Ken wrote:The only vet I don't know is Erica
Jimmy T - 20th Place
(Played by Gumshoe - SurvivorSucks)
Mia says: Nope.
Brenda says: lol, you'll never read this. I'm not disappointed you let JimmyT go to waste, since even when you stumbled online for the first challenge, you showed a little of the zaniness we were hoping for.Even not managing to find the tribe board is a little slice of epic character. But I am disappointed you volunteered to be the boot and let the first TC be just a procedure. Not that you had much hope of surviving, but I woulda liked to see how you'd approach the fight.
Jane - 19th Place
(Played by Bitch Pudding/AlwaysAwesomeAdam - SurvivorSucks/ORGY)
Mia says: You were by far one of the funniest players in the game. I really wish you could have held out longer so we could have seen you really wreak some havoc later in the game, because you sure ripped everyone a new one in the Loser's Lounge. Long live Jane-à-Trois!
Brenda says: My first recruit to fall by the waysideI said pre-game you would need the right luck to get past the first few rounds, but if you could manage that you'd be a hilarious force to be reckoned with. You didn't manage to get over that hump but you were still a hilarious force in the LL
Even in your two short rounds in the game you had the best confessional to shoot the shit in and your struggle with having to portray "this mess of a woman" was guaranteed entertainment every log-in. Yours & Russell's brief dysfunctional partnership was hilarious too, not gonna lie.
Russell- Why does yer neck look like a vagina?
Jane - As if you've seen a vagina to know what it looks like?
Jane - What's up with the fedora? Fan of Freddy Kruger much?
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