Tyrone wrote:The only person I think I know is Jolanda<3
Holly - 9th Place
(Played by Duck - ORGY)
Mia says: Amazing to watch. I still can't tell if you really expected to go far by playing as Head Mama HoHo and were legitimately surprised by people turning on you, or if you expected it all along, but hey, it was great to have someone who didn't pussyfoot around the game and who just came out with guns blazing. You sure do make a hell of a bitter juror, too.
Brenda says: lololol I knew you had to be casted here and now this Season with this format and so many open-ID Aussies in the mix. Even Jill got vented at in private once you discovered her homeland I am glad you managed to keep it separate from the game for the most part - yet also a little disappointed it didn't spill out? What can you do, I'm a glutton for a bit of drama Gamewise what can I say, you were dominant here, challenges and strategically. Your biggest fault was being too dominant. I don't think anyone was ever seriously considering allowing you anywhere near the F3 - you will see later most had plans to cut you around 6 or 5 at the latest.
However, even though it's a stupidly dangerous and obviously painting-yourself-as-a-massive target way to play, I still love that style - to just go full throttle and not GAF. And if you had have gotten to six, who knows? Three immunities on the trot at that point would have been well within your grasp.
Ken wrote:This may as well have been a season of Aus Stranded.
Jill wrote:Who is Duck in AusStranded? And as if there are so many Aussies here bahahaha.
Jill - 8th Place
(Played by coolcoolcool - AusStranded/SurvivorSucks)
Mia says: When we first saw the cast bios and you said that you were currently playing in Aussie Stranded with me, I just KNEW from your bio that you were Bill. I couldn't decide if I was excited to see you play here or not, and while you didn't do anything quite as exciting as you did in AusStranded, you showed the same amount of skill and managed to maneuver your way through a few tight spots and put yourself in a solid majority. I'll be honest, I don't think you cold have pulled off a win, but I think that if you would have put more into the social aspect (like I saw in AusStranded), it would have been a MUCH different story.
Brenda says: Jill came into this game fresh out of her very first game ever playing in our Australian sister series (as Bill for those who are wondering) and she was impressive here. Not yet the finished article as a player by any means but definitely one to watch. Surviving through, and then rebounding from, an early period of kinda inactiveness is very hard to do in these cut-throat games, yet she made just the right moves when she was *this* close to being the boot at least twice that I remember offhand. Come the merge there was some nice groundwork laid and I think if it wasn't for that idolling, you were very nearly a cert for the end. Now if you could have won is another story as several players were beginning to view you as a goat.
Having been privy to your inner workings in your confessional though, I can safely say it was never going to be the walkover people were planning - your head was most certainly in this game even if they didn't know it.
Jolanda wrote:Tyrone wrote:The only person I think I know is Jolanda<3
Excited to see who you are now! :)
Holly wrote:Jill wrote:Who is Duck in AusStranded? And as if there are so many Aussies here bahahaha.
Mia Galeotalanza wrote:Holly wrote:Jill wrote:Who is Duck in AusStranded? And as if there are so many Aussies here bahahaha.
Damn. I didn't know that.
You saved my life from fucking Troy and Kat, so thanks for that.
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