Stranded in Costa Rica

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:33:51 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Season 17: Stranded in Costa Rica




    18th Jeff (Suppis)
    17th Julie (oohitsryan)
    16th Wanda (DangerouslyDry)
    15th Dolly (Aluminium)
    14th John (tynand/xgjio)
    13th Brook (The Doctor)



    12th Caryn (TheOneSurvivor)
    11th Chris (Justin)
    10th Jolanda (ChuckietheDuckie)
    9th Gregg (Gnarls)
    8th Mia (Vocal Fry)
    7th Chad (nic2200)
    6th Ibrehem (jayjayblue)
    5th Ami (Brightside)
    4th Tom (Taterman)



    ~2nd Booby Jon - 2 Vote (Dirty Andrea)
    ~2nd Lisa - 2 Vote (SpankyHotDog)



    Kim - 5 Votes (SeveC)



    Re: Stranded in Costa Rica

    Postby Lurker Penny » Sun Jan 13, 2013 6:14:45 pm

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    OfflineLurker Penny
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    Gj on copying over what Yog put on ORGY.
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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Lurker Penny wrote:Gj on copying over what Yog put on ORGY.

    I don't need your sass, bitch. ;)

    Re: Stranded in Costa Rica

    Postby Lurker Penny » Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:22:48 pm

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    OfflineLurker Penny
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    Get used to it.

    Re: Stranded in Costa Rica

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:34:34 pm

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    I knew you two would be bffs.
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    OfflineLurker King Rudy
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    Rounds 12 and on looks super intense... yikes!
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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Lurker King Rudy wrote:Rounds 12 and on looks super intense... yikes!

    The whole merge was intense. The ONLY predictable boot was Gregg.
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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Here's a brief summary:

    Episode 1: Guatuso wins immunity after several hours in the puzzle challenge, but only because Gregg was colorblind and couldn't put the puzzle together. Chorotega ALMOST had a comeback, but couldn't pull it out. Jeff was voted out first because of timezone issues.

    Episode 2: The immunity challenge was Hot Tamale. Guatuso quickly falls behind, but makes a comeback, only to lose at the hands of Jolanda, who will be forever known as a Hot Tamale beast. Julie is voted out due to inactivity.

    Episode 3: The tribes rank each other in several categories, and then the two tribe leaders, Tom and John, pick new tribes. At the next immunity challenge, NuChorotega slaughters NuGuatuso under the lead of Chris in the mastermind challenge, and Wanda is voted out, giving former Guatuso members John, Chad, Brook, and Dolly, the edge over Jolanda, Iberehem, and Gregg.

    Episode 4: Chorotega once again wins in a word unscrambling puzzle. John/Chad post a public fight with Jolanda/Ibe about how Jolanda/Ibe will be next to go, but in the end, Dolly is voted out due to inactivity.

    Episode 5: Chorotega once again wins immunity in the number counting challenge, despite facing a huge disadvantage due to idol clue-taking penalties and a slow start. The game's first power shift takes place when Brook flips on his ally John to vote him out.

    Episode 6: Chorotega is granted immunity when Chad took the option of receiving individual immunity in order to send his own tribe to tribal council. The original Chorotega members, Jolanda/Ibe/Gregg remain together and are forced to vote out their new ally Brook due to Chad being immune.

    Episode 7: The two tribes are split up again. Both tribe leaders (Jolanda now leads NuGuatuso) are forced to send half of their tribe members to the opposing tribe. For NuChorotega, Tom sends 4 of his 8 members, Chris/Lisa/Kim/Caryn over to Guatuso, where Jolanda sends Chad and Gregg over to Guatuso. Mia, Ami, Tom, and Bobby Jon make up NuNuChorotega and Jolanda, Ibe, Lisa, Caryn, Chris, and Kim make up NuNuGuatuso. Both tribes have 6 members each. The two tribes then compete in The Box challenge, where they must remain secluded with each other until they opt to drop out and move to the merged tribe. NuNuChorotega wins, giving immunity to Mia, Tom, Ami, Bobby Jon, Chad, and Gregg. The merged tribe, Terrabas, almost unanimously votes Caryn out as the first member of the jury.

    Episode 8: Here's where things get fun. Kim wins immunity in the "guess your tribemate's number" game. Chad plays his idol at tribal council, but it turns out that he doesn't need it. Chris is voted out over Jolanda by 2 votes, blindsiding Mia/Ami/Lisa/Chris because Tom flipped on them to get the wishy-washy and paranoid Chris out of the game.

    Episode 9: Mia wins the photo bidding/posting immunity challenge. At the next tribal, Jolanda & co are blindsided when Tom/Kim flip back to Mia/Ami/Lisa/Chad to vote out Jolanda. Bobby Jon makes a suspicious and shady vote for some weird reason that I don't care about.

    Episode 10: The tribes are surveyed and answer questions regarding game performance, and then compete in a challenge to guess the most popular answer. Ibe wins against Chad and Mia in a tiebreaker. Gregg is voted out almost unanimously with Mia receiving 2 votes.

    Episode 11: Ibe wins his second immunity in a row in the scavenger hunt challenge. Mia beings to get paranoid about being voted out and announces that she has the idol in public and that she plans to play it at the next tribal. Ami/Mia/Lisa vote for Bobby Jon while Chad, Tom, and Kim flip to work with Ibe and Bobby Jon to vote out Mia. The 5 called Mia's bluff and voted for her, and when Mia decided not to play her idol, she was voted out.

