Brenda's Lowe-Down

Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:05:54 pm

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    I'm gonna follow Mia's lead and get back to the Greece-style blog of one big-ass thread per host rather than by Episode and we'll see where it takes us. Feel free to come in and trample all over my opinions, because I will totally return the favour like it or not :P

    Disclaimer for Players: I am awful at this. I will have horrible opinions you will hate quite often, but I'm just calling it as I see it at the time. I only do it cos I love you and want you to learn from your mistakes. ..Or something. Yeah that sounds believable enough to cover my ass.

    Yay for the long overdue return of Brenda's Bits 'n' Bobs!

    Welcome to Brenda's Lowe-Down! icon_mml
    Last edited by Brenda Lowe on Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:28:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

    Re: Brenda's Bits 'n' Bobs

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:06:53 pm

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    I'm gonna get back to colour-coding quotes per person too. I would advise not copying this set-up other bloggers. Since I'll probably change my mind a half dozen times through the Season who should be what colour depending on order of boots, who bonds with who, what personalities emerge etcetc. I'll be anal and go back and edit to change em all, but I don't wish that on anyone else.


    Jimmy J
    Jimmy T
    Mikey B
    Ted Rogers Jr.

    Re: Brenda's Bits 'n' Bobs

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:33:22 am

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    I think Holly's whole app speaks volumes about how highly she she rates herself, but her attitude coming into the game can best be summed up from this answer;
    Which 3 "SURVIVOR" contestants match your personality the best and how?
    I'll give you 4. Malcolm. Little bit cocky, more than capable, wise beyond his years. Todd. Always thinking, strategist. Ozzy. Again with the cockiness and ability. Heidk. Cold and calculated.

    We have a little um, 'historic rivalry' between us already :P Suffice to say I've experienced the wrath of Holly firsthand and she needs to tone it down if she wants to go the distance here. When Holly is going out of her way to be charming and friendly she most certainly can be, but if she snaps at some point (and I fully expect her to) she can easily rub a lot of the cast the wrong way. Like, so much so that even if she got all the way to the end people might just not not vote for her, but actively vote against her.

    That said, When she is on form, she can be excellent. She will dominate challenges. Not just speedy ones but logic based ones too. That has to buy her some cred with whatever tribe she lands on. She can be strategic too, so long as she keeps her head in the game socially. Look for her to be an early HBIC.

    She has a fresh start here, and doesn't come with all the baggage that Duck is associated with. It's totally on her now to use that and not fall into the same old bad habits.

    Prediction: Mid Jury, taken out for being too threatening in challenges as soon as the opportunity presents itself.


    I don't think Jane is what BP meant when he said women usually work better for him :D
    What is your main motivation for playing?

    I am not going to go with the typical overused statement to win or to have a good time. I just want to kinda take out my frustrations from the day on people. I mean I don't take anything personal so I hope they won't either (even though some do)

    Jane will probably get in trouble early in the game, just by rubbing the wrong person the wrong way, she could very well leave the game early for it. But if she wriggles out of that & gets over that initial hump of shock the other pllayers will experience, she can still do very well here. There is a little "meh, I'm not here to win" tone in her app but she will get sucked into this whether she likes it or not, just watch.

    The other part of her app that stands out to me is the harsh exterior/soft interior line. And it's true - to an extent. I've played with twice, and hosted once and she can be a fiercely loyal player to her allies, but the more I see her play the more cutthroat she's become. I'm not sure which player will show up here.

    Prediction: Pre-Jury, Rubs the wrong person the wrong way and goes out in a gloriously bitter explosion.


    First brand-new-to-me player, and from what I've seen in the Aussie Côte d'Ivoire, she will be just fine here. Still new enough that a lot of this will be brand spanking to her, but with half a game under his belt she'll hopefully not fall into any noob pitfalls like not understanding the importance of PMs or what have you. All that said I'm expecting quite a vanilla game here. Jill will be a solid number in some alliance, but not the leader of. Decent in the challenges, but not setting them on fire. Very middle of the road, and I kinda expect to see that translate into a mid-game finish too. How exactly she fares will depend on who she allies with and who she is partnered to. I'm thinking the best we can hope for is she falls into some tight bond or fierce rivalry with one of the more batshit players and this jolts her into action and into a more dynamic/entertaining player than her app would promise. Seems to have a strategic bent, I'd like to see how that reacts when the pressure is on.

