Tyrone wrote:I like nearly everyone on my tribe. I like HoHo, Dan and Jill the most but Jane, she creep the hell out of me.

Tyrone wrote:I like nearly everyone on my tribe. I like HoHo, Dan and Jill the most but Jane, she creep the hell out of me.
Jeff Probst wrote:Are you going to continue the accent throughout the game? Do you think that that will hurt or help your chamces
I doubt it, Marty. Feel free to call me Jimmy. Or James. I don't actually care either way.
One rule of talking to me. I don't know who the fuck you are. Where the fuck you're from. Why the fuck you're here. But you can be fucking sure I'll be straight with you, and you better be fucking straight with me. Am I clear?
People this age. Nobody fuckin' READS anymore, if they did, they'd understand basic fuckin rules of grammar.
And no. You cannot be my 'new best friend'. That requires me being here to make fuckin' friends. You can be a pal. A buddy. An acquaintance. Not a fuckin 'new best friend'. What kinda bullshit is that? Basic thing about bluntness - be fuckin' straight with people. Don't. Sugarcoat. ANYTHING. For ANY reason. It's not fuckin' necessary and nobody fuckin' wants it.
Chad Crittenden wrote:I really don't get what Jimmy J is trying to accomplish. I mean I could maybe understand if he was trying to play in character. But he doesn't even know who Jimmy Johnson is. So this is just what he does? I'm so glad we didn't have people like this on our season. It would have driven me nuts. The closest I can think of was Caryn, but at least she was funny and didn't just say fuck every other word thinking she was tough or something. I really don't understand this schtick at all.
Jimmy J to MartyI doubt it, Marty. Feel free to call me Jimmy. Or James. I don't actually care either way.
One rule of talking to me. I don't know who the fuck you are. Where the fuck you're from. Why the fuck you're here. But you can be fucking sure I'll be straight with you, and you better be fucking straight with me. Am I clear?
Jimmy J to YvePeople this age. Nobody fuckin' READS anymore, if they did, they'd understand basic fuckin rules of grammar.
And no. You cannot be my 'new best friend'. That requires me being here to make fuckin' friends. You can be a pal. A buddy. An acquaintance. Not a fuckin 'new best friend'. What kinda bullshit is that? Basic thing about bluntness - be fuckin' straight with people. Don't. Sugarcoat. ANYTHING. For ANY reason. It's not fuckin' necessary and nobody fuckin' wants it.
And wasn't this the guy who on his app said he played in ORGs to meet new people and make friends? He's not doing it right.
What's interesting is no one has seemed to comment on him to each other yet. I will keep looking.
Mia Galeotalanza wrote:How many of us were actually new to gaming in Costa Rica?
This season just seems chocked full of season players, which gives it a completely different feel. Even it being my first game, I could tell that CR was filled with people that had done it before and people that hadn't. This just feels like everyone is going all out and trying to schtick it to us, which is honestly a little less fun. Hopefully that fades away soon once people have to really start strategizing.
Brenda Lowe wrote:I'm scratching my head at JJ myself. This is not him at all. It's not quite a schtick per se, more he's trying a different approach to the game - coming from a defeatist angle and seeing how well he can do with it if you follow? Trouble is, I'd like to see his genuine thoughts in his confessional, but I know when he's played into character before he goes all the way and does confessionals in persona too :/ If he's insisting on playing this way, I'd much rather he explain himself in private. I'm gonna see if I can coax that out of him to at least fill us in on his approach, without affecting his game.
Chad Crittenden wrote:Brenda Lowe wrote:I'm scratching my head at JJ myself. This is not him at all. It's not quite a schtick per se, more he's trying a different approach to the game - coming from a defeatist angle and seeing how well he can do with it if you follow? Trouble is, I'd like to see his genuine thoughts in his confessional, but I know when he's played into character before he goes all the way and does confessionals in persona too :/ If he's insisting on playing this way, I'd much rather he explain himself in private. I'm gonna see if I can coax that out of him to at least fill us in on his approach, without affecting his game.
I just can't imagine if I got a PM like that from someone that I would be all like "ZOMG I want to work with Jimmy J".It's interesting. Hopefully he'll explain in his confessional what his approach really is and how he thinks this will further him in the game.
I have no idea though, i tried talking to Jol about alliances and she wanted her, me, you, jake and Ken but no one else is talking about them even when i try to bring up the subject
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