So I've managed to get a full lap in on the confessionals, and my head is back in the game. There's a daunting 450+ PMs to sift through next but let me see where everyone is at right now.
Despite being in the minority, Chase/Jake/Ted/Yve are probably in a far better position right now. They've been through the wringer and are a tighter unit than the sprawling untested and internally squabbling Palena eight. Those four will vote together for sure just as soon as they agree on a target, and they will have extra numbers too.
Ken is flipping (back) for sure - although in fairness it sounds like he would have been the most likely boot had they ever lost. Unless of course it was Tyrone, who Wendy Jo has an irrational hatred for and wants outoutout nownownow

And here is the real lols, Ken wants to flip to Atacama - to take out Wendy Jo

Jill is the third potential flipper. She would have stayed true for a round or two I think - until Holly got caught out passing the rumour around that Ted & Jill have the idols. I'm not sure yet till I read the order of PMs - but I think this is the Hail Mary plan that Holly refers to in her frustratingly vague confessional. I will need to pump her for better info. So Holly came up with that plan because she heard that herself and or Jolanda had the idols and might be targeted for it. From what I gather she is moreso being targeted for being too good in the challenges - and elements of Palena (specifically Dan) had considered throwing a challenge to boot her and help Marty make the merge. Holly is blissfully unaware of all this, as is Jolanda :/
Dan of course has the idol in his pocket but himself / Tyrone / Russell / Holly / Jolanda have no idea there are this many people looking to flip away. Some suspect one or two will, Dan even talks about getting Jake to flip to their side, but lolno that's not happening. The super-solid Palena majority is rapidly decreasing.
Now here's the best bit so far. Neither side has a consensus boot target. All of Dan, Tyrone, Ted, Chase, Holly, Jolanda, Yve, & Wendy Jo's names have been mentioned. Yve is the only one to have removed herself from that list. While circumstances are slowly making it look more and more like Dan & Chase or Ted will be the respective targets. And of course Dan has the idol. And Dan & Wendy are close. And if they come to the decision that Atacama & flippers will indeed target Dan Wendy will know about it in advance.
Shit. Just. Got. Srs.
To the PMs!