    Prediction: Late Pre-Juror or early Juror. Taken out as a safe target of one alliance by another, while her more canny alliance-mates have bridges built on both sides.


    You'd think with the amount of times I've seen, played with, and host Bloo, he'd be easy to write about icon_uhoh lolno. WendyJo is extremely hard to predict because she can be so vastly different from one game to the next. There are times when he can be just a flat-out strategical trainwreck, yet other times when he is actually very savvy. What is odd about Bloo is that the harder he tries, the more confident he gets, the more he messes up :/ When he sits back and doesn't stress, he is typically better at the game. There is a running joke at ORGY that Bloo has ~a mind of his own~ , he can frequently push for things that don't make sense to anyone else, or he will push a different direction from the groupthink just because. As you can imagine that's not really a winning strategy, but every once in a while it works out for him.

    Whatever way WendyJo ends up playing this, what can be certain are a few things; she will suck at challenges and if the tribe are relying on her they will hurt for it, two or three tribe members might hate her specifically. On the flipside she will be extremely social and extremely well-liked by two or three members of her tribe. In his app he's compares himself to RC - and from what I've seen that is close comparison. WendyJo will be one of the earliest to push alliances with people (you will at some point read a confessional post that is along the lines of "here are my 7 alliances and these ones are my favourites"), but she will also likely fall down on actually following through on more than half of them, or giving them the attention they need to flourish. Instead she will limpet herself to the one to three players he gets on with the most, and swear loyalty to them before any others. This can be admirable if done right, and *some* players will love her for it, but whether it works out for her or not is totally dependent on who she clicks with, and how good they are.
    Prediction: nfi icon_laughing
    Sorry if I'm hedging my bets on this one, but it's seriously unknowable. As much as I can narrow it down is that it won't be mid-game. First four boots, or last juror/finalist - mostly depending on who she picks as her *chosen* allies.


    Yve is an old-school gamer, and not one I've any experience with directly. I did go and lurk the old threads of his latest game played (2nd of 18 open-ID), but there he was hated by the hosts for strategic blunders, and his single vote in the finals sounds like it was a little undeserved per his game, and more on account of the wrong player getting lucky at final immunity. His app comes across as a little arrogant - but in this case it seems justified, and he is self-aware enough to know he could easily give off that vibe if not careful. He's extremely experienced in ORGs - more than even any of the vets - and I think we'll see the same calm capable approach that Ami brought last Season from Yve - albeit with a little more bite.

    Prediction: Endgamer - doubly so if she lucks into landing the right Veteran partner. I can't help but go back to all the hate for strategic blunders on the board I just read though, and I see her screwing something up strategically that sees her taken out in the 4th-6th range.


    Dan can shine here. He is maybe the most experienced of the new players (i.e. the noobs minus Yve / WJ / Jane / Holly ) with five games racked up. Importantly, all five games are from differing corners of the internet, so I'm hoping this gives us a flexible & adaptable player. His app paints him as quite the middling personality - NB I'm not saying MOR - but rather, he is a bit of an everyman. He should gel well with the positive and the negative players, he should come across as a bit of a follower to the leaders as well as a bit of a leader to the followers. So long as his social game is up to scratch I think he can do very well here indeed. His all-round nature should see him get as far as the merge no matter who else steps up, and I'm thinking his most dangerous phase of the game is gonna be not getting too attached to one side or the other at that point.

    My worry is that looking at his stats for other games, he is frequently the early boot so maybe that app is a far more idealized version of himself than the reality :/ Only one way to find out!

    Prediction: Mid to late Juror, taken out for being an all round threat - too connected, too well set-up, too likely to win - and moved on before he locks himself into an unbreakable position.


    Statistically, Draylen is currently *the* worst ORG player in Quid's ranking thingie. That doesn't bode well. However, I've gotten to know Draylen a little over the last few months and I could see why, so earlier this week I gave him a peptalk and a few pointers on where his game is lacking. I am hoping some of it will hit home and he'll do well here. Whether he actually will or not I just don't know yet.

