Holly wrote:Yve - I'd told you a number of times you were one of the most fun people to talk to. But nothing of it, initiated by you, gave me any sense of you having a "game brain". Its all well and good to be a great person to talk to but when it comes to winning a game and really showing you did something to make things happen, I saw nothing from you. In fact, I barely ever saw you. You said yourself you were worried about your activity, do you think it will become an influence here tonight and that it was a reason you got dragged as far as you did? How can I justify voting for someone who seemingly wasn't in the game to win said game?
I'm sorry you feel that way, Holly. But thank you for saying I was fun to talk to, most of my favorite conversations were between you and I. I'm sure you remember all of the strategies we utilized when we were BOTH in a position of power back on Atacama. You and I worked hard to make sure we were in control of the votes. I don't know how loyal you were to me, but you were my #1 at that point. Completely. At the merge I went to you, and something was different. You were holding something back from me, and you weren't going to let me in completely. Yet. Ted and Chase were going to be the first two boots, and I decided that instead of letting that defeat me, I would take advantage of the two rounds where I was safe. My activity level was completely strategic. I never missed a challenge once in this game, and I never missed a vote, either. If I had spoken up even once, and actually targeted someone who wasn't Ted/Chase, I was risking my game and I would have lost the trust of everyone. So, I decided to stay quiet. Very quiet. When you and Jolanda approached me about a final four with Russell, my game finally started to look up. So, I began PMing everyone a lot more. I felt safer, and I was really happy that you were actually letting me in on an alliance with you! If Russell hadn't flipped on us, I guarantee that I would have been just as PM-active as I became after You/Jill were booted. I just never felt safe before, so I needed to stay quiet to stay alive. Especially when the reasons for booting people from my diminishing tribe were because of their 'social' games, or 'challenge' skills.
Holly wrote:You won the final immunity, albeit a time slower than what most of the jurors could have achieved, and you only just beat me when I gave you all an half hour head start. It really was a case of the best of a bad bunch when it came to that. You found an idol and played it uselessly. If you want to play an idol, play it on someone it will work on. If you wanted to show you found an idol, keep it in your possession and bring it out at a better time, like this FTC for instance, keep it hidden and say "Hey, I had the final idol" and look for a bit of support through that. That, to me, made no sense, particularly when it was obvious who was getting votes.
I admit, I'm not the best person at challenges. But to be fair, according to the time-stamp of the challenge, I completed it in a half hour(9:01-9:31). I might be mistaken on that, so don't hold it against me if I'm a little off. I was lucky to be against people that couldn't make it past the third lock in the time it took me to complete the whole challenge. I'll admit that in the back of my mind, I knew that booting Jolanda, Dan and Russell would make the challenges a lot easier for me. I did win a challenge, too. Final six, with Jolanda/Dan/Tyrone/Jake/Ken all participating. Granted, the final part of the challenge was tailored for me, but I won fair-and-square.
I played the idol to save myself, I don't think that's useless. Removing Jill from the game gave me an opportunity to move to the position I'm in right now, so I don't think it was wasted, either. The final five idol didn't need to be used, I know. But I knew that Dan/Tyrone would definitely go to Ken to remove me from the game. Using the idol on Ken was more of a guilt-trip to not vote for me at the final five than anything else. Jeff actually called me out on that in the next TC. The second idol wasn't about keeping anyone safe, it was about assuring Ken's vote in the final five. Most of this happened after you left, so I can understand why you wouldn't know all of it. I held my cards close to me most of the time.
Holly wrote:Right now, my vote is completely undecided so this next task is going to be an interesting one. Throughout this FTC, I've been compiling a table of points on the three of you with 6 columns: For Jake, For Ken, For Yve, Against Jake, Against Ken, Against Yve. I want you to rank these columns as to which will have the most to least points by the end of tonight (up to and including your final statements so you may want to keep this in mind). You will get 1 point for each one ranked correctly and will lose a point for each place that is off. (So for example if the one you guess as the most is actually the least, you lose 5 points) and whoever has the least negative points (because let's face it, I don't expect any of you to get things right now) by the end of it will be a greater chance at my vote. In the event two columns have the same amount, I will accept answers for both positions the tie would cover (e.g. if two tied for first, I would accept if one was picked as 2nd). I can't guarantee it but it will factor in a lot in my final decision, christ, its not like I have many other reasons to legitimately vote for any of you.
That's actually a pretty amazing system. I'm just going to be optimistic about it, because I feel like you like me as much as I like you.
For Yve
For Ken
For Jake
Against Jake
Against Ken
Against Yve