The Mia-lujah Chrous

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Mon Jan 14, 2013 2:43:03 pm

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Hell everyone! So first off, this is my first time blogging for a game, and I'm really excited to sit back and watch all the shit hit the fan all while not having to go through the stress of being right in the middle of the game when it's all happening. So I hope everyone goes crazy and makes this job fun.

    As a disclaimer, like I said, this is my first time blogging like this, so don't expect me to be very good at it. But you should, however, expect me to be pretty fucking mean and harsh sometimes, so i apologize ahead of time for that. I tend to get pretty emotional and I find that I'm easily polarized by people, so I guess that should make this interesting. I hope other hosts/bloggers can offer me feedback and whatnot, and I'm looking forward to another great season of Stranded!

    So welcome to The Mia-Lujah Chorus! icon_mml

    *drops buff*
    Last edited by Mia Galeotalanza on Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:06:29 am, edited 2 times in total.

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Mon Jan 14, 2013 3:41:53 pm

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    Dan: I'm so glad Savaii replaced the original Dan. Savaii and I played together in RRR, and he was one of my allies who got screwed early on. Unless he shakes things up a bit for this game, Dan will be loyal and will try to establish an alliance early. He'll have to be careful with who he includes and doesn't include early on, because it will get back to him one way or another. I'm honestly pretty pessimistic about his chances here, but I can't wait to see him give it a shot. The swap that takes place right off the bat will hurt him, because I see him making an alliance right from the get-go, and if he pisses someone off enough for not including them, he'll be toast. However, I think that Dan will be one of the most polarizing "nice" players we'll have in this game. Everyone will either eat it right up and appreciate him, or they'll be automatically turned off.

    Holly: I'm not good in the aspect of the history of some of these players (regarding the Aussie drama?), but Holly seems like she has a lot of baggage and motivation to win. I bet we'll get a lot from her whether she gets on the right side of the numbers or not, and I can see the cutthroat personality being a source of a lot of tension. Regardless, Holly is DYING to play this game, and that will either push her to go really far or put people off and send her packing early.

    Jane: Jane really likes the hot blonds. Too bad she got Jane... She's going to be in for a rude awakening. Anyways, I think that Jane probably WILL have a gruff exterior and put a lot of people off, but like she said, she's going to be a lot more loyal than others might expect. My prediction is that this will get her in trouble, especially if she's not willing to turn on others that ARE willing to turn on her. Regardless, Jane wants to be a character, and I'm sure we'll see her deliver. I'm just not confident that she'll make it far.

    Jill: Jill will be an interesting one for me. First off, I probably shouldn't have read her bio, because now I know she's also playing in Australian Stranded: Cote d'Ivoire, which I was currently in (if anyone who is in it reads this, sorry I spoiled myself too.) Anyways, my inkling on who Jill is in Aussie Stranded leads me to this conclusion: watching Jill play is going to be extremely frustrating. Jill is going to be a good player, but she's also going to diffuse so much drama and excitement that it's painful to watch. People are going to gravitate towards Jill in the beginning, and then get super fucking annoyed with her later. I think that whatever alliance Jill ends up in, she will stick to it, but because of this, she won't win. My opinion of her is that she's incapable of recognizing when she should make bigger moves that she could easily pull off to help her game. Jill will probably do okay, but she won't win.

    JImmy J: Jimmy J is hard for me to gauge. I don't know anything about Draylen. On one hand I think he might struggle in the beginning, but on the other hand, he has experience and seems to know what he's doing. I think that this will largely depend on if his head is in the game or not. I also have to wonder if his lack of Survivor knowledge will hurt him? Probably not. I expect a quiet start from Jimmy J, and, if he survives long enough, maybe some flipping and big moves later on in the game.

    JImmy T: Jimmy T doesn't give a shit. He's going to be hard for people to talk to. He's going to be an awful communicator, and I'm sure that his posts will piss people off. Maybe he'll be lucky and make it far a la Gregg from Costa Rica. He just has to play his cards right and maybe get a little bit lucky. I don't think he'll be the first boot because I think the Fans & Favs mixup twist will help him stick around for a bit. I think that as it gets closer to the merge, people start looking for a target that they can easily take out to keep their alliance or tribe strong, and Jimmy T will probably fall victim to that.

    Marty: A true newbie! He totally reminds me of Chad. I really hope he does well, too. Marty is going to analyze the hell out of everything, and will probably struggle if or when he isn't in control. If he can keep cool and hide his inexperience, I can see him doing well. He seems like he might be a good confessionalist, too. He gets right to the point and doesn't bullshit around with nonsense like Jill probably will. I really hope he does well, but if he gets on the wrong side of the numbers (name the returners) he'll be toast, because I doubt anyone will want to keep him around. Hopefully we see something great, though.

    Tyrone: I'm going to anticipate Tyrone being an early boot. I don't know what else to say about him.

