Fallen Comrades

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:10:47 am

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    If you guys have time, you should consider doing this. Just post them here. It's a good time to reminisce about all the players that have been voted out, and a good fun read for everyone afterward.

    (oh & you should do the hosts too!)

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby John » Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:46:31 am

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    I hope I remember the order correctly.

    Jimmy T - never spoke to the dude.

    Jane - Was happy to see her go. Never spoke to her but everyone said she was weird plus I wanted a Noob to get that vote and she was the only Noob anyone really didn't care to boot off.

    Brook - I've come to like Brook. Funny considering I didn't think much of the bloke the last time we played. I didn't feel he was the right person to vote off but I didn't have the power or numbers to save him but I will say that I was secretly happy I outlasted him.

    Jimmy J - I was glad to see him go. He had the worst communication skills and then he got quite defensive when he found out I wanted him gone. I felt he was the least trusting in my tribe at that point.

    Erica - I was actually happy to see her voted out and that was because I found her random and I knew she didn't care to work with me so I saw this as a positive.

    Fabio - Fabio was bummed when the first tribes were shuffled so I knew he wasn't on team John plus the partner thing played a part in him getting voted out.

    John - Fabulous as always. Voted out way too early.

    Marty - I liked Marty but I don't think he saw the danger that was Yve. He thinks it was my fault he got voted out but I don't agree. Overall he was a nice bloke.

    Wendy Jo - Never spoke to her but seems a bit random.

    Ted - Stupid stupid stupid. Should have listened to me in regards to Yve. He only has himself to blame for being voted out. He really should have made it further. He's a fool!

    Chase - I can respect that he wanted to keep Yve as she was his partner but I don't know if I see his logic 100%. I don't think much of him as a person or as a player.

    Holly - Strong player. Very controlling and very cunning. I didn't trust her.

    Jill - Jill was OK. I didn't mind her. Was bummed I lost her and was stuck with Yve at the second swap.

    I can't remember the order so it might be out of order a bit.

    Jolanda - Was never going to trust her. I don't mind her as a person but my game had no vision with her in it.

    Russell - He confused me the most. I tried to get along with him but I didn't feel he was genuine and then he told Marty he liked me and was bummed to see me on the other tribe. Not sure if he was trying to play Marty and fish for info as to who his partner was or if he was actually genuine. I am looking forward to speaking with him post game.

    Dan - Didn't know him but sounded like he had some power at one point.

    Tyrone - Didn't know him either.

    Yve - A big snake. Never trusted her and could see through her bullshit and fake sweetness. My game ended because others couldn't see that and when they were told they didn't believe it. I guess they learned the hard way. I so hope she loses.

    Ken - Meh. He annoyed me and I never trusted the cunt. Was glad to see him go on the other tribe.

    Jake - I liked Jake even though I know he was keeping his distance. Atleast he spoke with me regularly so I knew where he was at for the most part. I didn't realise he was so tight with Ted and Chase but I applaud him for his game and getting rid of me. I would like to see him win out of the final 3.

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:23:14 am

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    Here's as good a place as any. Which of the F3 would you guys vote for do you think?

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby John » Tue Feb 12, 2013 4:16:04 pm

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    Brenda Lowe wrote:Here's as good a place as any. Which of the F3 would you guys vote for do you think?

    I would vote for Jake.

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Jane » Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:13:51 am

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    Jimmy T - you're nobody important. You couldn't even show.

    Brook - talk about boring and yawn inducing.

    Jimmy J - I forget who you were

    Erica - If we were a movie we'd be My Girl except you're the one that gets stung by bees and dies towards the end. Sorry but Jane don't die.

    Fabio - I think its funny how you just cried yourself out of here like a poor sport after you got voted off. You had chances to change your game and you failed to take them. you are pathetic on all accounts and I think you're even worse than Jimmy T. you have no pride, dignity, or respect for anyone here.

    John - I forgot who you were

    Marty - I forgot who you were I think I hated you though because well you seem like a person to hate.

    Wendy-Jo - I forgot who you were

    Ted - I didn't know a Ted played this game

    Chase - I forgot you played this too

    Holly - LOL pwnt I called this the moment you stepped up and tried to be an HBIC. You played your hand too soon and kept people who were less trustworthy around over somebody who would have been loyal to you. You had this coming.

    Jill - I thought you were a butch dyke lesbian and I wished i would have spoke to you about licking out your vagina because it might have kept me.

    Jolanda - you were black.

    Russell - You were the ONE person I knew 100% sure would lose. I knew it the moment I met you. Do not take this as a sign that I didn't think you would get far but I knew that you would fail at this game the moment you were confrontational.

    Dan - I don't remember you so I'm surprised you made it this far. I don't think we were on tribes together.

    Tyronne - I don't think you made much of an impact on this game.

    Ken - I think you'll lose because you didn't play a game worth playing. What I mean by this is you tried to be too UTR and non offensive and instead you became a who/what/when did he do

    Jake - I don't think you'll win either I think Yve played a better game

    Yve - I called your win the moment I went to L.L. and was voted out. I saw something in you that i knew was strong. I wanted you out for this reason

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Jane » Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:14:26 am

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    I would vote YVE

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Jane » Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:16:42 am

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    I think Yve played the best game. She outwitted, outplayed, and outlasted everyone here. You fell for her deception (I didn't) and she put her lethal venom in us all. She was the only wolf in the game amoung sheep.

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:42:52 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    I find it hard to believe that Jane-à-Trois was a sheep.

    Re: Fallen Comrades

    Postby John » Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:24:20 pm

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    Jane wrote:John - I forgot who you were

    Thank Fuck for that.

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