Episode 08

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:20:28 pm

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    OfflineJeff Probst
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    Welcome to the merger!

    You made it!

    Tell me how you're feeling, nervous? excited? a bit of both?

    Also, now that the game is shifting from tribes to individual, are you focusing now more than ever on how to win the game, or is it merely how to advance as far as you can?

    How do you plan on making an impressive enough showing in the merge to warrant a vote from the potential jurors that you are playing with now?

    Where do your loyalties lie? With the original tribe? Your newly swapped tribe? or your original fans/favorites split? Who do you trust the most/least going into the merge?

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Ken » Fri Feb 01, 2013 9:30:04 am

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    Tell me how you're feeling, nervous? excited? a bit of both?

    Oh my gosh! Both! icon_eek Like this si so new for me in the world of Stranded icon_laughing I think anyone who isn't nervous is a complete fool to be completely honest. With so many swaps and so many different alliances going on, you better believe there will be a lot of scrambling going on icon_chaos

    Also, now that the game is shifting from tribes to individual, are you focusing now more than ever on how to win the game, or is it merely how to advance as far as you can?

    Before I was focused on just making the merge. I knew if I could do that, then I can play a much stronger game and actually make the final 2/3. So I am playing to win at this point. I will feel guilty about hurting people's feelings because so many people seem to want to work with me icon_horror

    How do you plan on making an impressive enough showing in the merge to warrant a vote from the potential jurors that you are playing with now?

    Up until now I have just been playing the social game and not really being aggressive strategically. That can only get you so far. I am going to step my game up a lot now icon_yes I will be just as social, but also am going to be playing a much stronger strategic game. I have already been setting the wheels in motion for a vote against Wendy Jo at the first tribal council. She keeps telling me I better not flip and go back to my old friends, so that is exactly what I am going to do icon_wub Gather all my "old friends" so to speak, and get rid of Wendy Jo if at all possible.

    Where do your loyalties lie? With the original tribe? Your newly swapped tribe? or your original fans/favorites split? Who do you trust the most/least going into the merge?

    My loyalties are honestly a big mixed bag of everything icon_laughing I adore Chase, and so I want to be loyal to him. Also Yve is one of my favourite people here so I consider her a close ally icon_yes Then there is Jake, obviously I am loyal to him. And of course Holly, Russell, and Jolanda. This sort of ties in before with what I said about having too many people who want to work with me, because I don't think all of them would work with each other icon_eek I have to find a way in which I can play both Atacama and Palena and not get caught icon_wub

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Ken » Sat Feb 02, 2013 10:32:27 am

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    I am really pushing hard for a Wendy Jo vote. This is either going to put me in a great position, or completely backfire on me and get me voted out icon_chaos I know she is probably a big host favourite due to how batshit she is, so sorry about getting rid of her icon_wub (assuming my plan works) If I intend to win then I need to step up and become more of a strategic force in the game. I don't want to be a feckless UTR pawn in this. I want the jury to see that I made big, bold moves in the game. This will be my first attempt at pulling something off. But who's next after Wendy? Stay tuned icon_shifty

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:11:37 pm

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    Looks like I've tuned in just in time to catch Big Bold Ken in action icon_chaos Who are you pushing Wendy-Jo as a boot to, who is willing to vote with you?

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Ken » Sun Feb 03, 2013 3:55:50 pm

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    If you ain't gonna play hard don't play at all! icon_cool

    I am pushing the Wendy Jo vote to the 4 Atacama members, and also Holly and Jolanda. Jolanda so far seems the be the only one apprehensive about it, so I am wary of her. I was told by Jake that Jolanda and Wendy Jo are aligned, so there is a possibility I could have this backfire on me icon_eek I would much rather go out in a blaze of glory trying to pull off a big move, rather then just being someone who made no impact at all icon_chaos

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Ken » Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:08:55 pm

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    Operation mass confusion seems to be a thrilling success icon_chaos People's names on the chopping block ATM:

    Wendy Jo


    I am such a mischievous little turd icon_wub

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:15:42 am

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    Your latest PMs with Wendy Jo have caught my eye. Are you still gonna try make that 'big move', or does you admitting to her what you were at indicate a truce?

    How does the three immunities change plans for tomorrow? Feeling any more confident with one around your neck?

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Ken » Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:59:08 am

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    I think the truce between Wendy Jo and I is actually genuine icon_chaos Jake seems to think he can trust her, and I trust Jake, so by proxy I trust Wendy. At this point in time, I think I will go through with the plan to eliminate Tyrone. I have immunity so there is no way this can come back on me if an idol is played. I think as long as a vet does not go, I will be happy. I have no doubt that Holly fears the vets will take control of the game if we gain the numbers advantage. Holly keeps pushing for Palena 3.0 to stick together. This works out well for her because she can take out 3 vets as that would get rid of Jake, Ted and Chase. She's good, but if her plan is as I suspect it is, sticking with her just seems silly icon_lol

    As for 3 people having immunity, Jake and I are safe, and our target Tyrone is not safe. This is actually perfect. icon_excited

    Re: Episode 08

    Postby Ken » Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:06:38 pm

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    Screw it, I am voting Ted. If I vote Tyrone it will most likely just be a tie at best :( I hate people.

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