    Edit: Now that I know about the Fans & Favs twist, I actually think Tyrone could end up being dragged along for a little while, and maybe even make the merge. Tyrone isn't going to do much, but he's going to be a vote, and it will all depend on who WANTS his vote and if he ends up being a challenge liability. Other than that, he still might fall flat.

    Wendy Jo: I don't know a lot about Blueberry, but I do know enough to realize that Wendy Jo will be exciting to watch. I'm confident that she'll deliver, and you can't ignore all the experience she has. If she's dealt the right cards, she'll go very far and will probably know how to safely skate around obstacles and make an impressive showing.

    Yve: Yve is another experienced player who I'm sure will do well for herself, but her application just didn't stand out all that much to me. I'm probably just overlooking it, but I don't see myself getting excited by her early on. My guess is that we might see a middle of the road game, and then hopefully something big and dramatic later on.
    Last edited by Mia Galeotalanza on Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:58:23 am, edited 2 times in total.

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:57:17 am

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    OfflineMia Galeotalanza
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    Okay I've updated some of my assesments of the noobs, but there's not a lot to see. I'm bad at this... icon_sad

    Anyways, I'm going to try and get the returners in tonight or maybe tomorrow morning before the game starts. If not, nobody shoot me.

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:27:14 am

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    Mia Galeotalanza wrote:expect me to be pretty fucking mean and harsh sometimes

    I'm counting on this. I need a Taj dissing all the players to make me look nice in comparison here icon_laughing

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Chad Crittenden » Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:40:34 pm

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    You're not bad at it Mia. I liked reading yours after I wrote mine to see how we compared on our initial thoughts. I think we agreed on most people.

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:04:27 pm

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    Jolanda: I'm really excited to see Jolanda play in this, probably out of all the players returning. I think that Jolanda was unfairly targeted early on in Costa Rica because she was such a figurehead. It was easy for people to agree on booting her, and it resulted in a disappointing 10th place finish. That being said, though, she DID have pretty poor messaging skills when it came to those that weren't in her alliance (i.e. I maybe got like 2 messages from her during the merge? even Booby Jaundice and I talked more than that). I think that if she can work on that, she'll stand a decent chance. She's likable and charismatic enough to find herself in a good alliance early on. I also think that she might fare better if she can stumble into an alliance rather than seek one out. If she plays it calm at the beginning and works on being a better social player, I think she'll do pretty well. I'm going to predict that she'll make the merge, but maybe be an early to mid jury boot. Also, if I don't to see Jolanda compete in a Hot Tamale challenge, head are going to roll. icon_mad Probst, make it happen.

    Image Image
    I'm not going to put as much faith into the Brook/John storyline as everyone else. While both are deserving of their second chances spot in this game, this is definitely some stunt casting that I don't think will pay off as much as some of the other hosts. The Brook and John storyline in this season is going to come to head very early and will be resolved very early, much like it was in Costa Rica. Either they'll be at each other's throats and one will manage to get the other booted, or they'll put their differences aside and work together. Either way, both results are going to be kind of boring and disappointing compared to last season (and the Loser Lounge fight), so I just don't see this being as exciting. I recently played with both of them, and they were able to work together extremely well, but this is an open ID game, so that changes things a lot. Out of the two, John obviously is much weaker in challenges, but Brook is really frustrating to deal with and gets way too paranoid way too easy. They're both going to alienate people in different ways, and I don't think teaming up will help either of them out in this regard. I predict that they'll both be out before the merge.

    After this I'm afraid that my assessments of the returners are going to be a little bland, because I don't know very much about any of them. I'll toss in a few thoughts, though.

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jan 17, 2013 7:26:10 pm

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    Predicted Boot List:

    20. Tyrone
    19. John
    18. Jane
    17. Jimmy T
    16. Brook
    15. Erica
    14. Jimmy J
    13. Chase
    12. Holly
    11. Jill
    10. Jolanda
    9. Dan
    8. Russell
    7. Jake
    6. Yve
    5. WendyJo
    4. Ted
    2. Ken
    2. Fabio
    1. Marty

    This was all done completely random because I didn't feel like looking back through what assessments I completed to see my predictions. icon_biggrin I'll probably change things as we find out who is partnered with who, too.

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:39:51 pm

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    Erica icon_chaos

    She's going to be a star. Can't wait to see her progress. Only issue I have with her is that she's hating on Jolanda already. icon_evil

    And Jolanda has basically already decided to do just what I guessed she would need to do. Hope it works for her. icon_wub

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:30:15 pm

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    Jolanda to Ted:

    Let's Ulong them before the inevitable tribe swap :P

    icon_lol icon_lol

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:46:36 pm

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    Jimmy J is playing such a fucking horrible game right now. Like come on. He can't be THAT incompetent, can he?

    Yve wrote:Liking the theme so far? We must be pretty great to make it to the cast when they were only picking one tribe of people! It's nice to meet you.