    His app is truthful in that he doesn't play these things for drama, or even to win (don't take that as he isn't here to win) but more for the social aspect of the things. A few pals of his play, so he thought he'd give them a go without ever being a Survivor fan. His biggest problem, and the reason he is so low in the rankings is that if he isn't into a game or he doesn't get a good start, he tends to just not care about the game. That won't be a problem here. His reaction to getting casted was along the lines of "OMG what? How the heck did I get picked??". I told him how that was out of twice as many apps as we had spots for and he is hyped up and eager to put in a good showing in what I've billed to him as the grandaddy of all ORGs.

    He is hyperintellgent, and very capable of assessment and the best moves forward - but he will have a hard time getting his point across if people aren't working with him. For him to shine here he needs to find his niche among the cast. If he feels like he is an outsider he'll get pushed and push himself further and further out, but if he can get himself tight with some good allies early, they will find him a dependable and intelligent ally all game long. Now that means his game swings on being social early, which is one of the biggest problems with his game right now. He needs to learn to fake it till he makes it with the people he doesn't connect with moreso than just the ones he does :D Playing Jimmy J should kind of force his hand the right direction. Sure I don't think he's gonna be able to reel off sporting references, but if people start coming to him expecting coaching wisdom, he might just get the confidence to start giving it. It's not a role I think he'd gravitate to naturally, but he certainly would be a great figurehead and challenge co-ordinator if he finds himself forced into that role.

    Prediction: This is the game where it comes together for him. Gets in with the right people & partner early, and goes deep. Eventually taken out mid-Jury ish as he becomes more and more of a Jury threat to win.


    Our first absolutely brand spanking new first-time-ever player :D Even with short and punchy answers, there is still a lot to be gleaned from Jimmy T's app. If he lives up to his promise, he should be a little off-kilter, kooky and fun. I think in a lot of games that would hurt him but with this cast, not giving a fuck could actually work to his advantage. There are a few other players here who will positively thrive on the negative, and bitching with each other - he can really be a useful foil to someone else's more dominant cunty nature. My biggest fear here is keeping his attention, he is the biggest worry of an inactive/drift-away possibility in the cast.

    Prediction: The above is kinda best case scenario for him. More likely he will be one of the earliest boots of the game, either through not commiting himself enough to the game or to PMing early, or just being booted for being too kooky :/


    Marty is our other absolute first time player, as his prospects look a lot better. By my read I think that while yes, he could end up quite the villain too, he will be a lot more subtle about it, and therefore, last long enough to get much more chance to actually be villainous. My worry here is that this reads pretty much like Caryn's did at the time but I have fingers crossed that he'll build a better network than she managed to. He has some self-awareness and smarts, and from seeing him round Sucks he certainly loves his Survivor - so I'm banking on him being the best of the noobs (not the new-to-Stranded players, but best strategically out of Jill, Dan, Tyrone & the two Jimmys). Can he turn that strategical promise into an actual better placement than them though? Of that I am less sure.

    Prediciton: Solidly mid-Jury


    Here he is <3 My must-cast. I lurked a game recently with a 90% non-ORGY cast and I knew we had to have him. He is the epitome of what I was talking about elsewhere in a player who just doesn't care if laundry needs to be aired in public - just fresh and different and controversial, and not yet in the ORGY zombie mindset of any particular way being "the best way" to play. I sold Tyrone as a player to Jeff pretty much on the basis of this thread ... c=430&st=0 (he is the character Nikki Wong). I will be blunt and say I have little to no clue how he'll fare here strategically, but fingers crossed he lasts as long as possible and causes as much chaos as possible icon_chaos

    If you follow that link it's worth checking out her confessional for such gems as this;
    When it come to the game it best to know one thing - Don't look like a wimp to others

    If they somehow find me a goat to use for votes, then I'm going to fuck them up, I plan on working my ass off to the jury if I somehow end up in the finale

    Every second post is him bitching out some member of his tribe, or a host asking what the latest fight at camp was about. He really has the potential to be the stand-out villain of the Season, and that's saying something in this cast.

