I want this to happen sooooo bad. Especially given how much Holly loathes Jill.
Kim Mullen wrote:Also, who is winning right now? I'd like to say Yve but I feel like that's too obvious.
I think Jill might pull a Kim :3
Brenda Lowe wrote:I thought Yve had been the most obvious likely winner for a while now, but Ted dislikes a lot more than I thought, so maybe she's not making quite the impression I had rated her as? A few more throats slit tween now and the finale and she might get some serious lashback. Playing as being 'with' both sides is all well and good until people start conferring and coming to the conclusion that you're against both sides too :/ it's a fucking tightrope for sure. She was doing well but now is starting to wobble a bit I think.
Russell is possibly in the best position of anyone right now? And of course once he does get into the position where he wants to make a move instead of just going with the flow, Yve is his number one target since he is the only one viewing her as a threat afaik.
Now lets talk idols :o
I'm kinda glad Dan is the player immune since he can now not go to the jury with it in his pocket, this round at least. Because he has literally no idea how close he came to being a consensus boot in the merge round and that could quickly pop up again the more desperate the minority trio get. He's not connecting with any of them or even trying much? Like he's paying lip-service but that's it.
Chase & Yve's idol on the other hand - now that we could see pop up this round for reals.
Once again I've typed half a post and been dragged away :/ I will actually press post this time instead of convincing myself I'll do it later.
Tyrone wrote:I don't answer questions that would make me look stupid.
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