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OfflineLurker Caryn
Posts: 275
Joined: Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:16:30 am
You just got OWNED by JJ

"Oh, do go on, Mia. Ask. Let's see you try to make fireworks fuckin' fly. Because by all forces on earth and above and below, you ain't gonna getcha wish."
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OfflineLurker Ibrehem
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I can't even begin to imagine how much you must hate him, Mia. icon_lol
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OfflineAmi Cusack
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I think there's only one person in this game that Mia truly hates and it's not JJ icon_laughing
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OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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Ami Cusack wrote:I think there's only one person in this game that Mia truly hates and it's not JJ icon_laughing

It's definitely not Jimmy J.

Jimmy is like whatever for me. icon_rolleyes He's just a buffoon, and until he starts playing smart, I won't give two shits. That, and he's on boring shit-brown Atacama.

For those of you that care, I fucking HATE Wendy Jo. What a bitch.
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OfflineLurker Caryn
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Joined: Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:16:30 am
THIS is why we need to see confessionals!!! We don't know what everyone's real game is....

I'm about to start a petition.
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OfflineLurker Tom
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Lurker Caryn wrote:THIS is why we need to see confessionals!!! We don't know what everyone's real game is....

I'm about to start a petition.

Seriously. All this drama going on... Chad hates John, Mia hates Wendy Jo all the hosts liked Brook.... and we know the deets for none of it.
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Offlinelurker ryan
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Ami Cusack wrote:I think there's only one person in this game that Mia truly hates and it's not JJ icon_laughing

Its whoever took that pic of her huh?
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Offlinelurker ryan
Posts: 289
Joined: Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:43:38 pm
Lurker Caryn wrote:THIS is why we need to see confessionals!!! We don't know what everyone's real game is....

I'm about to start a petition.


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