    Prediction: I hope and hope and hope he gets a long enough run here to have a huge impact. My fear is he'll become the John of this Season though, and his negativity will catch up to him and he goes out early, just before Jury begins. :/

    Re: Brenda's Bits 'n' Bobs

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:32:05 pm

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    Season 17: Costa Rica
    Placement: 14th & 13th/18

    Sorry guys, you are a duo now and forever and there's no getting away from it icon_laughing The only question is whether your portmanteau should be Jook or Brohn :P Reports in this week seem to indicate we're gonna be robbed of the epic bitterness between the two that was partially why they were both casted, they just finished a game together and lo and behold, come cast reveal they were shocked to find out who each other were;
    Brenda wrote:You two allied?

    That is kinda hilarious.

    Brook wrote:It is. SO. Hilarious :P He was probably my only real ally in the game which made it even more weird

    John wrote:Haha. Yep, my thoughts too.

    I think we can kiss that particular feud goodbye :/ But like I said in the LL, this opens the door for some other opportunities. Ted & Chase will know these two have kissed & made-up, but no-body else will. Can they keep the lid on that and maybe use it to their advantage? We'll see.

    In the game itself, I think we'll find John has slightly improved in challenges (that's not saying a lot) which is his biggest weakness. Not being shafted with an unwanted leader spot should do him a world of good too. I do fear he might find himself falling into an attempted HBIC position on his tribe again, which depending on his tribe-mates might just be reason enough to chop him early. I'm feeling a similar kind of placement to last game.

    Brook is a different story. I expect a dramatic improvement here. I'm not sure exactly what happened him in Costa Rica, but he was ridiculously emotional and kneejerk, which is just not what I've seen him play like elsewhere. He is a way better player than his short run last Season would make it seem. For both these players Open-ID play should be a good thing. John can use his challenge weakness as a reason to keep him later in the game, while Brook's genuine capabilities will be hidden from any non-Aussies when all they see is his last Season. A big chunk of both their games depends where Ted & Chase land in the tribal shuffle too. I expect a four way alliance between these on the first weekend - and if that carries across with three or even four of them landing on the same tribe, it will stay solid till merge. Online at the same times, all of them know each other outside this board, it'd be unstoppable.

    John - Quite likely to get ahead of himself again here, come out guns blazing and play too hard too soon. A lot depends on the initial tribe shuffle, and if he gets cocky in a 'safe' six and then that goes the wrong way with the shuffle, he'll be first against the wall :/
    Brook - Like I said, should be a dramatic improvement here. If he doesn't improve on last time I will be shocked. Let's say mid to late Jury.


    Season 17: Costa Rica
    Placement: 10th/18

    I've been a little blunt elsewhere about Jolanda, and maybe overly harsh in last Season's blogs, but I do find it hard to get excited to see her back icon_uhoh I will say part of this is my fault, her highpoint of the Season was the turnaround between the Wanda boot and making merge, and I just missed that whole chain of events with RL commitments. All sexism jokes aside, Jolanda is firmly Jeff's pick for a second chance. I can see why - she has the potential to be a big character - but I'm a little resigned that we'll just get more of the same here :/ Solid, loyal, straightforward Jolanda. My hope for Jolanda is that she won't have things wrapped up from day one. Her being here without the Day 1 Ibe connection could see her become more appealing to me, but right now, I just don't see it happening. Surprise me Jo! Shock me into loving you.

    Prediction: :/ Same story as last Season - wears her alliance on her sleeve and doesn't care who knows it. Thus resulting in an obvious and easy decision for whoever is not in that clique. Merge boot give or take a spot.


    Season 15: Greece
    Placement: 13th/16

    Delighted. de--lighted to see Jake back for another run at this. There hasn't been another player in his mold in any of the Seasons I've been involved with (I am kinda hoping Jimmy J will be similar, and what a honest-to-goodness pairing that would be if they get drawn to each other). In the online community of Survivor fans, everyone wants to be a schemer. Jake does not. But if it's totally necessary, Jake will do it. Then feel all torn up about it ;__; At least that's how it worked out on the love tribe that was Helios. I don't think he'll find that same problem here - there will be no shortage of big abrasive characters and Jake will want these people to be the targets. Where I see the conflict for Jake this Season, is between what he thinks is best for the tribe, and what the tribe thinks is best for the tribe. Harking back to his kneejerk throwaway vote on Helen for a comment she made at TC (which he earnestly apologised for later) - I can see that happening again once he has to deal with the likes of Tyrone & Holly for starters. And a stray-voting emotionally-driven player is not much use to an alliance that needs their numbers to be solid.

