I think out of this whole cast I can easily break it down for who I am looking forward to watch:
Yve is obviously the one to watch. She's charming, funny, smart....what's not to love about her? I didn't love her pitch to her secret partner though. She just blurted how she wanted to go to the end with him in like two whole posts. I dunno, I am a fan so far, but that interaction wasn't awesome for me.
Dan I really thought was in over his head on the first night. He just seemed so gung ho (which is great, I loved it), but it appeared as though his first impression on his tribe mates was not a great one. But I love his confessionals, I love the effort he is putting in, and I really hope I see much more from him.
Brook is just a really great player. I was very impressed with him in Costa Rica and I am so so so glad he is getting another shot here. I truly hope we get to see him stretch his legs in this game because he is a very strategic player and has the social game to back it up. Just coming off another game with him, he has proved he can survive in most situations.
Wendy Jo has randomly become a sentimental favorite of mine mainly because I picked her in the pool here

John is such an amazing player to have in a game

Erica is pure enjoyable and she will definitely be one to watch and laugh to. Her confessional so far has been fun to read, especially her take on the other players. But obviously I love her relationship with JJ in their secret forum. As much as I love this friendship happening between them, I really hope they get sick of each other and they have the biggest and best feud ever

Players that I'm not loving so far:
Jimmy J - I hate his attitude and there's nothing at all endearing about someone who constantly whines. I hope he quits it.
Jolanda - I love Jo, but if she honestly thinks that toning down her social game completely so she doesn't look like a type of figurehead like in CR, then she will have a rude awakening as she finds herself in the loser lodge. I hope this swap puts a fire under her ass, she CAN do better!
Tyrone - His social game is not fun to watch. If I played with someone THAT difficult to talk to? I sure wouldn't put much faith into them as an ally. One sentence messages are a killer and they do not a winner make.
Holly - Love her effort, don't love the Mama HoHo thing. I don't think she pulls it off very convincingly.
Fabio - I guess he's like super gay and that's his schtick? I don't have too much of an opinion as of yet.
Jane - I was put off by her whining about getting Jane as her Stranded rep, because what's the big deal? But I really think she will be a big character for her time spent in the game, for sure.