    Episode 12: Ibe wins his third immunity in a row. The tribe finally decides that Bobby Jon's shady ways merits his being voted out when Tom and Kim flip to work with Ami/Lisa/Chad again, but in the end, Bobby Jon and Ibe's 2 votes send Chad home when Bobby Jon miraculously finds the newly hidden idol (that Mia made) and plays it.

    Episode 13: Bobby Jon wins immunity. With Chad gone, Kim decides to flip and work with Bobby Jon and Ibe to target Ami. Ami, Lisa, and Tom remain tight and vote for Kim. The vote is deadlocked, and when nobody decides to change their vote, the vote goes to rocks for the first time in Stranded history. Bobby Jon is immune, and because Kim and Ami both received votes, they are also safe. Tom and Lisa overcome the 2/3 odds when Ibe draws the purple rock and is sent home.

    Episode 14: Kim wins immunity by posting the most times, once per minute. The vote is set to be Bobby Jon going home, as Ami, Lisa, and Tom remain tight, but Bobby Jon once again plays an idol to save himself and send home Ami with two votes.

    Episode 15: Bobby Jon wins the final immunity lockbox challenge. The two opposing factions remain in tact. Lisa and Tom target Kim while Bobby Jon (who is now known as Booby Jaundice at this point in the game) vote for Tom. Kim and Tom compete in a tiebreaker challenge, and Kim comes out victorious. Tom becomes the final member of the jury.

    Final Tribal: Lisa's gameplay is bashed by the jury for being under the radar and lacking of big moves. Booby Jaundice's game is docked on account of his extremely shady play and the fact that he needed 2 idols to save himself. Kim's game is bashed for her hiding in the shadows for a majority of the game and not making big moves until closer to the end.

    In the end, Bobby Jon and Lisa each receive one vote from from Ibe and Gregg, respectively, while the rest of the jury ultimately respects Kim's expertise in remaining hidden in the middle until the right time to make a big move and take control of the game.

    In other words, and amazing fucking season. <3

    Re: Stranded in Costa Rica

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Sun Jan 13, 2013 9:50:24 pm

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    Mia- I only read your first point so far. Something funny.... Greg wasn't colorblind.... he was DRUNK and didn't give a fuck about doing the challenge. I read that after the show was over. Greg (Gnarls) was freaking awesome, but I hated him so much I couldn't see it at the time.

    Re: Stranded in Costa Rica

    Postby Helen Glover » Sun Jan 13, 2013 10:04:43 pm

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    OfflineHelen Glover
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    And the tl;dr version of Mia's post is:

    Costa Rica merge =
    Four blindsides +
    One idol +
    One purple rock +
    Another idol +
    A tie-breaker challenge

    Biggest. Clusterfuck. Ever.

    Re: Stranded in Costa Rica

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Sun Jan 13, 2013 10:11:09 pm

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    I think Rudy was just talking about the intensity of the merge avatars :D

    Carry on :P

    Re: Stranded in Costa Rica

    Postby Lurker Caryn » Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:05:58 pm

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    OfflineLurker Caryn
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    Actually I also voted for BJ, but I now see why Kim should have won.

    Re: Stranded in Costa Rica

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:37:45 pm

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    You see it now but not in the Jury Haus when we were all talking about it? :-P

    Re: Stranded in Costa Rica

    Postby Lurker Caryn » Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:08:33 pm

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    Don't judge me, I was probably Bitter and Half-Drunk.

    Re: Stranded in Costa Rica

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:31:22 pm

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    OfflineBrenda Lowe
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    Same <3
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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Caryn <3

    And I could never ORG drunk... I would make such poor decisions and then I would hate myself.

    Re: Stranded in Costa Rica

    Postby Lurker Tom » Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:51:18 pm

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    Mia Galeotalanza wrote:Caryn <3

    And I could never ORG drunk... I would make such poor decisions and then I would hate myself.

    I can attest to this. It happens. :lol:

    Ugh, the old laughing emote was so much better :cry:

    Re: Stranded in Costa Rica

    Postby Lurker Penny » Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:43:59 am

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    OfflineLurker Penny
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    I still think we had 5 or 6 straight blindsides in a row in Greece including Ted being voted out with an idol, Christy idoling Erin and Rob voting himself out.

    Re: Stranded in Costa Rica

    Postby Helen Glover » Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:01:53 am

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    OfflineHelen Glover
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    Mia Galeotalanza wrote:And I could never ORG drunk... I would make such poor decisions and then I would hate myself.

    Talk to Whorelina about her FTC breakdown. Complete with rampant typos and all.

    Lurker Penny wrote:I still think we had 5 or 6 straight blindsides in a row in Greece

    Yup, the entire Greece run from F10 to F6 were blindsides.

    Helios taking out Shawna with Ted/Daniel's help.
    Asteria taking out Daniel with my/Brian/Ted's help.
    Helios taking out Ted with his idol in his pocket.
    Asteria taking out Erin, with Christy idol protected.
    Helios taking out Rob with Rob 3-2-1ing himself.

    Costa Rica definitely had more unpredictability though, for the sheer fact that the merge lasted two rounds longer, and F5/F4 weren't totally set in stone.

    Re: Stranded in Costa Rica

    Postby Lurker Ibrehem » Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:00:21 am

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    OfflineLurker Ibrehem
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    I would have been fine with Kim or BJ winning, I still <3 both.

    But, someone had to give the bitter b*tch-out jury speech to the now-winner :P
    And Kim knocked my question out of the park <3
    I think it wasss...Ami(?) that said Kim's answer to my question was what made up her mind?
    It was pretty obvious Kim was going to win, but, had I not voted for BJ to win the final vote would have been 6-2-1 and, ehh Lisa > BJ didn't sound right :P

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