So about the Fallen Comrades

Postby Marty » Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:45:39 pm

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    Since nobody cares about this boring shit, I've decided to do Fallen Comrades

    ...IN limmerick form! This has BETTER be appreciated as an ENORMOUS amount of work has been put into this failure.

    There once was an ORG named “Stranded”
    Where everyone played underhanded
    With a host named Jeff Probst
    Tried to screw at a cost
    All the players he actively hated

    Jimmy T was the guy to fall first
    He was seriously the fucking worst
    ‘Cause he couldn’t just bother
    To speak with some-other –
    I don’t think that we even conversed

    On the other tribe Brook got the boot
    I could honestly not give a hoot
    But I’ll finish this verse
    Since it’s gonna get worse
    ‘Cause I rhyme like a handicapped brute

    Oh, and I think that I forgot Jane
    But who cares since she’s fucking insane
    Posting re-tarded shit
    I just wish she would quit
    But I know that my words are in vain

    Erica, back out our tribe
    Was giving off a really-bitch vibe
    So we voted her out
    As she started to shout
    Random shit I don’t care to describe

    Fucking Jeff then created a swap
    When I was right there at the top
    He’s a one a giant dick
    Who deserves a good kick
    Oh, and Fabio had to get dropped

    Then, of course, my dear partner John
    Tried to use everyone as a pawn
    But his stupid-ass schemes
    Got shut-down by the team
    He was out – and I had to move on

    But, the three that I used to trust
    Had developed a sense of distrust
    So then I was kicked-off
    All I got was a scoff
    So go all fuck themselves now, they must.

    I was kicked-off right before merge
    Where the best of the best must converge
    But I couldn’t care less
    Since I had to suppress
    My most darkest and murderous urge

    As I said I could now give less fucks
    Than number of high IQ ducks
    So I couldn’t much vex
    Of what has happened next
    But I can tell that this Final 3 sucks.
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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
    Posts: 635
    Joined: Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:14:18 pm
    Holy fuck this is amazing. I haven't even read it yet.

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