    However, Jake also has the potential to make the most honest and open connections with players in the game - so long as they can suspend their disbelief that some can be a Survivor player and still genuinely this nice. Enough of those legit connections dotted around and he can get quite far in the game. I'd love to see him make Jury, but even if he does no-one will let him within sniffing distance of endgame, not even his allies. Regardless if he leaves early or later, Jake's thought processes and wrestling with his decisions is gonna be one of the highlights of the Season for sure.

    Prediction: This is another toin coss between quite early, or quite late. As I'm writing these all up I'm starting to think the Vets are gonna do better than the noobs as a whole, and Jake will be carried along with this wave - be somewhere towards end-game but not quite. Let's say 8th place before someone decides he needs to be expendable now, before he's more dangerous later.


    Season 15: Greece
    Placement: 15th/16

    It's been mentioned a few times elsewhere but it's worth re-iterating that we all get the feeling Ken is going to be *the* most improved player in the game. His first time round and two brief rounds are pretty much not worth going on for a character assessment so different he is now. What is worth remembering is how eager he was to learn in LL and how much of a sponge he was for any pointers. In fact he won his first game two games later. I take full credit icon_laughing I can add to that a little having seen him recently enough in a game. In that he seems to have evolved into a very social player, but kept his good-hearted nature. When I saw him he very easily connected with everyone, yet at the same time was wise enough to keep his head down a little, and make sure his alliance always had one or two bigger targets in. He was operating on a very shrewd ABM strategy, while maintaining a loyal to the death reputation. iirc, he eventually fell victim to his own lack of challenge skills as the eventual winner opted to head for F2 with a pair of goats. So he's grown into a shrewd strategist, but still far from perfect. I will say that game had a much easier cast to get past than he will face here, so he won't have it so easy.

    Prediction: A solid number in some alliance should get him at least halfway through the game. And he could potentially go all the way to F3 given the right choice of allies. I'm gonna say endgame, taken out as one of the later Jurors.


    Season 15: Greece
    Placement: 8th/16

    I think we've hyped Ted up too much :/

    Don't get me wrong, he will be good. He will probably be a little crazy and villainous too, but there's gonna be times you are wondering what the hell we see in him. For all the praise in the app thread don't forget for long periods of Greece we just didn't 'get' Ted. Coming into this with three other Aussies, plus two season & once tribe-mates in Ken & Jake will likely keep Ted quiet for the beginning of the game. Add to that he has a big reputation to deflect, and he could get targeted early for it. However, he's also pretty damn good in the challenges, one of the most consistent performers and any tribe will want that with so many not quite so good competitors around.

    Prediction: I think he's probably gonna suffer a similar fate here again. And as the game shifts to individual and that challenge prowess becomes a threat versus a tribal-bonus he will get cut sooner rather than later. Let's say within three rounds of merge.


    Season 14: Malaysia
    Placement: 8th/20

    First off Chase is more than capable as a player, his high point like I said is knowing when to, and being willing to make big moves when they're needed for his own game. Let's not forget before all that tribal fallout happened, me and Chase were very central to that tribe together for a short while, and if not for him trying to keep the idol from me, and Nay's message screw up, he'd never have been scapegoated and would have been very well set-up. Then he mutinies to the other tribe and once again gets into a golden position till PG screws him with her idol gamble. That's twice in a single position he was in great positions only to have things no-one could control change his game. And Chase could simply not ask for a better set up here.

    First off he's got three Aussie players around him. His rep over at the Aussie community is one of a solid player but not overtly threatening, and he is looked at as the most dependable and fair host of all, extremely respected by all, but I wager both Brook and Ted will believe they can take him to the end and beat him (spoiler, they can't :P ). If that Aussie foursome gets together, he will be the link that bridges them too. He was tight with Fabio in Malaysia, and the one other game I saw him in, he was tight with now Russell. He has pre-built allies coming out the yin-yang.

