote, but then I just say, this may be the easiest vote I have ever had to cast in this game. Good luck to Jake and Yve in the near future. Jake, you better not be finding me forcing Ted sexy pancakes down your throat<3. Ken can still go and rot in hell for all I fucking care.

    Now only one thing remain for us to do.



    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Ken » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:33:24 pm

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    Sorry my staying in the game made it possible for you to get an immunity talisman. I meant nothing personal by it.

    P.S. Corinne did the vocal cord line much better than you did.

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Tyrone » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:36:00 pm

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    I don't care Ken, you should still get your removed.

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Yve » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:37:37 pm

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    Wow, Tyrone. After reading your statements to Jake and Ken, I was prepared for the worst from you. Thank you for your statement. And I'm very proud of the way I played this game. Giant, climbed-in vaginas and all. icon_laughing

    I wish Jake had voted for Ken, then you might be here in the final three with us. I hope you were still able to do your fallen comrades!

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Ken » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:38:40 pm

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    Tyrone wrote:I don't care Ken, you should still get your removed.

    I am starting to get the feeling you don't like me much icon_cry

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Tyrone » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:41:45 pm

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    Okay Probst, I'm ready to vote/
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    Alright final 3, There are no closing statements.

    Votes are due tomorrow at 8c/9e.

    We will reveal the winner after a reunion special with everyone invited at 9c/10e. (Giving everyone enough time to come back from Survivor).

    Final 3, feel free to go back and further answer any questions that have been asked. Jury, you cannot ask anymore questions.

    Good luck and thanks for participating!

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Jake » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:44:10 pm

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    Tyrone wrote:It was about damn time I got to finally speak Probst.

    Why hello my final three. It is nice to see you all once again after one whole day since you were finally able to eliminate me. I can now believe I have a lot to say about you guys since I got to know you so I will start now. But before I do that.

    Jake-The Useless Guy

    Jake what can I say about you? Well during my whole time here on Patagonia. I felt that you were close to John and that I found you scum and shady like a bitch that I wasn't going to like you at all. When we came to the merge, you were my target to eliminate but the others didn't so I couldn't target you. Basically during this whole merge time, I didn't see you become a target to any of the other players, which make me think you are useless to the game and one of the most easiest people to beat in the finals. I didn't want to sit with you in the finals if I got things I was expecting but you were able to make sure you weren't going to be target, but you were still useless and it also make you something else. YOU WERE A MOTHER FUCKING GOAT THAT DIDN'T EVEN THINK OF TRYING TO CHOOSE A BIG TARGET TO ELIMINATE, YOU SAVED KEN ASS INSTEAD OF TRYING TO THINK OF GAINING HIS POSSIBLE JURY VOTE AND YOU KEPT STICKING WITH HIM AND YVE WITHOUT TRYING TO COME UP WITH SOME BIG ASS MOVE IN THE FUCKING GAME. YOU ARE A SHEEP AND WILL BE STAYING A SHEEP TO THE SHEPARD OF THE GAME! AND HOW COULD YOU HATE TED PANCAKES! THEY ARE PANCAKES MADE FOR THE GODS AND GODDESSES!

    icon_rolleyes icon_rolleyes icon_rolleyes , icon_laughing

    Tyrone you were considered to be the least threatening person to win (until you randomly became a force in the f6 or so) and even you were targeted several several times. So I do not think that me never being targeted is not bc I was weak but due to the relationships that I formed with people. If people thought they could use Ted or use Chase then they wouldn't be targeted like they were at first. I think because I pretended like I was with people and kept up conversations and always tried to make me look like I could be useful to someone's game- then they didn't need to get rid of me. At the final 5 with more time to talk with you and Dan, I would have gone with the two of you. I think the problem was that Dan would tell me one person, and then you sent out a group PM saying the other person like 5 mins before tribal and you two couldn't agree. I would have taken either of them out bc I feared them being jury threats. I was upset that Yve won the final 4 challenge actually bc I thought that she needed to leave before the final 3 even though I loved her.

    I tried with you Tyrone, I honestly did but I would sit in front of one of your PMs and have no idea what to write back, mostly because I had no idea what you were trying to say to me icon_confused i appreciate the role you played in this game though, from becoming a really easy first or second boot to being such a force in this game (like ur girl Jolanda did) was very impressive.

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Jolanda » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:46:34 pm

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    See you all tomorrow! Can't wait to see who wins <333333

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Ken » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:48:36 pm

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    I think I have said all I need to say. This was a fun game, and I honestly do not care that some of you seem to detest my very existence. I'm a big boy, I can take it.

    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Jake » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:50:09 pm

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    Ken wrote:I think I have said all I need to say. This was a fun game, and I honestly do not care that some of you seem to detest my very existence. I'm a big boy, I can take it.


    Re: Day 27 - Final Tribal Council

    Postby Yve » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:52:11 pm

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    I know we're not allowed closing statements, but I just wanted to say thank you all for a thrilling game. Blindsides, idols, double boots, partners, two swaps, and a purple rock all led us to this point. And I hope you all had as much fun as I did! I would be honored to hold the title of sole survivor of Survivor: Stranded in Patagonia, but either way it's been a blast!
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    Votes being cast all over, changed, rechanged, etc... a testament to three worthy players in the final 3.

    I do not anticipate a tie, but when you're dealing iwth people who went into a 4-4-4 tie breaker and created a 6-6 tie, you just never know.

    I'll need the final 3 to cast tie breaker votes in their confessionals on which of the other two you would like to win.

    Please do so ASAP, thanks!

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