So, uh... if Dan doesn't resurface, do we really let them take an inactive to the end (if they'd so choose to)? As it stands now, Jake/Yve would probably still take Tyrone, eh?
I know this is still far too early, but is there a designated length for "acceptable absence" before taking action at this late point in the game.
twould seem he was playing in the Sims, and made the F3 which was a spam once per minute challenge, which was then re-done for another day, and then made the FTC. So perhaps he was just prioritising that over this?
Carl Bilancione wrote:Jill's smackdown of the babies in Ponderosa was amazing.
Yea, if you're going to do VFTW you have to at least be as entertaining as India was, and no one could possibly top India because that was the creme de la creme of online gaming... god damnit I wish those forums hadnt been erased
She is eloquent enough to do it too. But I'm not so sure it's a lock yet, this Jury is at each other's throats and we could see some bitter voters once TC kicks off and there are some reveals.
I love how the jury STILL believes all the lies she was spewing even now. When she sent you an apology message five seconds before PMs were turned off about how she was sorry she was voting you out and that it was actually someone else's fault entirely... how do you STILL not realize that she was just blowing smoke up your ass.
It's hard to comment along with FTC when Yve pretty much has this on lock. She is coming across a little desperate though, and maybe her having to keep all her stories straight at once might see a few votes shift Ken's direction.
Jake not being here is gonna cement his chances even with the extended TC. While the jurors are all reading and chatting they are flexibly minded, if they are reading it alone later their minds are pretty much made up by then and it's much harder to change their plan :/
I think right now 6-3 to Yve over Ken, possibly 6-2-1.