    Another thing to point out here is how Malaysia was a very similar set-up to this game, only this time Chase is on the Vet's side of things. And he worked that partnership better than anyone last time round and I fully expect to see it again. He will be super social and likeable and the noobs will love him too - and again he doesn't come with the baggage of being too big a name for any of them to feel overly threatened by him

    Prediction: I am expecting big things from Chase here and honestly, I'll be a little disappointed if he doesn't do well. Winner. icon_surprised


    Season 14: Malaysia
    Placement: 6th/20

    I fully expect Fabio to do well here too. There was a point where he popped up in every game together, and is still the person I've played in the same games as the most (7 I think?) so I know his game quite well, & I'd be surprised to see anything other than his typical solid UTR friendly game, but I do have a slight worry about his commitment with regards to rustiness. To my knowledge he's not played anything for a few months now and I have to wonder why not? Outside of that being an issue, Fabio should not get into any kind of trouble for a long time. I'm thinking if he can figure out a way to get to F5 with two noobs and two vets, the vets will be forced to take him to the end, while he'll be the most friendly and the least threatening of those Vets so the noobs will be forced to need to bring him too - and that's just the sort of game Fabio likes to play. there'll be times during the game when you'll wonder if he's doing anything, but he's always doing something ;)


    My Fabs <3

    Prediction: Finalist - but finds it hard to earn the same respect for an well crafted UTR game as someone's more front-and-center game.


    Season 13: Cambodia
    Placement: 9th/16

    I am astounded that TMN has never won a game. Not just that, but he never gets mentioned in the great-players-who-have-never-won-a-game bracket either. There is something not right there, and I'd go make an indignant post about it right now if the cast wasn't still under wraps. It will have to wait until tomorrow icon_ha If I had to guess, I'd say it is because he usually falls a little short in the challenges, he'll get far enough, be socially threatening and strategically pretty decent, but his challenges seem to let him down when he needs them most.

    What else do I know about Russell - he works better as part of a duo than carving his own path, but of course he'll need the right ally here. Again, I can't get past Chase as the man for the job, especially if they can rekindle the Kelso/Sunny relationship from before. I have a little worry that he might suffer the Russell effect - people will target him for the rep. It should be less accentuated since he is open-ID. He'll probably get a little boost in fact for being open-ID - at least to the people that know him, although there's not that many of those in this cast.

    Prediction: Finalist #3 :o He could even finally win, but for the purposes of this, I will stick with Chase beating he & Fabio out at the end.


    Season icon_mystery
    Placement: icon_mystery

    MikeyB or Erica?

    It doesn't matter, I know nothing about either so I'll say old-schooler who finds it hard to keep up with the modern crowd of players. Keeps up for a few rounds but becomes one of the earlier Vet boots.

    Re: Brenda's Bits 'n' Bobs

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:14:10 pm

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    I'll probably have a second tilt at this once we know the tribal breakdown and the partnerships, but going on those write-ups, boot order will run a little along the lines of;

    20. Jimmy T
    19. Tyrone
    18. John
    17. MikeyB/Erica
    16. Jill
    15. Jane
    14. Marty
    13. Jolanda

    12. Dan
    11. Yve
    10. HoHo
    9. Ted
    8. Jake
    7. Ken
    6. Brook
    5. Jimmy J
    4. WendyJo

    ~2. Russell
    ~2. Fabio
    1. Chase

    Re: Brenda's Bits 'n' Bobs

    Postby Kim Mullen » Wed Jan 16, 2013 10:05:35 pm

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    Ugh at me just now seeing this : /

    ~I~ wanted to be the first one to predict Chase's win
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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Why isn't this thing called "Brenda's Lowe-down"?

    Disappointed. icon_weep

    Re: Brenda's Bits 'n' Bobs

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:27:27 pm

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    OMG icon_lol

    Brenda's Bits 'n' Bobs is traditional, but that is damn tempting for a new tradition.
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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Brenda Lowe wrote:OMG icon_lol

    Brenda's Bits 'n' Bobs is traditional, but that is damn tempting for a new tradition.


    Re: Brenda's Lowe-Down

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:24:30 pm

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    Well, we're off!