    Jimmy J wrote:I don't know. I'll be honest with you, Yve - I know fuckall about any of the people who are supposed to be here, what my realtionship with them is supposed to be, whose a good guy, whose a bad guy, and to be hoenst, I don't care. The people who did this because they're fans of the show are going to all be terribly disappointed, I think, when I ask them to call me Jimmy or James, not Coach, because I'm not a coach of anything, but they'll live.


    I'm going to be perfectly frank with everyone. Not just you. Not just this tribe. EVERYONE. My opinions will be writ out in a nice, large, bold font so that anyone who wants to know what I think about something or someone can read it. Maybe this makes me a villian, maybe this makes me... what do you lot call it, Over The Top? Probaby with a negative or six in there, I don't give a shit. Be good to me, I'll be good to you. Try and fuck me over, and if I actually survive longer than my predecessor, well, we'll see what happens. That's my rule.

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:52:33 pm

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    idk.. it could, actually work?? I'd appreciate someone that brutally hones with me, but a lot of people wouldn't. Let's say he's pulling a Brandon icon_laughing

    Let's wait and see how people react.

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Kim Mullen » Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:58:15 pm

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    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Fri Jan 18, 2013 10:34:45 am

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    I'm not seeing the Jane love, but then again, I haven't spent too much time at Atacama.

    I'm hoping Marty takes off soon. He hasn't given us much yet, but the one confessional post he has has me lolling hard.

    Marty wrote:Relax your buttcheeks I got this.

    I'll answer the questions tomorrow cuz study.

    'Relax your buttcheeks' is definitely going to show up in my vocabulary later on.

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:13:55 am

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    I actually think Russell is inadvertently pulling a Brandon... ironically enough.

    His stupid schtick is turning everyone off, but that may be enough to disarm him. I mean he is playing as Russell so that might be a red flag for everyone to begin with, but by doing this stupid accent, he's really almost a non-threat. He's just annoying, which means everyone knows that everyone thinks he's annoying, which could really work to his advantage in an all-stars, oddly enough.

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:42:24 pm

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    At this point, I think that Jimmy J is doing a great job of setting himself up to be "the person that you can boot, but you don't want to yet." He's rubbing people the wrong way, but I honestly think people won't make him their top priority, especially once the swap happens. But like Chad said, I can't imagine that this is his strategy, especially because as far as he knows, he has at least a few rounds to survive on Atacama. The swap will be good for Jimmy J because he'll be a player that both sides will try to pull in to their majority.

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:55:20 pm

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    Erica is going to be a star this season, whether she makes it far or not. I really hope she gets a chance to do some crazy shit. And I think she has the PERFECT rep to do it with. Early/feisty female pre-merge boots seem to have so much room to work with, and I think she's killing it.

    Erica wrote:If theres a swap I'll flip immediately lol

    This is going to be exciting to watch icon_mml

    Jolanda, on the other hand, is a trainwreck. icon_cry Her new "strategy" of talking to everyone and slowly seeking out alliances just ins't working. Apparently she can only handle either messaging a few people with a lot of content or messaging a lot of people with short, boring messages. I almost think the first strategy is better, because at least in Costa Rica, she was able to get Ibe and Tom on here side for a while. I don't see her making it very far, even AFTER the swap.

    Brook wrote:John, Ted and Chase all seem on board for an alliance.

    Jake said he would be ok with the one i said before and this was Jolanda's reply to it

    Jolanda wrote:That would be pretty good, but I'd replace Ted with Erica. She seems pretty cool.

    This doesnt work for me, but unfortunately i cant tell Jolanda that because i need to know who she would like to target. Maybe if i could get Russell out first then i could keep all parties happy for at least one more round

    Jolanda wrote:Brook is asking for an alliance of him, me, Erica, Jake, and Ken. That sounds good to me for now :) But, I don't see us going to the end together, but I can't say I won't try.

    Jolanda is just so clueless, and it's painful to watch. icon_cry

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Helen Glover » Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:15:04 pm

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    Called it. Chick won't change.

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:11:57 pm

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    As amazing as Erica and Jimmy J are, they don't stand a fucking chance. Chase already figured out that they were partners, and with Jimmy's ridiculous post over at the Atacama camp, they're done for. But I'm hoping that Jimmy J goes down first, because after that, Erica will be less of a threat to the others when they know that one half of the pair is gone.

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Jan 19, 2013 5:50:47 pm

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    Mia Galeotalanza wrote:As amazing as Erica and Jimmy J are, they don't stand a fucking chance. Chase already figured out that they were partners, and with Jimmy's ridiculous post over at the Atacama camp, they're done for. But I'm hoping that Jimmy J goes down first, because after that, Erica will be less of a threat to the others when they know that one half of the pair is gone.

    I wouldn't worry about being known as a pair. I give it till TC#3 max before all pairs are public knowledge. Jimmy going down of his own doing, or them being too active in there, are a different story.

    Re: The Mia-lujah Chrous

    Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:28:10 pm

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    John wrote:Should we all work on different parts so perhaps different colors (shades of browns)?

    I don't see anyone finishing this within the hour.


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