    I do hope Dan isn't gonna keep this mafia thingie up for long icon_unsure

    Re: Brenda's Lowe-Down

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:26:49 pm

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    Brenda Lowe wrote:Well, we're off!

    I do hope Dan isn't gonna keep this mafia thingie up for long icon_unsure

    Yea... um... WTF is that all about. icon_wacko Dan was my favo too.

    Re: Brenda's Lowe-Down

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:02:10 pm

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    I already hate 'Corrupt-a-Wish' more than hangman. icon_rolleyes

    Re: Brenda's Lowe-Down

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:23:47 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Chad Crittenden wrote:
    Brenda Lowe wrote:Well, we're off!

    I do hope Dan isn't gonna keep this mafia thingie up for long icon_unsure

    Yea... um... WTF is that all about. icon_wacko Dan was my favo too.

    Schticks just don't seem right in Stranded. At least not the ones I'm seeing so far. I don't think anyone even had a ridiculous one in Costa Rica?

    Re: Brenda's Lowe-Down

    Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:56:18 pm

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    Mia Galeotalanza wrote:
    Chad Crittenden wrote:
    Brenda Lowe wrote:Well, we're off!

    I do hope Dan isn't gonna keep this mafia thingie up for long icon_unsure

    Yea... um... WTF is that all about. icon_wacko Dan was my favo too.

    Schticks just don't seem right in Stranded. At least not the ones I'm seeing so far. I don't think anyone even had a ridiculous one in Costa Rica?

    I agree, the characters become your personality, not the other way around. Russell and Dan dropped to my least favorite, hopefully they lose the shit ASAP. icon_yawn

    In other news... Erica is my favorite.

    Re: Brenda's Lowe-Down

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:59:53 pm

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    Well, just a few hours in the Vets are already settling into very a predictable pattern based on past bonds and out of game shit - and they're not even all here yet icon_uhoh

    The nooblet tribe is wide open though, not that much love for each other except for a one-sided Dan to Jill thing, and sooo much hate for each other - best bit, it's not all directed at any one or two people, it's all over the place D:

    This pre-shuffle on Sunday will hopefully snap the Vets out of that funk and spread a little infectious crazyness from the noobs to them hopefully.

    Brenda out (this time for reals)

    Re: Brenda's Lowe-Down

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:13:44 pm

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    OfflineChad Crittenden
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    Brenda Lowe wrote:I already hate 'Corrupt-a-Wish' more than hangman. icon_rolleyes

    I cannot describe in words how much I FUCKING DESPISE FORUM GAMES. It really makes me have feelings of violence. I do not find them fun or entertaining. I hated the fact that I had to pretend to like forum games while playing the game. It's just unbearably horrible. Does anyone actually find that shit "fun"?

    Re: Brenda's Lowe-Down

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:14:46 pm

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    OfflineChad Crittenden
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    Mia Galeotalanza wrote:
    Chad Crittenden wrote:
    Brenda Lowe wrote:Well, we're off!

    I do hope Dan isn't gonna keep this mafia thingie up for long icon_unsure

    Yea... um... WTF is that all about. icon_wacko Dan was my favo too.

    Schticks just don't seem right in Stranded. At least not the ones I'm seeing so far. I don't think anyone even had a ridiculous one in Costa Rica?

    If anyone did a "schtick" in CR I would have immediately hated them and wanted them out. We were all just normal people playing as ourselves.

    Re: Brenda's Lowe-Down

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:19:02 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Chad Crittenden wrote:e did a "schtick" in CR I would have immediately hated them and wanted them out. We were all just normal people playing as ourselves.

    My first game after Stranded was FILLED with ridiculous OTT schticks, and then I actually didn't even know what a schtick was, so I ended up unkowingly creating a schtick-hating schtick. It was an embarrassing experience.

    Re: Brenda's Lowe-Down

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:05:54 am

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    You should know, someone floated a nomination for best schtick and best villain for that in the orgies :o

    In other news, fucking hell! Pushing 700 PMs already across the two boards icon_chaos Good thing I've got an 8 hour flight to spend :P *opens all in tabs*

    Re: Brenda's Lowe-Down

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:00:19 pm

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    First one of the Season icon_laughing

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